Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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If Luke had truly shown up on the planet and been taken down, people would have compared that to Ben in ANH. We'd be repeating scenes again. And people would ***** and whine, like they are now.

This time, we saw a Jedi Master do something we've never seen any other Master do.

And frankly, using an old Mark Hamill to fight a young Kylo Ren would have looked as terrible as having Alec Guiness fight in slow motion with Darth Vader in 77.
very well said, agreed 100%

Let's put it this way, TFA was bashed because it borrowed themes and plot devices from ANH.
Now people hate TLJ because it veered too far from what we perceive as the Star Wars we know.
People will not be happy either way, regardless of the outcome, nothing will suit everyone's taste.
Maybe years from now, but not right now in this time and age.
There's no defending TFA from a thematic or plot standpoint. Make millions off a lazy rehash and set up the subsequent films while doing the absolute bare minimum to flesh out characters and storyline.
my only counter with this one is, how do WE know (we don't) that the bombs don't
move by themselves? Each one could have some propeller or air burst things.


The case/shelving serves as a catapult as well.

which is why its on the director to SHOW these things to the audience, leaving no doubt

how much time/money would it have cost?


thats where the claims of being lazy come from

very well said, agreed 100%

Let's put it this way, TFA was bashed because it borrowed themes and plot devices from ANH.
Now people hate TLJ because it veered too far from what we perceive as the Star Wars we know.
People will not be happy either way, regardless of the outcome, nothing will suit everyone's taste.
Maybe years from now, but not right now in this time and age.

you’re like a Donald Trump press secretary

no one has any issues with growth, character evolution, story progression, or (as you put it) veering too far...

at ALL.

what people DO have an issue with is the lack of story to back up the growth, evolution, progression, or veering.

at this point i wonder if you really dont get it
or if you are purposely ignoring that detail so you can keep beating your drum
As I get farther from the film and the warm glow of star wars content fades, these are my totally unfair fanboy-ish nitpicks

1. The casino, animal **** was SO ******* STUPID.

I mean the dialogue, was terrible, nearly prequel level bad. The cheap social commentary, the jokes did not hit at all, it was a useless subplot and unnecessary complication in an already muddled and problematic story structure.

2. That kid using the force to pick up the broom. **** THAT.

I mean the kids are slaves I guess, but miss me with this, people just use the force with no training. Like I can accept that Rey is a jedi master with basically little to no training, she is the "chosen one" in this film and I will roll with that plot eliding. but random slave kid just force pulling ****?

nah b, **** that, they have complete lost the whole discipline and skill aspect to the force and instead it's just your magic.

3. The dice. **** Y'ALL.

The dice is not a thing, don't try and pretend like it's a thing, and imbue it with emotional resonance when it doesn't have it.

4. Luke's death. **** ING REALLY SON?

Luke is a broken man. I gotcha.
You wanna kill Luke? Fine
You wanna make up this new force projection power? Sure, I guess I roll with it.
You wanna do this whole, twist that it's a projection. I don't like it but Ill even allow that.

but having him just die of...exhaustion/heart attack/plot reasons. without explanation or foreshadowing. NAH SON. **** THAT. Having him just fade away is ******* stupid.

5. Akkbarr!?!! **** ING WHAT?

I looked at TFA as JJ getting the bitter taste of the prequels out of people's mouths with a familiar plot. The worst part about the film imo was Starkiller Base. Other than that, I enjoyed it. It was familiar but also different. Female lead, Stormtrooper switching sides, an X-Wing pilot who isn't just being used as a Redshirt. I thought Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo, BB-8 were more interesting in TFA than in TLJ.

Also, TLJ is derivative too. Like the 2nd films in the previous trilogies, the bad guys get W's over the good guys. Old Jedi master sacrifices himself. Kylo is ho-motional like Anakin. Another Hoth-like planet. Random scene with goofy aliens.
All the og films are free on demand.

Definetely giving all of them a watch over the holidays

Special editions
I wonder if I was being too hard on the movie. Man I gotta see it again.

My problem with Luke's death is that it feels too early in the plot. There's a vacuum here that I feel can't be filled.

Meaning there's no "big good" or mentor figures for the protagonists, Rey most especially. The Resistance leadership is all gone, Carrie Fisher cannot reprise her character unless Disney chooses to recast, and Poe is not fit to lead a team of janitors.

The same applies to Supreme Leader Snoke. Kylo Ren's character didn't develop at all outside of being more inept, murderous, and unstable. He's still making huge **** ups, screaming at the top of his lungs, and generally being an unpleasant child. This was fine when he was Snoke's student/puppet.

But he's not capable of being the Supreme Leader both from an in-universe perspective and from a storytelling perspective. That kind of character is not "overarching villain" material unless he's developed properly.

Because, really. It's my understanding that the "New Republic" is dead. Does this mean that Kylo ******* Ren is effectively ruling the Galaxy?
As I get farther from the film and the warm glow of star wars content fades, these are my totally unfair fanboy-ish nitpicks

1. The casino, animal **** was SO ****ING STUPID.

I mean the dialogue, was terrible, nearly prequel level bad. The cheap social commentary, the jokes did not hit at all, it was a useless subplot and unnecessary complication in an already muddled and problematic story structure.

1000% accurate on this. The movie is rated PG-13 so why bother including a BS animal escape scene that was clearly targeted at a significantly younger audience. The casino scene & escape is on par with Jar Jar Binks & pod racing from TPM.

Also the morality issue brought up by the 'code breaker' about both the good and bad guys buying weapons was pointless. If they really want to take a step back they can explain how exactly the New Order and the Rebel Alliance make their money? Just unnecessary stuff that didn't need to be in a space fantasy film. :smh:
Had to watch the ending like 5 times to see the boy use the force pull on the broom. So subtle that I blinked and missed it in theaters
As I get farther from the film and the warm glow of star wars content fades, these are my totally unfair fanboy-ish nitpicks

1. The casino, animal **** was SO ****ING STUPID.

I mean the dialogue, was terrible, nearly prequel level bad. The cheap social commentary, the jokes did not hit at all, it was a useless subplot and unnecessary complication in an already muddled and problematic story structure.

2. That kid using the force to pick up the broom. **** THAT.

I mean the kids are slaves I guess, but miss me with this, people just use the force with no training. Like I can accept that Rey is a jedi master with basically little to no training, she is the "chosen one" in this film and I will roll with that plot eliding. but random slave kid just force pulling ****?

nah b, **** that, they have complete lost the whole discipline and skill aspect to the force and instead it's just your magic.


As a casual fan and pretty much new to the series in general. I'll defend the kid using the force thing.
From what i've gathered. the entire series is based off Hope.
From what I remember from episode 1-3 This kid Anakin was doing amazing things had some power in him who essentially came from nothing, just had the force in him.
To Episdoe 4-6 and this kid name luke who was something special but didnt know it immediately..
Episode 7 you got Rey who comes from nothing but has the force in her.
but from Rogue 1. you got the blind dude rolling around all movie. I am one with the force and the force is with me. And now this TLJ with lukes explanation of the force..
To me (once again the new casual star wars watcher) this indicated that the force can be used by almost anyone. Maybe there is something strong in the universe allowing people to be able to channel it somehow. through emotions, fear, life experiences. We dont know how much that kid went through. Luke was already a legend and stories of him probably are all through out the galaxy. To me that means kids everywhere wishing they were luke attempting to use the force or pretend like they could.

I'd relate it to us now... you've never tried to throw a Hadoken, or Kamehameha? You've never tried to morph in to a power ranger? or hell try to force choke someone yourself..(I just attempted this yesterday).
So yea I wouldn't be surprised if the last movie ends with a bunch of kids with powers all over the universe prepared to become jedis because they can use the force
I was talking to a co worker about this earlier. Do you all think Poe's actions were justified in the beginning of the movie? Engaging the dreadnaught even after general leia's orders. I feel like his actions were more than justified because even though they sustained heavy causalities he prolonged their survival by taking out that ship. Those 2 cannons alone would have decimated their small fleet if it tracked them through hyperspace. The bombers would have never gotten close to the naught if not for Poe's heroics. And to the issue with the bombs dropping without gravity in space. My take away was that the bombs didn't "fall", when they were triggered the bombs may have been locked on to that ship.
If Luke had truly shown up on the planet and been taken down, people would have compared that to Ben in ANH. We'd be repeating scenes again. And people would ***** and whine, like they are now.

This time, we saw a Jedi Master do something we've never seen any other Master do.

And frankly, using an old Mark Hamill to fight a young Kylo Ren would have looked as terrible as having Alec Guiness fight in slow motion with Darth Vader in 77.

Nah, Luke murking all the bad guys would’ve been lit. He did some kind of astral projection and died. That was kinda weak. Like meditating too hard and dying. With today’s special effects they could’ve made him move like goku in ssj god mode.
I was talking to a co worker about this earlier. Do you all think Poe's actions were justified in the beginning of the movie? Engaging the dreadnaught even after general leia's orders. I feel like his actions were more than justified because even though they sustained heavy causalities he prolonged their survival by taking out that ship. Those 2 cannons alone would have decimated their small fleet if it tracked them through hyperspace. The bombers would have never gotten close to the naught if not for Poe's heroics. And to the issue with the bombs dropping without gravity in space. My take away was that the bombs didn't "fall", when they were triggered the bombs may have been locked on to that ship.

Just wanted to make Poe look like buffoon/hothead and have the (female) generals/leaders look calm and collected.
I was talking to a co worker about this earlier. Do you all think Poe's actions were justified in the beginning of the movie? Engaging the dreadnaught even after general leia's orders. I feel like his actions were more than justified because even though they sustained heavy causalities he prolonged their survival by taking out that ship. Those 2 cannons alone would have decimated their small fleet if it tracked them through hyperspace. The bombers would have never gotten close to the naught if not for Poe's heroics. And to the issue with the bombs dropping without gravity in space. My take away was that the bombs didn't "fall", when they were triggered the bombs may have been locked on to that ship.

In the context of their situation at the time no he wasn't justified but with them being able to track them thru hyperspace, they were lucky he did.
If Luke had truly shown up on the planet and been taken down, people would have compared that to Ben in ANH. We'd be repeating scenes again. And people would ***** and whine, like they are now.

This time, we saw a Jedi Master do something we've never seen any other Master do.

And frankly, using an old Mark Hamill to fight a young Kylo Ren would have looked as terrible as having Alec Guiness fight in slow motion with Darth Vader in 77.

You really need to be Sarah Huckabee Sanders' successor
I am not a big of a SW fans as any of you. But it’s insane how much this movie has consumed my mind. Each day I replay what I WISH would have happened and it drives me nuts!
I am not a big of a SW fans as any of you. But it’s insane how much this movie has consumed my mind. Each day I replay what I WISH would have happened and it drives me nuts!

Same here bud, I'm a casual fan that liked TFA and I thought this was horse 'ish. Some decent parts here and there but a total regression from TFA which didn't set the bar too high in the first place.
I liked TFA until Rey was able to hold her own against Kylo in a lightsaber duel. And now she's a Jedi Knight a few days later? COME ON. You have to be one of those insane and obsessed Star Wars fans if you think that was well written. I know there's gonna be multiple paragraphs with smiley emojis talking about "The skills were handed down to her by the force" when that has never happened in any of the Star Wars movies.

Yes, the raw power alone has been handed down, but not how to use it. We all saw Luke get washed by Vader in ESB even after training 100x more than Rey did, and he was actually the son of one of the strongest Jedi of all time.

There's a lot of nonsense I can overlook and have been overlooking since the first movies, since it is sci-fi after all. For example, I'm not nitpicking about gravity, bombs, etc. in Stars Wars since none of the battles or even the sound effects since the first movie would even be possible in real space. But the Leia @#$@ was so stupid, like Fast and the Furious Vin Diesel stupid :rofl:
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As a casual fan and pretty much new to the series in general. I'll defend the kid using the force thing.
From what i've gathered. the entire series is based off Hope.
From what I remember from episode 1-3 This kid Anakin was doing amazing things had some power in him who essentially came from nothing, just had the force in him.
To Episdoe 4-6 and this kid name luke who was something special but didnt know it immediately..
Episode 7 you got Rey who comes from nothing but has the force in her.
but from Rogue 1. you got the blind dude rolling around all movie. I am one with the force and the force is with me. And now this TLJ with lukes explanation of the force..
To me (once again the new casual star wars watcher) this indicated that the force can be used by almost anyone. Maybe there is something strong in the universe allowing people to be able to channel it somehow. through emotions, fear, life experiences. We dont know how much that kid went through. Luke was already a legend and stories of him probably are all through out the galaxy. To me that means kids everywhere wishing they were luke attempting to use the force or pretend like they could.

I'd relate it to us now... you've never tried to throw a Hadoken, or Kamehameha? You've never tried to morph in to a power ranger? or hell try to force choke someone yourself..(I just attempted this yesterday).
So yea I wouldn't be surprised if the last movie ends with a bunch of kids with powers all over the universe prepared to become jedis because they can use the force

Totally valid, I see your reasoning, I just don't like, that's why I prefaced it as my nitpic-y fanboy complaints.

In my Star Wars the force should be harder to learn than just, I got the force so I just got it like that.
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