Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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So peep this
I been REALLY thinking
About those posts @dcallamerican and @MetalMario posted
Idk why but it changed my whole outlook about a lot of things
Just about trying to be the best person I can be
But it also got me thinking
The “insiders” in both those threads
Basically was saying it’s your duty
To basically live by the divine law
And regardless of what anyone else does
U can’t control them
U only can control how YOU react
So regardless of what
ur duty is to make sure YOUR doing the right things
Also they stated that everyone realizes or sees the truth differently and it can’t be forced into someone
They basically have to seek it out themselves
Basically they have to get or want to get the knowledge on their own I can’t give it to them
That’s been weighing on my heart
Cause like
I’m talking to my wife about it
And she not saying like I’m crazy or anything
She just like she never heard me talk like this before and she doesn’t believe what I’m sayin
So it’s like say what’s in those threads is true
And I decide to live my life by the divine law
And once my time on earth is done
If I’ve done what I’m suppose to do
And able to make it from this plane
And leave earth
My family might not
And they be reincarnated
And I don’t have them
It’s kinda making me sad
The parts that really stuck out
Was how they were saying
Each person is responsible for themselves
No one else
But I feel a duty to my family
My kids
My wife
How can I leave them
Idk maybe I’m trippin
Every since that overdose I been really trippin
I think drugs allow u to see things that we can’t see or hear
Like how they say there’s sounds the human ear can’t detect
If there’s sounds we can’t hear
There’s for sure things we can’t see
And maybe drugs open up that part of ur brain to let u see
Cause I SERIOUSLY experienced something that night
And I haven’t been able to shake it

there is no ego or burden once we leave this prison planet. we become energy that can go anywhere we please in a millisecond until our next assignment. But we'll always have a connection with our past loved ones. there won't be that "I miss them feeling".

let me add this:

Our souls are attached to the bodies we resided in, we are here inside a machine we call a human
body----the pain is real, the joy is real, hate and love are real----
They say you can’t take it with you when you die----not quite true, everyone leaves earth with plenty
of baggage----all the pain you caused to others and yourself, and all the joy you created for you and
others---that all goes with you when you die.
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I pray this isn’t true
Wouldn’t we be able to see a comet that was this close
Someone with a telescope like a regular telescope woulda seen it already
So nawghty y’all haven’t got ANY cases? Like for real? That’s wild to me

I hope that comet stuff is not real either
So nawghty y’all haven’t got ANY cases? Like for real? That’s wild to me

I hope that comet stuff is not real either
So look when corona FIRST started
A coworker got the call about a quarantine of I think either facebook or google or apple I can’t remember I wasn’t on the call I was next to her and she was motioning for me to hear and put it on speaker but I got the tail end of the call
It was a conference call between a nurse
And a doctor at our hospital
There’s people in our hospital and have been
We were the first county out here in the bay and the first hospital to get cases. But with the whole incompetence going on everyone woulda been sick I’m talking about folks not pressuring the isolation rooms or doing generator tests while patients are in isolation room so the power goes out for a few seconds and the air circulates through the building
Have heard doctors say to other people and myself that it’s not as serious as the media making it. I don’t wanna tell y’all not to be worried or whatever I’m just giving my experience on it. I’m just straight typed so there may be typos and not in my usual format cause I’m rushing
All we hear is people testing positive
They never really mention if they have symptoms or not in the news
They just say test positive
Remember folks that had the chicken pox when they were young
would still test positive but not be sick
Or like folks who test positive for tuberculosis
But don’t actually have it
I THINK it’s something similar
Also not to mention
Coronavirus isn’t just what this virus is called
Coronavirus is a group of viruses
Like there’s a group of herpes virus’s
So yeah I test positive for corona
It u could be sick from another strain of it
Or it still be in ur system cause remember
Some viruses still stay in ur body even after u get over the cold
That comet post really has me freaking out. But a few questions what is the source and date?

I am inclined to think that if it was true there’s no way it would be published on the internet.
That comet post really has me freaking out. But a few questions what is the source and date?

I am inclined to think that if it was true there’s no way it would be published on the internet.

I was just hoping someone else could shed some light. Of course I dont wanna believe that. I’m hoping it’s debunked or if there’s any other info about it
Corona was first detected nov 17. Granted...that we know of but that would be pretty aggressive as far as time to get it out. Imo
How they just now knowing the comet though
They coulda easily did that Armageddon thing
Well not easily
But coulda tried right???
Don’t just give up
I mean think about it
If we gonna die anyway
Why not just send the nuke off anyway
Unless they Planned it out
And plan on hiding the people higher up
in them iron mountain spots
That comet post really has me freaking out. But a few questions what is the source and date?

I am inclined to think that if it was true there’s no way it would be published on the internet.
Asteroids pass by us (earth) everyday, minute, hour, and second, this is just considerably larger than usual in our radius and if you’re looking you’ll be able to clearly see it. Not that big a deal as far as danger goes:
How they just now knowing the comet though
They coulda easily did that Armageddon thing
Well not easily
But coulda tried right???
Don’t just give up
I mean think about it
If we gonna die anyway
Why not just send the nuke off anyway
Unless they Planned it out
And plan on hiding the people higher up
in them iron mountain spots
u wasted ur time typing this.
Asteroids pass by us (earth) everyday, minute, hour, and second, this is just considerably larger than usual in our radius and if you’re looking you’ll be able to clearly see it. Not that big a deal as far as danger goes:
So one minute we don’t believe everything the media says
Then one day believe everything
So one minute we don’t believe everything the media says
Then one day believe everything
Media doesn’t usually doesn’t cover this type of stuff unless fear mongering is involved. I’m actually into this type of stuff. Not an expert or anything, but things wouldn’t go over my head.
Media doesn’t usually doesn’t cover this type of stuff unless fear mongering is involved. I’m actually into this type of stuff. Not an expert or anything, but things wouldn’t go over my head.
There’s actual stories and videos of news people covering up things and perpetuated by the cia
I believe it’s called project mockingbird
There’s actual stories and videos of news people covering up things and perpetuated by the cia
I believe it’s called project mockingbird
A lot of those stories and ideas come from bible thumping white men. I take everything “factual” from bible thumping white men w/ a grain of salt if I’m in the mood for season.
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