Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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There's a lot of nonsense I can overlook and have been overlooking since the first movies, since it is sci-fi after all. For example, I'm not nitpicking about gravity, bombs, etc. in Stars Wars since none of the battles or even the sound effects since the first movie would even be possible in real space. But the Leia @#$@ was so stupid, like Fast and the Furious Vin Diesel stupid :rofl:

Looks like there's only a handful of rebels left so why not bring in Dom & the crew. Hell, our boy Tyrese hurtin' for paychecks so he'd be on board for sure! :lol:
I mean if we're going to completely abandon plot and logic, might as well merge Stars Wars with F&F.

The only difference is that I watch F&F BECAUSE they're stupid movies that I love to laugh at. I obviously don't want to see stupidity in movies that are supposed to be serious :lol:
As a casual fan and pretty much new to the series in general. I'll defend the kid using the force thing.
From what i've gathered. the entire series is based off Hope.
From what I remember from episode 1-3 This kid Anakin was doing amazing things had some power in him who essentially came from nothing, just had the force in him.
To Episdoe 4-6 and this kid name luke who was something special but didnt know it immediately..
Episode 7 you got Rey who comes from nothing but has the force in her.
but from Rogue 1. you got the blind dude rolling around all movie. I am one with the force and the force is with me. And now this TLJ with lukes explanation of the force..
To me (once again the new casual star wars watcher) this indicated that the force can be used by almost anyone. Maybe there is something strong in the universe allowing people to be able to channel it somehow. through emotions, fear, life experiences. We dont know how much that kid went through. Luke was already a legend and stories of him probably are all through out the galaxy. To me that means kids everywhere wishing they were luke attempting to use the force or pretend like they could.

I'd relate it to us now... you've never tried to throw a Hadoken, or Kamehameha? You've never tried to morph in to a power ranger? or hell try to force choke someone yourself..(I just attempted this yesterday).
So yea I wouldn't be surprised if the last movie ends with a bunch of kids with powers all over the universe prepared to become jedis because they can use the force

I have tried to throw a Hadoken. It didn't work.
you've never tried to throw a Hadoken, or Kamehameha? You've never tried to morph in to a power ranger? or hell try to force choke someone yourself."

Wat looool

Not surprising at all.

This the same cat who watches GoT in full Kings Guard armor.
Nah, Luke murking all the bad guys would’ve been lit. He did some kind of astral projection and died. That was kinda weak. Like meditating too hard and dying. With today’s special effects they could’ve made him move like goku in ssj god mode.

Kylo mentions in the movie, when Rey and him first force FaceTime, that “just the effort would kill you.” That line was there to let you know how powerful Luke had became.

I’m still wrestling with that execution but it really does makes sense why he died and his actions made him a legend.
Honestly I loved TLJ. Even more than TFA.

There are some roughhhhhh critics in here I had no idea y’all were so damn picky about your movies. :lol:

Can’t wait for the next one.. Blu Ray day 1 cop for me on TLJ.. after watching it at least 1 more time.
So wouldn’t that make snoke strong AF if he was the one who established a connection between rey and snape? He was acting like some sort of 4g network connection.
As I get farther from the film and the warm glow of star wars content fades, these are my totally unfair fanboy-ish nitpicks

1. The casino, animal **** was SO ****ING STUPID.

I mean the dialogue, was terrible, nearly prequel level bad. The cheap social commentary, the jokes did not hit at all, it was a useless subplot and unnecessary complication in an already muddled and problematic story structure.

2. That kid using the force to pick up the broom. **** THAT.

I mean the kids are slaves I guess, but miss me with this, people just use the force with no training. Like I can accept that Rey is a jedi master with basically little to no training, she is the "chosen one" in this film and I will roll with that plot eliding. but random slave kid just force pulling ****?

nah b, **** that, they have complete lost the whole discipline and skill aspect to the force and instead it's just your magic.

3. The dice. **** Y'ALL.

The dice is not a thing, don't try and pretend like it's a thing, and imbue it with emotional resonance when it doesn't have it.

4. Luke's death. **** ING REALLY SON?

Luke is a broken man. I gotcha.
You wanna kill Luke? Fine
You wanna make up this new force projection power? Sure, I guess I roll with it.
You wanna do this whole, twist that it's a projection. I don't like it but Ill even allow that.

but having him just die of...exhaustion/heart attack/plot reasons. without explanation or foreshadowing. NAH SON. **** THAT. Having him just fade away is ****ing stupid.

5. Akkbarr!?!! **** ING WHAT?


1,3 and 5 I totally agree with.

2, I didn’t really like it at first because, kids... but force sensitive children spread throughout the galaxy was always in lore. As you probably know, that was meant to show hope.
So wouldn’t that make snoke strong AF if he was the one who established a connection between rey and snape? He was acting like some sort of 4g network connection.

Strong af idk about that. Most certainly strong but let’s not forget that Darth Nihilus was known for consuming entire planets. Lol
Strong af idk about that. Most certainly strong but let’s not forget that Darth Nihilus was known for consuming entire planets. Lol

He should’ve been the sith master instead of a guy who gets cut in half chillin in a chair.
All y’all complaining about the ending

Luke had been disconnected with the force for a long time. He comes back and immediately uncovers and uses one of the strongest force powers we’ve ever seen from the light side of the force.. imagine sitting on a couch for a year straight and then having to lift 800lbs to save someone’s life.
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