Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
For me, seeing the red and blue lightsabers fight TOGETHER was an awesome moment.

Initially I felt it was as brother and sister, but since then I'm starting to think it's something else.

Still, seeing them fight together, but then still not be on the same page after was incredible.

We all know in the end it's Rey v Kylo, I hope Kylo dies dark, even if conflicted about Rey (like we saw with his mom) and don't push the redemption angle.
:lol: i liked this review from rt: "A thing of beauty and work of art about which the loudest grumblers likely expected the most conventional developments - lost in Reddit rabbit holes and clickbait in which creatives graciously fielded insistent questions about parents or provenances."
I also hated how Kylo unsheathes his saber. He had this stupid stance each time.... Looking like hunchback of star wars

They try to make it seem that he's wielding a heavy, Claymore (2 handed sword) but in reality it's a light sabre that can be wielded single-handed. In the grand scheme of the movie's glaring holes and deficiencies we can let this one slide! :lol:
Nah brah. That's not how it works. A movie does not intentionally set out to be divisive. You're making excuses for this movie's short comings now.
How is that an excuse?
This film brings out strong feelings from us. Either you love it or despise it. There's no middle ground here folks.
I feel like the choices they made made sense and stayed true to who the characters were. People crying out here
like we just watched Attack of the Clones LMAO.

Poe's opening attack alone was worth 4.5 stars.

can stop a blaster with his bare hand but struggles against the red guards :lol:
On second viewing, I like the movie much more.

What makes me mad though is the constant misdirection without payoff. Since Rey wasn’t connected to anybody I wish Boyega was the force sensitive one.

We all know THAT was NEVER happening though.
I think they did this to show us that you don't have to be "connected" to have strong powers.
If you think about it, Anakin was nobody too. But we're so used to everyone being someone's someone
that this is refreshing at least IMO.
Someone posted on here about the bombing of the Dreadnaught scene and how the bombs drop directly on the ship when they are in space and there’s gravity....

Literally am legit flabbergasted by this! Smh

Forget the silliness of a 'bombing run' in space. You could even start with the manual switch controls on said bomber.

Then you have the destroyers accompanying the 'Dreadnought' that won't shoot at these slow AF 'bombers' but are able to hit the fleeing transport ships with laser precision as they flee toward the rebel planet. :lol:
I feel like the choices they made made sense and stayed true to who the characters were. People crying out here
like we just watched Attack of the Clones LMAO.

Poe's opening attack alone was worth 4.5 stars.

your posts in this thread make so much more sense now.

you’re one of those “as long as there’s action i dont need things to make sense” types.

ok. gotcha.
your posts in this thread make so much more sense now.

you’re one of those “as long as there’s action i dont need things to make sense” types.

ok. gotcha.
LMAO. okay. I'm just suspending my disbelief when some guys around here are trying to
nitpick everything like this is a documentary. It's called sci-fi fantasy, it's supposed to be
fun. Nerding the f*** out and sucking out the fun out of every single details is literally NOT
what Star Wars is about.

But sure, I'm glad you're smarter than I am. At least I can enjoy the good things that was
presented to me. Do not tell me Empire is a perfect film, there's a ton of flaws surrounding
that film and yet it's highly regarded as the best one.

Star Wars is quirky, fun and inspiring. It might be my age showing but some of you here seem
like you just streamed-marathon Star Wars 2 years ago.

Don't tell me Inception is the standard of filmmaking either. LOL I will literally laugh all day.
I watch classics like Kramer vs Kramer etc but I still know when to just sit back and enjoy.
Its funny cuz when all of those little Hamill interviews came out nobody dug deep and questioned it cuz nobody knew for sure in what direction Mark Hamill wanted Luke to go.

FF to now :lol: Guess the signs were there.

I will say though, while I understand the parallels with Luke now to what Obi-Wan and Yoda becamein the OG compared to their attitudes in the prequels it doesn't quite measure up on Luke's end.

Yoda and Obi-Wan were there, and from a guilt factor, responsible for the fall of the Republic, the eradication of the Jedi order, and the rise of the Empire. That's huge ****. Galaxy changing ****. I can understand as more ppl are oppressed, killed, etc. how one can grow despondent and reluctant.

Luke only suffered betrayal via his own doubt and w/e meddling Snoke did, and the wiping out of his fairly small in comparison Jedi order (now they may retcon or reveal new things but it seems in the 30 years since the end of RotJ Luke did not train anyone to the point they became a Jedi master, he seems to not have any peers, hence the title The Last Jedi). So while a horrible event it doesn't completely line up with the Luke in the OG trilogy. He wasnt responsible for the rise of the First Order, it wasn't on him that many became victims of a growing oppressive legion.

Luke was suppose to be different. He was suppose to already have learned from the failures of Obi-Wan and Yoda. He already had faith and reached out to his evil bastard of a father and managed an emotional connection to a mass murderer. Luke had an optimism despite his whiny moments even when he was pessimistic it didn't last for long.

So seeing darkness he didn't expect in his nephew and thinking of killing him goes opposite of him knowing how evil Vader is and hating him for killing Obi-Wan, to recoiling in horror upon learning that's his dad, to reaching out to bond with that same person.
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Movie Pass on their dime for the Win so I'll see more times.
Couple random thoughts day after:

-stepping back and looking objectivly, Rian Johnson is a Business Genius. Episode 7 was pretty much a rehash and not sure why people now think JJ Abrams is going to save the Sequels in Episode 9, when even the man himself got trashed for the final product. But the way Johnson wrote this story puts him in THE driver's seat for the next Sequels. Dude is set and banking.

-red Praetorian Guards with different weapons and armor reminded me of old kungfu movie. If you know, you know.

I think they did this to show us that you don't have to be "connected" to have strong powers.
If you think about it, Anakin was nobody too. But we're so used to everyone being someone's someone
that this is refreshing at least IMO.

I loved the take too just hated how 7 set-up these mysteries and situations that weren’t given the proper payoff or execution; Luke tossing the lightsaber, Rey’s parents (I warmed up to this though).

I’m glad that it didn’t really matter who Rey parents were. They should have just revealed that in the beginning like they did Kylo’s instead of making fans get invested for two years only to have that investment turn into a joke.

Btw Anakin wasn’t a nobody though, he was born solely from the force.
Its funny cuz when all of those little Hamill interviews came out nobody dug deep and questioned it cuz nobody knew for sure in what direction Mark Hamill wanted Luke to go.

FF to now :lol: Guess the signs were there.

I will say though, while I understand the parallels with Luke now to what Obi-Wan and Yoda becamein the OG compared to their attitudes in the prequels it doesn't quite measure up on Luke's end.

Yoda and Obi-Wan were there, and from a guilt factor, responsible for the fall of the Republic, the eradication of the Jedi order, and the rise of the Empire. That's huge ****. Galaxy changing ****. I can understand as more ppl are oppressed, killed, etc. how one can grow despondent and reluctant.

Luke only suffered betrayal via his own doubt and w/e meddling Snoke did, and the wiping out of his fairly small in comparison Jedi order (now the may retain or reveal new things but it seems in the 30 years since the end of RotJ Luke did not train anyone to the point they became a Jedi master, he seems to not have any peers, hence the title The Last Jedi). So while a horrible event it doesn't completely line up with the Luke in the OG trilogy. He wasnt responsible for the rise of the First Order, it wasn't on him that many became victims of a growing oppressive legion.

Luke was suppose to be different. He was suppose to already have learned from the failures of Obi-Wan and Yoda. He already had faith and reached out to his evil bastard of a father and managed an emotional connection to a mass murderer. Luke had an optimism despite his whiny moments even when he was pessimistic it didn't last for long.

So seeing darkness he didn't expect in his nephew and thinking of killing him goes opposite of him knowing how evil Vader is and hating him for killing Obi-Wan, to recoiling in horror upon learning that's his dad, to reaching out to bond with that same person.

He says rather plainly that he saw inside Kylo was mortified at the darkness he saw, and had just the brief fleeting thought. Remember the way Rian shot it, one from Kylo's point of view where Luke looked all crazy and ready to kill, and then from Luke's point of view, where it was just the moment, then he felt true shame for even thinking it, but he couldn't tell Kylo fast enough that he wasn't gonna go thru with it.

And so far we've only heard of the small number of students he had in trying to rebuild the Jedi order, but we don't know what else has gone on in his 30 years after Jedi. And using him "saving" Vader doesn't really hold because the only reason that happened was because he was his father. Vader wasn't turning for anyone else in the galaxy, not even Leia. So Luke wasn't gonna be able to change/convert or any of that nonsense anyone else like that.

He felt shame for thinking about Killing Kylo, for failing Leia, for losing his students, and for whatever else he'd been thru the last 3 decades. Jedi are always about that stuff, looking back, reflecting, etc. Sith, like Kylo wants to be, don't think like that, they always look ahead, craving more more more, and that's what Kylo has done so far. First Han, then Snoke, then Luke, and eventually Rey. The interesting thing, he couldn't pull the trigger on his mom. He hesitated with her, but not with Han.
I loved the take too just hated how 7 set-up these mysteries and situations that weren’t given the proper payoff or execution; Luke tossing the lightsaber, Rey’s parents (I warmed up to this though).

I’m glad that it didn’t really matter who Rey parents were. They should have just revealed that in the beginning like they did Kylo’s instead of making fans get invested for two years only to have that investment turn into a joke.

Btw Anakin wasn’t a nobody though, he was born solely from the force.
That we know of. Like... we don't really know that's just what mama Sky said.

Luke tossing it really reflects where he's at emotionally and mentally. He wants nothing to do with this and
even his "training" with Rey was designed to discourage Rey. Anyway, I do understand where people's
reactions are coming from. You wanted something given to you and they didn't. Plain and simple.

I feel like when emotions settle down and expectations simmer, when we rewatch TLJ, we'll appreciate
it more.
That we know of. Like... we don't really know that's just what mama Sky said.

Luke tossing it really reflects where he's at emotionally and mentally. He wants nothing to do with this and
even his "training" with Rey was designed to discourage Rey.
Anyway, I do understand where people's
reactions are coming from. You wanted something given to you and they didn't. Plain and simple.

I was thinking this too. Emotionally, I wasn’t ready for that and it felt like a forced joke. I’m slowly changing my stance, in context with this version of the character it makes sense.

Plus, he used it in the end scene vs Kylo and many scenes throughout the movie they did respect it, even show it broken at the end etc.

I feel like when emotions settle down and expectations simmer, when we rewatch TLJ, we'll appreciate
it more.

I was thinking this too. Emotionally, I wasn’t ready for that and it felt like a forced joke. I’m slowly changing my stance, in context with this version of the character it makes sense.
Plus, he used it in the end scene vs Kylo and many scenes throughout the movie they did respect it, even show it broken at the end etc.
I guess it is jarring to see Luke like that and be that way but when you F up your nephew and essentially
throw him to the Dark Side, man's GON BE GUILTY. lmao

Seriously, when Leia auto saved her life though the force I was losing my mind. FINALLY! But then I go home
and see the reaction on social media people hating on it... like... did these people grow up on Star Wars?
I guess we can argue each and every scene in this movie, people are entitled to their own opinion.

I have to admit that there's a ton of weaknesses in this film, but there's also a lot of mythology expansion and
deepdiving that happened and people need to see that as well.
I guess it is jarring to see Luke like that and be that way but when you F up your nephew and essentially
throw him to the Dark Side, man's GON BE GUILTY. lmao

Seriously, when Leia auto saved her life though the force I was losing my mind. FINALLY! But then I go home
and see the reaction on social media people hating on it... like... did these people grow up on Star Wars?
I guess we can argue each and every scene in this movie, people are entitled to their own opinion.

I have to admit that there's a ton of weaknesses in this film, but there's also a lot of mythology expansion and
deepdiving that happened and people need to see that as well.

sounds like you would of been just fine if they threw a few Harry Potter wands in there too somewhere.

woo hoo!!
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