Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Anyone hear about this “False Flag” attack that supposedly suppose to occur on Sunday in Seattle? Just heard about this for this first time yesterday. Pretty far fetched imo but lots of interesting posts and videos on reddit and YouTube.
Just bought some shrooms today. It’s going to be my first time taking them. Used to come in this thread often and hear how much of an enlightened experience it is. I smoked A LOT of weed but apparently this high is a totally different experience and not comparable. Want to know not only suggestions on how to take em but something I could possibly watch during the experience to take me to a more enlightened plane. Excited lol...
the high is completely different. what you can do is just eat them whole or drink it in a tea form. tea form is popular because It reduces nausea. not the shrooms itself that causes nausea but the fungi texture of the mushroom. boil water first, cut up the shrooms and dump a good amount in. your call. this way you can continue drinking and dosing yourself as you want instead of all at once eating whole(this is where microdosing comes from or at least one form). add honey if you want, sweetener whatevs.

as for something to watch honestly don't force anything. if you wanna watch King of the hill watch KOTH. you don't have to put on Cosmos or some big documentary. it'll come to you. just the environment matters. all alone in your house with your dogs is cathartic and blissful. everything taken care of and you'll be fine. don't do anything else before hand. like you don't wanna say i've done shrooms but the asterisk of henny and indica too. at least for me when I've done drugs first time around. one single substance for a single clean review afterwards

last time my brother saw and felt our dogs aura and it brought him peace. calling her pure:lol:. oh and just have water on deck. mouth gets dry
Anyone hear about this “False Flag” attack that supposedly suppose to occur on Sunday in Seattle? Just heard about this for this first time yesterday. Pretty far fetched imo but lots of interesting posts and videos on reddit and YouTube.

Can you post the vid/s?
Reading about the salvia experience Makes me smile .. I had one yeeeeears ago and still remember what happened. Very similar but mines involved breaking down the ether and seeing our world pixelated each piece of matter air , etc was connected like Lego blocks. No piece more important than the next. I traveled through it but didn't stay long enough to make out what was going on as the trip only last about a minute or 2...felt like forever honestly ..
Yesterday I did it. I took shrooms for the first time. I took them with my girl while she was making quesadillas. I had about 2 grams each in 2 bags. I grounded it up and put it in a nice green tea and waited until she was done cutting the onions and the chicken so she didn’t have to work with any knives and we both toasted and downed the tea. I was so eager to feel the high and become one with the universe and all the cliché things I’ve heard about shrooms and I just wasn’t feeling it. We ate and then curled up and started watching Family Matters. The 4th-6th season’s are some of the funniest humor you will ever see on TV. I slowly started to feel this weird calming feeling come over me. My girl started seeing rainbows on the ceiling and both of our stomachs started feeling queasy/jumping like we were were going down a hill or roller coaster. That’s when I knew we were about to get hit with the Mac Truck. My eyes kept watering for some reason but I was so calm and tranquil. We had plenty of bottled watered around too. The episode with Laura trying to buy a used car came up and I was literally sucked into being in my childhood living room in 1994 with my sister on the phone in the background and my parents arguing over something while I was watching that exact episode and then I snapped out of it. I started getting emotional because I felt like I was right there in some of the happiest times of my life shortly before my parents divorced and I got whipped back into the present. But it was like a happy cry. Like I was glad I got to relive that for even a split second and it felt so real. I than started laughing my *** off at the slap stick humor and just the most random **** like Little Ritchie being an awful actor :lol: don’t even know how but some way my girl just ended up on the floor showing me some of the moves she learned in her pole dancing class and I was so immersed in what she was doing and saying. We start fooling around and then she starts giving me oral and my senses were in ******* overload. There was bursts of color all over the place. I told her let’s go upstairs to the bedroom and we continue. All of a sudden she starts crying out of nowhere. I stop and just hold her for a second and then we just talk. She has always been one to bottle things inside but she became an open book. She was telling me all her fears and inhibitions and things I was asking her to talk to me about for a while. Lots of things were heavy but I was so calm in listening and analyzing and being supportive. She then told me she loved me for the first time ever and then I begun to get weirdly uncomfortable. But it’s not because I don’t love her, it’s more so because things between us are happening so fast along with other things in my life. And all these things are going so well at the same time that I don’t want to rush anything. I told her that I’m learning to love her and that I’m not ready to say it back yet and she got so emotional but it was like I was on the outside looking in. I told her I cared about her deeply but I don’t want to force emotions that aren’t there. And it was like I felt so honest saying that. And she wholeheartedly respected it. And then we started going at it like animals and I was in another plane of existence. I felt like I was a giant amongst ants. She was screaming all over the place and then I climaxed and I’ve NEVER felt anything like that before in my life. It was like I was shooting through a tunnel of existence. I was seeing faces of people I’ve never seen nor met before in my life. I immediately snapped out of my high and I was in a state of empowerment I’ve never ever felt before. I could clearly see that everything around me was constructed and for the first time ever I truly felt like there was nothing in the world I can’t do. It’s like I was in the matrix, got outside the matrix and now I’m back in the matrix but I know everything is a facade. At this point I’m about 4-5 hours in and I’m in a state of content on the come down. We go to the store to get some snacks and gatorades and we’re just outside talking about what we just experienced. I have never felt anything like that in my life. I was so in tuned with my emotions and life and content. My girl has been gushing about the experience all morning and calling me while she’s at work saying we have to do it again. I do want to wait a few weeks before I do it again because I felt so exhausted coming out of the trip last night but by all means the keys of life and happiness were given to me last night. Wow
As a male all it really means to discover your feminine side, is to learn to use your intuition, and then not your ego. Do what feels right, and then understanding how others feel. it does not mean that you cannot defend yourself, or be rough and tough. It means that you'll have another gear to work with. Instead of simply wiping the ground with someone, you'll have the awareness to do it without forgetting how to win.
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