Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Hey all,
I have some questions. I am one of the casual star wars movie watchers. In all honesty I just watched 1-7 in the last 3 years. I enjoyed the original 3. but (flame suit on) I enjoyed episode 1-3 as well... not as much but still decent movies)
Saw Rogue one last week. LOVED it. It was just a good movie.
Force Awakens for me was decent, something was missing.
Went to see Last Jedi last night. To be honest up until the last hour I hated it. It was pretty boring and lack luster for awhile.
I didn't feel the drama in this movie. John Boyega's one liners were cringe worthy.
Kylo was better in this than he was in force awakens but still not great.
Rey was better in this one was good. To be honest between her, the little mechanic woman, and the thief, I felt like the acting between the rest weren't great at all.
Everything was just anti-climatic.
Felt like we only had one cool light saber fight too....

So some questions...
1. Was Snoke the leader of all the army? or is there still a council he listened to or atleast talked to? Or was it just him controlling almost all the universe?
1b. Didn't they mention there are more ships like the one Snoke was on? Does that mean there are other Generals out there?
2. How many Rebel alliance members are spread across the universe? would it be enough eventually win? or are there just too many clones/storm troopers.?
3.Did luke just use so much spiritual energy that he died?
4. Did they ever explain why he wanted there to be no more Jedi? Did he feel the same way Snoke did? whenever there was someone who joined the dark side, there would be someone who be there in Light as well? Did he just want no more Dark side?

I'm sure I have more but im getting tired.

I love fantasy stuff, I just never got in to star wars hard core.
i said it before, and I'll keep saying it because it really does hurt to see one of my childhood characters get mistreated so poorly: I could have lived with every bad decision had they got Luke right.

None of Luke's actions made any sense to the character.
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THat epic showing of Luke at the end of the film in 7 after decades only to be made a joke and throwing the light saber :sick:

The thing is...I personally fully expected Luke to die by the end of this trilogy...After they killed off Han off in 7 it was pretty clear they were going to off the original cast...I was completely fine with that...

What they effectively decided to do with this movie though is completely destroy the characters from the originals trilogy in favor of boosting up the new crew...

Vader wanted to off the emperor and seize control of the galaxy but he never did...Kylo just did that...

Leia’s personal signal was sent out to inspire resistance allies as a call to arms...Nobody answered...They made it a point to show that Finn and Rose inspired broom boy though right...

THE Luke Skywalker, who confronted the emperor and pulled Darth Vader back to the light was shown to be a cowardly murderous hermit...Who after spending the length of the movie telling Rey that the Jedi must end couldn’t even bring himself to burn down the tree and books allegedly inside...

This movie takes place directly following Episode 7 but Han Solo is barely mentioned, and when he is it’s almost in passing...

And Rey...Yoda alluded to it and it’s low key shown twice that she took the Jedi books...Luke was unable to successfully re-start the Jedi Order? You can be damn sure that she’ll not only re-start it, but it’ll be far greater than it ever was previously...
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By the time Rey got to Luke, he was in a much different place mentally, emotionally and he wasn't even using the Force. Y'all expected the Luke you knew after RoTJ, but he's not the same person and the movie specifically shows you how he's not the same and how he feels about everything. Him throwing the lightsaber perfectly demonstrates that. It was a reminder of what happened with Ben. Y'all interpret it as just a gag, but you're not really taking in why he did it.
Disney pushing this female Star lead agenda to much. It feels, forced (pardon the pun).

I'm all for it, but please do a better job with character development... Feels like how they're doing mystique in the xmen movies.
Saw TLJ this past Saturday. Extremely disappointing. And i'm not even a huge star wars fan. To me the movie only worked when they showed the war aspect. The beginning with the bombing of the Dreadnaught ship, the frigate lightspeed ramming the first order ship, and the ending battle. Oh and the fight against the imperial guards was dope. Everything else was meh. Hate how they completely disrespected the legacy of Luke. He deserved better man than that cop out we got at the end. And I like the dynamic between Finn and Rose, but I felt like they could have utilized them better than what we got. Overall 5.5/8 for me. I won't be seeing it again in the theater.

RIP Admiral Akbar
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Would it have been that hard for them to actually put Luke ON Crait? Him sacrificing himself while actually on the planet would have served the exact same purpose...Give him an epic battle, show just how powerful he was, THEN have Kylo defeat him...That would’ve given Kylo an even bigger boost to end this movie...

Why they chose to do it the way they did was simply to destroy the character...Period...

Maybe Rian was bullied for being a Star Wars fan as a child...Now he secretly hates the franchise and wants to destroy everything about it...
You know what? I'm going to re-watch TFA and TLJ back to back to get a better context of things. Sometimes watching it all together makes it make more sense.
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