Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

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The fact you have an assumption on the color of my skin because I disagree that what you're saying is a big deal.........,
But now I guess I'm feeding into what you wanted out of your comment in the first place so i'll stop responding to this .............................................

Again man, what are you talking about? If it matters, I assume and have always assumed that you were black, for years now, based on your post history.

From the jump you've been triggered by topic of my comments. Why? Is the franchise precious to you and you don't want it tainted by discussion you deem to be undesirable?

My best guess is that you don't think it's a big deal, only because that's what you've hinted, and in every post you've avoided commenting on what I've actually said, and instead shifted the discourse to being about me in some way, regardless of my direct request for you to share what you think.

I think we can talk about race, it's influence and scope in Hollywood, but **** man, if this is uncomfortable for the majority I'll start a new thread. I really want to know what others think about Finn, especially black posters.
Naw man I'm not afraid to get in to race talks at all. (I have nothing against you btw)
Let me answer your question from my view on his character (not all of black hollywood)
To be fair you started off your question to the other guys post of how you felt it was demeening a black character got smacked upside the head while being looked down by a Nazi looking person....(That is the comment I deemed that you were reaching with.) Or did not carefully read that comment?)
He does some cringeworthy stuff and has almost young boy tendencies with some of his comments and one liners.
I also chuck that up to the TFA explanation how they were basically raised from a child of being soldiers. So the jovial excitement and corny one liners I'll chalk to just not having any life experience outside of training to fight and miss shots with his laser blaster.
I'm not ashamed of Finn's character at all. He is smart, he knows the ins and outs of the enemy, He can fight seemingly well. He used a light saber somewhat well against someone who was trained in it. Fought off other storm troopers (not in the best way but still held out). He can fly planes. Brave. Willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.
I'm not ashamed of Finn in the least bit in that aspect. I just think the acting from him is sort of cringe worthy. Alot of things seemed forced (that's what I didn't like about this part in the movie.)
I understand that a lot is new to him and he is experiencing things for the first time. I just dont think the acting was good.
Naw man I'm not afraid to get in to race talks at all. (I have nothing against you btw)
Let me answer your question from my view on his character (not all of black hollywood)
To be fair you started off your question to the other guys post of how you felt it was demeening a black character got smacked upside the head while being looked down by a Nazi looking person....(That is the comment I deemed that you were reaching with.) Or did not carefully read that comment?)
He does some cringeworthy stuff and has almost young boy tendencies with some of his comments and one liners.
I also chuck that up to the TFA explanation how they were basically raised from a child of being soldiers. So the jovial excitement and corny one liners I'll chalk to just not having any life experience outside of training to fight and miss shots with his laser blaster.
I'm not ashamed of Finn's character at all. He is smart, he knows the ins and outs of the enemy, He can fight seemingly well. He used a light saber somewhat well against someone who was trained in it. Fought off other storm troopers (not in the best way but still held out). He can fly planes. Brave. Willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.
I'm not ashamed of Finn in the least bit in that aspect. I just think the acting from him is sort of cringe worthy. Alot of things seemed forced (that's what I didn't like about this part in the movie.)
I understand that a lot is new to him and he is experiencing things for the first time. I just dont think the acting was good.

This is the exactly the kind of insight I'm looking for. In some ways I've overlooked or ignored aspects or meaning in Finn's character that your shared perspective helped illuminate for me.

I'm not ashamed of Finn's character at all, but my view is definitely shaped by an overarching frustration with Hollywood and it's representations or lack there of black actors and characters. That's at the root of the second set of comments of mine that you're talking about, but it was in a separate post from the first and the personal context wasn't clear.

I really just dislike the character and a lot of the acting paired with it. Like you said, so many of his lines and actions across both TFA and TLJ are cringeworthy. It sucks to me that I across eight films, +20 hours, and multiple decades of generational time that there are only two prominent black characters across the film franchise and one of them is my absolute least favorite.

I think they could have portrayed a lot of the things you highlighted that I perceived as negative, youth, inexperience, excitement, bewilderment, etc, without making him such a clown.
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I think Finns awesome, particularly in FA. I imagine he’ll play a larger role in ep9, which should be great.

Then again anything JB does is good with me, the mans a champ.
This thread needs some @nawghtyhare hot takes :lol: :nerd:

Star wars is overrated
Saw this yesterday
Movie was ok i guess
Leia floating thru space
Thought i was watching a marvel movie
Laser sword
Little green dude with big ears can control lightning
Thought i was watching a marvel movie
Asian chick could get it
That ending
The hell
Glad I didn't pay
and man Finn character is Thrash, I dont even think it has anything to do with him being black. It's because he is a man. All the men in these starwars films were wack. They turned star wars into a bunch of disney princesses and weak/dumb men.
That beginning scene where Poe was talking to hux and making those jokes was so cringy lol.

Also I thought that end was the most Disney ish thing thusfar....with the kids.

Its like someone else added that on. Thats a real concrete type the end of the very final movie type ending.
Wong thread


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Was going back through some of the previous pages and saw that you already touched on Finn/John Boyega character.

I share your viewpoint on all ten points you made but I'm curious what you think of what I perceived to be some of the more nefarious interactions and aspects of Finn's character in the TLJ since you seem very knowledgeable and invested in the films.

Things like him getting ***** slapped while on his knees by a Nazi after being a caught "fugitive" or his getting tazed with his hands up in surrender, contrasted by another supporting character being similarly tazed only after drawing his weapon on a commanding officer.

Of course I realize these scenes are intended to be funny, Finn is a pointless jester after all (that's a separate charge), but do you think any aspects of his character or script are built in deliberately with less than artistic motives?

This is just the side effect of what happens when there are no black people around when you make these things, it's obvious to me that the writers thought they were doing a good thing by including this Finn character, but because they aren't black, or a black sci fi fan they just couldn't see how Finn fits into all the stereo types and archetypal roles black people get relegated to all the in sci fi and film in general.

and so for what them scans as simple comic relief to me looks like offensive ****ery.

and using Finn as the bait and switch in the Star Wars marketing material for TFA made it sooo much worse. I went in there thinking, dope about see a black Jedi/star wars hero, instead I got a jobbing coward. F FINN man...I get angry just thinking about it.
Right, most of these Star Wars ships have force fields but the First Order successfully attacked that command center so the force fields were down. When they blasted Leia and Ackbar, they were sucked out into space. Now a scene perhaps showing someone setting the Force field up or some sort of air lock doorway would remedy that but then this wouldn’t be a Rian Johnson directed movie.
Didn't think of the complete context of the situation. Yeah, that's pretty poor and lazy dismissal of order of operations on a star ship.

But on ST, when a ship has no more ship force fields which leads to things like the bridge being blown up they do have secondary/backup/emergency force fields.

Something else I just learned about Rian- he directed The Fly and Ozymandias episodes of Breaking Bad. This dude is both the light and the dark sides of the Force.
:lol: such extremes.

Admittedly I did like the Fly ep.
i cant let the dropping bombs in outer space go

that rant was flames
my only counter with this one is, how do WE know (we don't) that the bombs don't
move by themselves? Each one could have some propeller or air burst things.


The case/shelving serves as a catapult as well.
Naw man I'm not afraid to get in to race talks at all. (I have nothing against you btw)
Let me answer your question from my view on his character (not all of black hollywood)
To be fair you started off your question to the other guys post of how you felt it was demeening a black character got smacked upside the head while being looked down by a Nazi looking person....(That is the comment I deemed that you were reaching with.) Or did not carefully read that comment?)
He does some cringeworthy stuff and has almost young boy tendencies with some of his comments and one liners.
I also chuck that up to the TFA explanation how they were basically raised from a child of being soldiers. So the jovial excitement and corny one liners I'll chalk to just not having any life experience outside of training to fight and miss shots with his laser blaster.
I'm not ashamed of Finn's character at all. He is smart, he knows the ins and outs of the enemy, He can fight seemingly well. He used a light saber somewhat well against someone who was trained in it. Fought off other storm troopers (not in the best way but still held out). He can fly planes. Brave. Willing to sacrifice himself for the cause.
I'm not ashamed of Finn in the least bit in that aspect. I just think the acting from him is sort of cringe worthy. Alot of things seemed forced (that's what I didn't like about this part in the movie.)
I understand that a lot is new to him and he is experiencing things for the first time. I just dont think the acting was good.

While reading that, I've just realized that Boyega models Finn, pretty much like Kevin Hart. Think about it...
How about the hanger scene when Finn and Rose were on their knees and surrounded by stormtroopers including Phasma. Next the hangar explodes and we see Finn and Rose laying there with nobody else around. Then 500 plus feet away from the smoke emerges Phasma and troopers like they just entered the room.
I love how people are agreeing. No way in whatsoever would Luke freaking skywalker even think about murdering his nephew unless it was a last resort. And what it seemed like Kylo didn’t even do anything yet. That’s the most frustrating thing about the movie.
Even if Luke saw VADER in him? Or saw some type of dark future?
Luke learning from the past might've pushed him to THINK about it.
How about the hanger scene when Finn and Rose were on their knees and surrounded by stormtroopers including Phasma. Next the hangar explodes and we see Finn and Rose laying there with nobody else around. Then 500 plus feet away from the smoke emerges Phasma and troopers like they just entered the room.
Star Wars was never known for realistic anything to be honest so I'm not sure why people are expecting it now.
Daredevil is one of the shows that do extensive and flawless fight sequences. Star Wars will never be what you
expect if you expect it to be what it's not. Movie has flaws but so does episode 4,5 and especially 6.
Star Wars was never known for realistic anything to be honest so I'm not sure why people are expecting it now.
Daredevil is one of the shows that do extensive and flawless fight sequences. Star Wars will never be what you
expect if you expect it to be what it's not. Movie has flaws but so does episode 4,5 and especially 6.

I agree, that said it was just another thing that made you think really? It was just another wtf moment that added to the bad experience for me.
Every movie has its flaws. Every single one.

But you can mask those flaws if you're character development and storytelling are on point - far from it in TLJ. If you start noticing how stupid and under developed characters you start to notice everything.

I've *****ed about Luke enough and how they did him hella dirty. Finn's storyline was a waste of ******* time entirely. Go get the bounty code breaker for about 15 minutes of the movie. Code breaker does his part but turns you in, in another 15 minutes with the sole purpose being to disable the tracker, which was apparently impossible to do but now is possible.

Add that to the fact that you kill Captain Phasma, who was promoted as a bad *** but no one really cares she died. Same can be said about Snoke.

My only explanation of Finn's storyline was for him to catch feelings for Rose, only to have her die at the hands of the First Order, further rooting his hate.

/End Rant again for now.
I agree, that said it was just another thing that made you think really? It was just another wtf moment that added to the bad experience for me.
Yeah, completely agree with your point. Ugh, I wish they would've focused more on the core of the story
as opposed to building the future of the franchise. That's what irks me these days, everything needs to be
a double trilogy.
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