Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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I also hated how Kylo unsheathes his saber. He had this stupid stance each time.... Looking like hunchback of star wars

Yeah, out of all the things RJ kept consistent from TFA, it's Ren's fighting stance:lol: :smh:

I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan and I actually enjoyed it. Yes it had flaws and things were glossed over that were set up in TFA but I'm okay with that. I think when IX comes out it'll really bring everything together.

I felt the movie was better after a second showing. I knew what parts I didn't have to pay attention to (anything with Rose and Finn)

Both showings i went the people were clapping at the end and during hype moments. People even clapped when it showed Luke wasn't on the planet.

Not mad that we didn't get a Snoke backstory this time around. It's not the first time they introduced villains and killed them without explaining their origin. And i don't think this is the last we hear about Rey's parents.
By the time Rey got to Luke, he was in a much different place mentally, emotionally and he wasn't even using the Force. Y'all expected the Luke you knew after RoTJ, but he's not the same person and the movie specifically shows you how he's not the same and how he feels about everything. Him throwing the lightsaber perfectly demonstrates that. It was a reminder of what happened with Ben. Y'all interpret it as just a gag, but you're not really taking in why he did it.

We not even talking about RotJ super Jedi Luke. We’re talking about his core values before this dude knew what the Force and Jedi were. This the same dude that ran back to Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen to warn them even though there was a chance he could run into the empire. Now this dude is ignoring his twin sisters pleads for help to protect the thing they risked their whole life to save??? You secluding yourself on an island devoted to the legacy of the first Jedi but the lightsaber of your father the chosen one and the lightsaber that started your journey and allowed you to be THE LAST JEDI, you’re gonna toss that? You saw good in your mass murdering father but we’re ready to kill your nephew who hadn’t done anything yet???


Don't mind Finn, they just don't give him great things to do. I do hate his American accent though, son out here tryna sound like John Wayne in 2017.

They're most definitely bringing homey back as force ghost. He should be used to it since half his scene time in tlj was a fricking ghost....

Between Luke levitating on a rock and Leia flying through space, I’m trying to understand why these Skywalker twins haven’t taken over the galaxy themselves.
By the time Rey got to Luke, he was in a much different place mentally, emotionally and he wasn't even using the Force. Y'all expected the Luke you knew after RoTJ, but he's not the same person and the movie specifically shows you how he's not the same and how he feels about everything. Him throwing the lightsaber perfectly demonstrates that. It was a reminder of what happened with Ben. Y'all interpret it as just a gag, but you're not really taking in why he did it.

we expected?
sounds like Mark Hamill expected it too.

is Mark wrong too?
They took Luke in a new direction, somewhere his character hadn't been. It was a risk that paid off imo. It gave him more depth and explained why he's been in exile for a generation. Y'all mad that a Skywalker had a moment of doubt, but look at his family line. The dark side is strong on them regardless of their actions, and Luke having a moment of weakness, a failure, isn't damning the entire saga story. Deal with Luke being more complex than a generic wunderkind who's faultless. Of all the issues with the movie, Luke's storyline wasn't big on the scale. Imo.
They took Luke in a new direction, somewhere his character hadn't been. It was a risk that paid off imo. It gave him more depth and explained why he's been in exile for a generation. Y'all mad that a Skywalker had a moment of doubt, but look at his family line. The dark side is strong on them regardless of their actions, and Luke having a moment of weakness, a failure, isn't damning the entire saga story. Deal with Luke being more complex than a generic wunderkind who's faultless. Of all the issues with the movie, Luke's storyline wasn't big on the scale. Imo.

Making one mistake and running away from the world isn’t complex nor is it realistic.
They took Luke in a new direction, somewhere his character hadn't been. It was a risk that paid off imo. It gave him more depth and explained why he's been in exile for a generation. Y'all mad that a Skywalker had a moment of doubt, but look at his family line. The dark side is strong on them regardless of their actions, and Luke having a moment of weakness, a failure, isn't damning the entire saga story. Deal with Luke being more complex than a generic wunderkind who's faultless. Of all the issues with the movie, Luke's storyline wasn't big on the scale. Imo.

views like these are fascinating when you factor in how the actor himself had a problem with the characters portrayal

keep armchair quarterbacking it up though

as stated an evolution in the character is fine, this aint that though
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