Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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There are turtles and sharks that live over 200 years old. Scientists studying them most likely to see how they live so long.

animal testing/biorobotics will prolong life, computer systems will make it infinite..

animal testing/biorobotics will prolong life, computer systems will make it infinite..
To piggyback on that Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee :
Elon musk is essentially trying to transfer your mind/data into robots
Saw something about this on story of God on Netflix. Think they called it a cyber soul. The actual tech was like you described but the way they kept trying to sell it was that it was YOU transitioning your 'being' into a robot kinda like ghost in the shell.

There are also these humongous devices at CERN that create something called antimatter which costs $3,000,000,000,000,000 per gram of antiproton. Supposedly they only have the capability to make a tiny amount that takes decades and decades to produce, enough to heat up a cup of coffee. But these scientists are saying this antimaterial has potential to destroy the universe with enough quantity. All of this stuff is mainstream information and popular science.

If you read certain religious/spiritual texts, antimatter is considered to be the eternal energy of the transcendental world as opposed to the sensitive and perishable energy of the material world. It's basically 'God' or something like an actual soul. They say that the 'perfection of science will occur when it is possible for the material scientists to know the qualities of the antimaterial particle and liberate it from the association of nonpermanent, material particles. Such liberation would mark the culmination of scientific progress.' These are the right brain and esoteric academics. I would encourage everyone to research these subjects on your own but what I kinda conclude from everything I've read is that we are essentially nearing the 'end' of technology and science and reaching a point where man has all the capabilities of God, all the way up to recreating the big bang.

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There is even an online social media site called lifenaut that is exactly like Facebook with the express purpose being able to transfer all your thoughts and emotions into these robots so that you can 'live forever'. They said at least 50,000 people have signed up. Notice in the first video on my last post they say the robot has the values and morals of a real life woman but in the 2nd video that's clearly not the case. Look into this stuff. Look into the background of the creator of this tech, Martine Rothblott.
San Junipero

Black Mirror

Nothing has moved me to think about my existence other than the movie Coco.

Watch both.

We can talk later.
What about Coco made u question your existence?
This. And im gonna have to sit down and really watch Black Mirror one of these days. I think I tried to watch the first 2 ep's and I just couldnt get back into it. But, I still heard people talk about the series a lot.
Going back to the last page a lil bit with what DC said. Regardless of what evidence or “conspiracy” is shown to people. Some will never wake up.
San Junipero

Black Mirror

Nothing has moved me to think about my existence other than the movie Coco.

Watch both.

We can talk later.

I want to see soul. It's an upcoming disney movie about a jazz player who dies but goes to this factory where recycle souls are put into new babies. starring Jamie Foxx
I want to see soul. It's an upcoming disney movie about a jazz player who dies but goes to this factory where recycle souls are put into new babies. starring Jamie Foxx
Sounds sick. But that lines up with what I was saying about how they are moving towards having technology to isolate and harness the energy of souls. That's also the premise of the matrix but I never really really understood that scene until recently
What about Coco made u question your existence?
In no order of importance.

1. Pets/Animals being used as Spirit Guides for Humans. Since 4th Grade I have owned a feline (not the same) and I have always read about the spiritual nature of cats. I don't want to give the movie away too much but watching that gave me a better understanding (in theory) of what animals are doing for those that they are responsible for. You won't look at your pet the same after, and I haven't.

2. Acknowledging the Day of the Dead. No bull, since Mike Tenay (WCW) explained the origins of La Parka's gimmick back in the late 90s, I have had a fascination with the Day(s) of the Dead. I went to the Museum of Natives early November of 2019 and saw many rituals that go on during that time. It is something I will celebrate moving forward.

3. The Movie CoCo is based on The Day of The Dead and how the memory of a lost one remains with his/her family members up until the point where nobody is alive to remember them. At some point we all will be forgotten and that isn't something I had thought about until I watched that movie. Again, I dont' want to go deep into it out of respect for the spoils.

I lost my father in 2016 and I legit broke down after watching that movie thinking of his existence.

But since the release of San Junipero, I have been somewhat obsessed with existence. If you look at my YouTube watch list, so many are just lectures discussing topics related to human existence.

Sorry for being all over the place but I suggest watching the film man. It is legit one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life.
Been waiting on them to speak on this.

ninjahood ninjahood SC kid SC kid

Dwyane Wade’s 12-Year-Old Transgender Child and the Media Tour “Promoting” Her Ex-NBA star Dyane Wade went on several TV shows to talk about his son who now identifies as a young lady named Zaya. Here’s how this media tour is part of the wider gender-blurring agenda.:

It's wild to see how the whole emasculation/homosexual agenda has played out over the past two decades when I first saw that type of thing explained in a YouTube video. Even before YouTube was a thing I had people who I didn't realize were knowledgeable try to tell me about this stuff
Movie hit me like a ton of bricks man. My favorite thing about it was the design of the Land of the Dead. Elements of the movie definitely made me think harder about my own life, and losses I’ve experienced.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I got chills seeing the scene where a certain character faded away. I had never in my life questioned whether there was something after the afterlife before I saw it.

thanks for reminding me to watch again
Movie hit me like a ton of bricks man. My favorite thing about it was the design of the Land of the Dead. Elements of the movie definitely made me think harder about my own life, and losses I’ve experienced.

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I got chills seeing the scene where a certain character faded away. I had never in my life questioned whether there was something after the afterlife before I saw it.

thanks for reminding me to watch again
Yea, the same way I watch Charlie Brown during Thanksgiving/XMAS, I think I will make this my Day of the Dead Yearly Routine.
It's wild to see how the whole emasculation/homosexual agenda has played out over the past two decades when I first saw that type of thing explained in a YouTube video. Even before YouTube was a thing I had people who I didn't realize were knowledgeable try to tell me about this stuff
But certain folks on the left will mockingly say, "Da Agenda."

But again, some people prefer to live in bliss.
But certain folks on the left will mockingly say, "Da Agenda."

But again, some people prefer to live in bliss.
I mean I can't front because I used to be close minded and ignorant like that too. The week of 9/11 one of my boys was tryna tell me about how it was suspect and I just remember thinking how much of an idiot he was. Didn't know or understand that his dad was a mason and his mom an eastern star. Eventually I saw the truth in what he was saying but it's only been in the past few months that I'm really starting to understand how deep it goes
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