Sooooo Does Anyone Feel Bad for LeBron???

Look I don't know why I feel the need to justify my position but here it is.
I feel bad that he doesnt have the character or strength to have canceled " The Decision"
I feel bad cause i'm starting to believe what Kevin Cleveland said on page 5 ( I'm not repeating that though)
And I feel bad that he is a puppet in his own life.
I mostly feel bad for the person, not the character he protrays on TV.
I feel bad that its protrayed that he went to the best situation for himself when on page 4 I showed that Chicago could have provided a better situation
I don't feel bad for him not winning a title.
I don't feel bad that he is criticised cause he brings that on himself.
I don't feel bad for the fact that he essentually brought up his bank account in his presser.
I don't feel bad that people want to hate him, cause even knowing most of Jordan's faults he represents what is good about being an athlete, and Bron is the bad.

In Chicago he has always been hated. For all of the things I stated above, so IMHO I feel like I know his plight.
I still say that he might be satisfied with his life, having provided for (if he keeps his head on straight) 3 generations at minimum you cant call him not a success in the monetary department.
I still believe that winning titles is secondary, and any talk them of by him is either a delusion, or something to keep his sponsors on board.
(Like I said before the only guy in the modern era to say he had no interest in playoff basketball was Cherokee Parks)
The guy is the typical athlete in the modern era. The money is first, winning is second.
I listed the team of
You really think that squad wouldn't have taken actual dollars out of his pocket.
Rose is a  superstar, Wade too. That's 2 guys whom are treated near the level of Bron in the Business world
That's an whole different ball game than the big 3 with KG having the biggest shoe sponsorship after having switched companies twice.
The long term economics talked Wade and Bron out of coming to Chicago. Bosh just followed.
Truth be told I accepted this right after the parade of last summer.
I also accepted the fact that Wade wanted no parts of in the media trying to counter the homegrown guy in Rose
Rose is Chicago, Wade is just Robbins.....
The pressure would have skyrocketed and we might be faced with the same situation. I doubt it seeing as Taj Gibson and Asik would have still been under contract. But nonetheless I have accepted that Miami represented the best chance for each of those guys to maintain their current status, while having a shot to win.
Everything else was one extreme or another.
Once you see that you will begin to see the Maverick Carter dealings from last years finals.
You will see the fear in Lebron during the decision, and you will see the NATURAL reaction.
That natural reaction was Bron telling you ( although it was the worse worded thing I have ever heard) that you shouldnt care so much.
When you look at history, King's almost always fail their people, Chosen1's are never what they seem.
Lebron James is no exception
Look I don't know why I feel the need to justify my position but here it is.
I feel bad that he doesnt have the character or strength to have canceled " The Decision"
I feel bad cause i'm starting to believe what Kevin Cleveland said on page 5 ( I'm not repeating that though)
And I feel bad that he is a puppet in his own life.
I mostly feel bad for the person, not the character he protrays on TV.
I feel bad that its protrayed that he went to the best situation for himself when on page 4 I showed that Chicago could have provided a better situation
I don't feel bad for him not winning a title.
I don't feel bad that he is criticised cause he brings that on himself.
I don't feel bad for the fact that he essentually brought up his bank account in his presser.
I don't feel bad that people want to hate him, cause even knowing most of Jordan's faults he represents what is good about being an athlete, and Bron is the bad.

In Chicago he has always been hated. For all of the things I stated above, so IMHO I feel like I know his plight.
I still say that he might be satisfied with his life, having provided for (if he keeps his head on straight) 3 generations at minimum you cant call him not a success in the monetary department.
I still believe that winning titles is secondary, and any talk them of by him is either a delusion, or something to keep his sponsors on board.
(Like I said before the only guy in the modern era to say he had no interest in playoff basketball was Cherokee Parks)
The guy is the typical athlete in the modern era. The money is first, winning is second.
I listed the team of
You really think that squad wouldn't have taken actual dollars out of his pocket.
Rose is a  superstar, Wade too. That's 2 guys whom are treated near the level of Bron in the Business world
That's an whole different ball game than the big 3 with KG having the biggest shoe sponsorship after having switched companies twice.
The long term economics talked Wade and Bron out of coming to Chicago. Bosh just followed.
Truth be told I accepted this right after the parade of last summer.
I also accepted the fact that Wade wanted no parts of in the media trying to counter the homegrown guy in Rose
Rose is Chicago, Wade is just Robbins.....
The pressure would have skyrocketed and we might be faced with the same situation. I doubt it seeing as Taj Gibson and Asik would have still been under contract. But nonetheless I have accepted that Miami represented the best chance for each of those guys to maintain their current status, while having a shot to win.
Everything else was one extreme or another.
Once you see that you will begin to see the Maverick Carter dealings from last years finals.
You will see the fear in Lebron during the decision, and you will see the NATURAL reaction.
That natural reaction was Bron telling you ( although it was the worse worded thing I have ever heard) that you shouldnt care so much.
When you look at history, King's almost always fail their people, Chosen1's are never what they seem.
Lebron James is no exception
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

scoop99 wrote:
DCAllAmerican wrote:
Why does he DESERVE a ring? This is competition. Nobody DESERVES anything. How exactly does he deserve one?
You are going to have the nerve to say why he DESERVES a ring? Ok, I will tell you why because of his work ethic PERIOD. Now, do Dirk & JKidd who are veterans DERSERVE a ring? Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way. So what he had a terrible series and did not play up to expectations and one team is going to win.

And another note, Baylor, Barkley, Stockton, Malone and Ewing all DESERVE rings although their teams did not win one because their opposing teams were just better.

Edit:  This comes from an non-Lebron fan.
 you can't be serious.  Nobody deserves a ring.  Sounds like some ol' participation award stuff for elementary school.  You win some, you lose some.  Its not about deserving anything.  If thats your logic every all-star or great player deserves a ring

Please re-read my original post. I'll quote it for you... 

"Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way." 

Basketball is a "team game," not individual, but at the end of the day, one team will win. I'm just saying that Lebron deserves a ring based on my opinion. Yes, I get your point about players not deserving rings because basketball is a competive sport. But, you also took my post the incorrect way.

Lebron does have great work ethic. From the time he was a rookie his jumpshot improved, three-pointers improved, free-throw percentage improved, has been shooting around/near 50% the past few seasons or so and most importantly improved his defense dramatically. Yes, he is an extremely talented athlete and still has things to work on (post-up game), but it is obvious he has great work ethic.  
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

scoop99 wrote:
DCAllAmerican wrote:
Why does he DESERVE a ring? This is competition. Nobody DESERVES anything. How exactly does he deserve one?
You are going to have the nerve to say why he DESERVES a ring? Ok, I will tell you why because of his work ethic PERIOD. Now, do Dirk & JKidd who are veterans DERSERVE a ring? Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way. So what he had a terrible series and did not play up to expectations and one team is going to win.

And another note, Baylor, Barkley, Stockton, Malone and Ewing all DESERVE rings although their teams did not win one because their opposing teams were just better.

Edit:  This comes from an non-Lebron fan.
 you can't be serious.  Nobody deserves a ring.  Sounds like some ol' participation award stuff for elementary school.  You win some, you lose some.  Its not about deserving anything.  If thats your logic every all-star or great player deserves a ring

Please re-read my original post. I'll quote it for you... 

"Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way." 

Basketball is a "team game," not individual, but at the end of the day, one team will win. I'm just saying that Lebron deserves a ring based on my opinion. Yes, I get your point about players not deserving rings because basketball is a competive sport. But, you also took my post the incorrect way.

Lebron does have great work ethic. From the time he was a rookie his jumpshot improved, three-pointers improved, free-throw percentage improved, has been shooting around/near 50% the past few seasons or so and most importantly improved his defense dramatically. Yes, he is an extremely talented athlete and still has things to work on (post-up game), but it is obvious he has great work ethic.  
Like they said on Mike & Mike this morning

What has this dude really done?

I dont feel sorry for him. But Lebron is the most hated player in the history of the league and has yet to commit a crime.

How can you call Lebron arrogant and at the same time love Kobe?
Kobe wanted to go to the Clippers of all places remember when he realized he couldnt win without Phil and wanted to leave? Calling out teammates and raping %%+!%%%?

A lot of yall are just victims of the media.

Classic case of build him up just to tear him down
Like they said on Mike & Mike this morning

What has this dude really done?

I dont feel sorry for him. But Lebron is the most hated player in the history of the league and has yet to commit a crime.

How can you call Lebron arrogant and at the same time love Kobe?
Kobe wanted to go to the Clippers of all places remember when he realized he couldnt win without Phil and wanted to leave? Calling out teammates and raping %%+!%%%?

A lot of yall are just victims of the media.

Classic case of build him up just to tear him down
DCAllAmerican wrote:
scoop99 wrote:
You are going to have the nerve to say why he DESERVES a ring? Ok, I will tell you why because of his work ethic PERIOD. Now, do Dirk & JKidd who are veterans DERSERVE a ring? Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way. So what he had a terrible series and did not play up to expectations and one team is going to win.

And another note, Baylor, Barkley, Stockton, Malone and Ewing all DESERVE rings although their teams did not win one because their opposing teams were just better.

Edit:  This comes from an non-Lebron fan.
You missed my point. To say someone deserves a ring, you are indirectly saying that someone else doesn't deserve a ring. His work ethic? Does he work harder than Durant? Shane Battier? Andre Miller? We don't know. We are basing this off of assumption. But why does working hard entitle (little cousin of deserving) someone to a championship?

I don't believe anyone deserves to win. Winning is something that happens, not something that is entitled because you work hard. If he was competing vs. himself, maybe you would have a point. But as long as hundreds of other dudes working just as hard or harder, how is it that he deserves a ring? Everyone that works hard and has been in the league 8+ years can't possibly deserve a ring. Again, this is competition, nobody deserves anything but a fair shot of competing.

Ewing, Stockton, and Malone didn't deserve anything. Nobody does.

I did not missed your point. Because I said Lebron deserves a ring does not mean that someone else does not, that is misquoting. Although I said Lebron deserves a ring does not mean that I said that Dirk & JKidd or the rest of the Dallas organization does not deserves rings. One team had to win and the better team did win. Everything that I said was not indirect because I even asked you if Dirk & JKidd deserves rings. You gave your opinion which was logical. At the same time, it is not fact (exactly just like my opinion).

Ok, you have a point, we do not know if one man works harder than the next. But, the reason I said that he deserves a ring was due to work ethic. What I stated was opinion and not fact. Since when stating an opinion could be wrong?
DCAllAmerican wrote:
scoop99 wrote:
You are going to have the nerve to say why he DESERVES a ring? Ok, I will tell you why because of his work ethic PERIOD. Now, do Dirk & JKidd who are veterans DERSERVE a ring? Please don't try to take my previous quote out of context and think I say that rings are just handed out to good/great players because it does not happen that way. So what he had a terrible series and did not play up to expectations and one team is going to win.

And another note, Baylor, Barkley, Stockton, Malone and Ewing all DESERVE rings although their teams did not win one because their opposing teams were just better.

Edit:  This comes from an non-Lebron fan.
You missed my point. To say someone deserves a ring, you are indirectly saying that someone else doesn't deserve a ring. His work ethic? Does he work harder than Durant? Shane Battier? Andre Miller? We don't know. We are basing this off of assumption. But why does working hard entitle (little cousin of deserving) someone to a championship?

I don't believe anyone deserves to win. Winning is something that happens, not something that is entitled because you work hard. If he was competing vs. himself, maybe you would have a point. But as long as hundreds of other dudes working just as hard or harder, how is it that he deserves a ring? Everyone that works hard and has been in the league 8+ years can't possibly deserve a ring. Again, this is competition, nobody deserves anything but a fair shot of competing.

Ewing, Stockton, and Malone didn't deserve anything. Nobody does.

I did not missed your point. Because I said Lebron deserves a ring does not mean that someone else does not, that is misquoting. Although I said Lebron deserves a ring does not mean that I said that Dirk & JKidd or the rest of the Dallas organization does not deserves rings. One team had to win and the better team did win. Everything that I said was not indirect because I even asked you if Dirk & JKidd deserves rings. You gave your opinion which was logical. At the same time, it is not fact (exactly just like my opinion).

Ok, you have a point, we do not know if one man works harder than the next. But, the reason I said that he deserves a ring was due to work ethic. What I stated was opinion and not fact. Since when stating an opinion could be wrong?
RyGuy45 wrote:
How in the hell does James deserve a ring or even have that topic approached?

The only thing I feel bad for LeBron about is the media frenzy but yeah he brought most of that on himself. Still, it ain't fun to see a guy swimming with sharks, trying to bait him in every scenario possible until they get that first sliver of a controversial quote that they then can run with to fit their already-created agenda and storyline. All anyone needs to do is watch these fat writers at work live during the press conferences to see how it works. And it's a game James simply cannot win.

Go home, go to the gym non stop, and don't come out of hiding until camp.

I agree with you 100%. And I'm not a Lebron fan, but I do not hate him either. I guess I'm the one who started with Lebron deserving a ring but did not intend it to be that way. 
RyGuy45 wrote:
How in the hell does James deserve a ring or even have that topic approached?

The only thing I feel bad for LeBron about is the media frenzy but yeah he brought most of that on himself. Still, it ain't fun to see a guy swimming with sharks, trying to bait him in every scenario possible until they get that first sliver of a controversial quote that they then can run with to fit their already-created agenda and storyline. All anyone needs to do is watch these fat writers at work live during the press conferences to see how it works. And it's a game James simply cannot win.

Go home, go to the gym non stop, and don't come out of hiding until camp.

I agree with you 100%. And I'm not a Lebron fan, but I do not hate him either. I guess I'm the one who started with Lebron deserving a ring but did not intend it to be that way. 
No it is NOT misquoting. To say someone deserves something in the art of competition is indirectly saying that he either
A. Deserves it MORE than the next
B. The other does not deserve.

It isn't misquoting it is simple deductive reasoning. You came to the conclusion that he deserves on by relating his work ethic (or assumed) to that of others. Which is how you came to the conclusion that he works hard. Working hard is a relative mention, not absolute. So to say he works hard, means you are comparing it to how hard others work.

So again, to say LeBron deserves is indirectly saying he deserve it more than someone else or someone else doesn't deserve it.

So you say, he deserves it because of work ethic. Is that it? So as someone else asked, does working hard make ANYONE deserving of winning a ring?
No it is NOT misquoting. To say someone deserves something in the art of competition is indirectly saying that he either
A. Deserves it MORE than the next
B. The other does not deserve.

It isn't misquoting it is simple deductive reasoning. You came to the conclusion that he deserves on by relating his work ethic (or assumed) to that of others. Which is how you came to the conclusion that he works hard. Working hard is a relative mention, not absolute. So to say he works hard, means you are comparing it to how hard others work.

So again, to say LeBron deserves is indirectly saying he deserve it more than someone else or someone else doesn't deserve it.

So you say, he deserves it because of work ethic. Is that it? So as someone else asked, does working hard make ANYONE deserving of winning a ring?
DCAllAmerican wrote:
No it is NOT misquoting. To say someone deserves something in the art of competition is indirectly saying that he either
A. Deserves it MORE than the next
B. The other does not deserve.

It isn't misquoting it is simple deductive reasoning. You came to the conclusion that he deserves on by relating his work ethic (or assumed) to that of others. Which is how you came to the conclusion that he works hard. Working hard is a relative mention, not absolute. So to say he works hard, means you are comparing it to how hard others work.

So again, to say LeBron deserves is indirectly saying he deserve it more than someone else or someone else doesn't deserve it.

So you say, he deserves it because of work ethic. Is that it? So as someone else asked, does working hard make ANYONE deserving of winning a ring?
Again, I did not say that Lebron deserves it over the next man because I felt that all of them deserved it. I did not say that Lebron deserves it more than JKidd or Dirk? That is your assumption. What I was saying that Lebron, JKidd and Dirk deserves rings. When this finals started, like I mentioned earlier that I wanted Dallas to win. Either you are misinterpreting my post or acting like a lawyer because what I said was direct. I understand in sports that one team will win. I know that both teams can't win. I am not taking away from anyone in the NBA whose name is not LEBRON.

Yes, I do agree with you saying working hard is relative and not absolute.

Does working hard deserves a ring? Yes, in my OPINION. If your opinion is different, just let it be.

DCAllAmerican wrote:
No it is NOT misquoting. To say someone deserves something in the art of competition is indirectly saying that he either
A. Deserves it MORE than the next
B. The other does not deserve.

It isn't misquoting it is simple deductive reasoning. You came to the conclusion that he deserves on by relating his work ethic (or assumed) to that of others. Which is how you came to the conclusion that he works hard. Working hard is a relative mention, not absolute. So to say he works hard, means you are comparing it to how hard others work.

So again, to say LeBron deserves is indirectly saying he deserve it more than someone else or someone else doesn't deserve it.

So you say, he deserves it because of work ethic. Is that it? So as someone else asked, does working hard make ANYONE deserving of winning a ring?
Again, I did not say that Lebron deserves it over the next man because I felt that all of them deserved it. I did not say that Lebron deserves it more than JKidd or Dirk? That is your assumption. What I was saying that Lebron, JKidd and Dirk deserves rings. When this finals started, like I mentioned earlier that I wanted Dallas to win. Either you are misinterpreting my post or acting like a lawyer because what I said was direct. I understand in sports that one team will win. I know that both teams can't win. I am not taking away from anyone in the NBA whose name is not LEBRON.

Yes, I do agree with you saying working hard is relative and not absolute.

Does working hard deserves a ring? Yes, in my OPINION. If your opinion is different, just let it be.

It is not an assumption. You don't have to say he deserves it over anyone else. The fact that you mention he deserves it says it in itself. The word deserve is a preferential term. There has to be multiple parties in any preferential situation.The word deserve means:
"to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital"

To be worthy means someone has to be unworthy. To be fit for a reward, means someone can't/won't receive a reward. So you can't say someone DESERVES something, without saying (directly or indirectly) that someone else does NOT deserve it.

I really want to know where you derive this entitlement of success to anyone that works hard. I can't wrap my finger around that at all. I know it is your opinion but that is what we discuss in sports. Opinions, because arguing against fact is something a man can't do.
It is not an assumption. You don't have to say he deserves it over anyone else. The fact that you mention he deserves it says it in itself. The word deserve is a preferential term. There has to be multiple parties in any preferential situation.The word deserve means:
"to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital"

To be worthy means someone has to be unworthy. To be fit for a reward, means someone can't/won't receive a reward. So you can't say someone DESERVES something, without saying (directly or indirectly) that someone else does NOT deserve it.

I really want to know where you derive this entitlement of success to anyone that works hard. I can't wrap my finger around that at all. I know it is your opinion but that is what we discuss in sports. Opinions, because arguing against fact is something a man can't do.
I agree with you 100%. And I'm not a Lebron fan, but I do not hate him either. I guess I'm the one who started with Lebron deserving a ring but did not intend it to be that way.
No doubt. I hear you. I am also one in the camp that doesnt love nor dislike him. I also don't nitpick him to death like today's viewers do and that's cool to each his own.

I think while we are on the topic though yeah the reason why rings are looked at so highly and used by the vets as a status symbol is because of how hard it really is to win a championship. You can be an all time player, top 20 player of all time and never sniff one despite playing for 15 years on many good teams. We've seen it. James doesn't need one handed to him he has to earn it and also have that luck too. The problem for LeBron's image (beyond his own actions) is he is playing in a new age NBA....where he can set many NBA records, be an all-star every year, make many NBA Finals, and be a first ballot HOFer. But if he doesnt win that championship (and frankly several of them) he is going to get punked and abused for the rest of his life to the point of our grand kids are going to think he sucked and was a worse player than Adam Morrison. That's just the way it is and it never would have been like this 10, 20 years ago even if he had head-scratching off-court actions back then too. The media's roll in it plays a huge part and we all know it. It's a combo of LeBron's words, the media's agenda, and frankly the media's creation of him where they anoint him king before he even steps on a court. You are walking into the lion cage where the beasts are ready to pounce. Add in Twitter, bloggers, the "Heat Index,"  ESPN's personal partnership with him, and lastly LeBron's obvious insecurities (something most all-timers never showed) and boom what we have here is we we now are seeing.

And the fact that he orchestrated this move to the Heat plays a massive part yes but not as much as we give credit too....he was hated a ton before this move to Miami and would be if this was him and Cleveland playing in the Finals this year.
I agree with you 100%. And I'm not a Lebron fan, but I do not hate him either. I guess I'm the one who started with Lebron deserving a ring but did not intend it to be that way.
No doubt. I hear you. I am also one in the camp that doesnt love nor dislike him. I also don't nitpick him to death like today's viewers do and that's cool to each his own.

I think while we are on the topic though yeah the reason why rings are looked at so highly and used by the vets as a status symbol is because of how hard it really is to win a championship. You can be an all time player, top 20 player of all time and never sniff one despite playing for 15 years on many good teams. We've seen it. James doesn't need one handed to him he has to earn it and also have that luck too. The problem for LeBron's image (beyond his own actions) is he is playing in a new age NBA....where he can set many NBA records, be an all-star every year, make many NBA Finals, and be a first ballot HOFer. But if he doesnt win that championship (and frankly several of them) he is going to get punked and abused for the rest of his life to the point of our grand kids are going to think he sucked and was a worse player than Adam Morrison. That's just the way it is and it never would have been like this 10, 20 years ago even if he had head-scratching off-court actions back then too. The media's roll in it plays a huge part and we all know it. It's a combo of LeBron's words, the media's agenda, and frankly the media's creation of him where they anoint him king before he even steps on a court. You are walking into the lion cage where the beasts are ready to pounce. Add in Twitter, bloggers, the "Heat Index,"  ESPN's personal partnership with him, and lastly LeBron's obvious insecurities (something most all-timers never showed) and boom what we have here is we we now are seeing.

And the fact that he orchestrated this move to the Heat plays a massive part yes but not as much as we give credit too....he was hated a ton before this move to Miami and would be if this was him and Cleveland playing in the Finals this year.

"I've decided to take my talents to South Beach" was televised, for all to see.

"All my critics will now have to return to their same problems while I go on living this awesome life" was televised, for all to see.

"Props, Mavs" was... thrown on his website, for... all who frequent his website to see?


That was just all backwards.

"I've decided to take my talents to South Beach" was televised, for all to see.

"All my critics will now have to return to their same problems while I go on living this awesome life" was televised, for all to see.

"Props, Mavs" was... thrown on his website, for... all who frequent his website to see?


That was just all backwards.
Originally Posted by Smyrthil

Lebron is pretty much getting scrutinized like a criminal...
He ever been arrested?
He ever been pulled over?
He ever got a DUI?

He's clearly being scrutinized more than Vick, Tiger, OJ...

Is it fair?.. ofcourse not..
Next season we'll see what he'll achieve.. cause if this scrutiny and backlash through the summer does not motivates him... NOTHING will..
And this kind of question shouldn't even be asked on NT...

NT has approx 93% haters on it.
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