Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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again i don't know what about it isn't clear. sorry you had so much trouble following it, but it seemed crystal clear to me.

there are parts of the movie that are unclear and muddled, but nothing about Kylo-Rey stuff is imo.

anakin and Kylo have different motivations imo, but obviously they become sith so it leads to the same ends.
In the movie it clearly says Kylo may have turned to the darkside while he was training with Luke. We have no concrete idea still how Snoke got to him.

You are just writing to explain away weak writing by making Kylo sound like a Galactic Holden Caulfield.

All I'm asking for Kylo to have some motive beyond, "I need to find myself"
We don't even know his damn motives clearly. He is just emo..........sorry "conflicted"

Dude is washed. He has potential but the are dropping the ball with him worst that Anakin Skywalker in the prequels.
Matter fact, I take back what I said.

Hes not Anakin lite. He's worse.

The boy is not conflicted. He's emo for the sake of it.

Even Anakin had strong reasons for turning to the dark side; he was a slave, later on his mother died while he was light years away and couldn't do anything about it despite being a Jedi, he had force premonitions of his wife dying. It warped him to the poi t where he wanted to seek power to resurrect ppl or stop them from dying altogether.

Why does Ben Solo kill his father in TFA? We get vague **** like Snoke tempted him? Man when Palpatine/Sidious tempted Anakin the struggle and pain was already in place all son had to do is lie about a few details.

Then what do we learn in TLJ? Luke sensed great darkness in him. More vague ****.

The real problem here is in 2 films they're not even trying to paint Kylo Ren as a sociopath or psychopath (those ppl are born that way). They're not even attempting to say he's a little bipolar or suffers from severe depression. There's no philosophical basis to his motives like he's a nihilist or something.

He's just emo. Not even goth but like those lame vamp kids from South park. Wannabes.

Its like he found out his grandpa was an evil badass and said I want to live up to that just to get power. What is Kylo Ren's goal? What made Ben Solo become Kylo Ren?

Get this trash antagonist out the box asap. Toss him in a sarlac pit.

At this point, despite it being cliche and a hack move I'd welcome JJ springing on us the real evil villain in IX.
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Kylo is a Skywalker like trumpo is the president. This movie is as polarizing as politics, that's crazy.
Is he even Han and Leia’s kid? He has to be adopted. Doesn’t resemble either of them.
Would be an even better twist.

That seems like something Rian couldn't add in last minute. Ben's not even related to them, he's adopted and raised by them :lol:
In the movie it clearly says Kylo may have turned to the darkside while he was training with Luke. We have no concrete idea still how Snoke got to him.

You are just writing to explain away weak writing by making Kylo sound like a Galactic Holden Caulfield.

All I'm asking for Kylo to have some motive beyond, "I need to find myself"

i don't think it's that layered. all the thematic elements are layed out through out the film.

"You hate that you need them" "burn the past down" ect ect. I found it to be compelling motivation for Kylo, you may have not found it compelling but kinda hard to say that it wasn't clear imo. but hey different strokes i guess.
I think is agree with my girl. There needed to be a movie between TFA and this one.

Exactly. You don't shatter conventions, end major character arcs, slam doors shut, and create a revolutionary jumping-off point for a story halfway through it lol

It would have been cool if this was a surprise four-part saga. With everything that was deflated and inflated with TLJ I don't see IX as bringing things to a satisfying end.

What else is there? I was okay with Kylo when Snoke was around, but as a standalone character he has no right to be ruling the FO, Rey is the only Jedi but has little to no training or real Jedi wisdom (the books I know), the Resistance is dead and I get the feeling a lot of hitherto unknown characters (the "allies") are going to be shoehorned into IX, I hate Poe Dameron, Finn is a non-character who exists just because he was in VII, Carrie Fisher is gone.

**** the Jedi, **** the Force, Rey's entire thing now, and the presumably most prominent theme of IX, is going to be her love-hate with Ben. Hooray. She has no connection to anything else, not even the wider Resistance/Order conflict.
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i don't think it's that layered. all the thematic elements are layed out through out the film.

"You hate that you need them" "burn the past down" ect ect. I found it to be compelling motivation for Kylo, you may have not found it compelling but kinda hard to say that it wasn't clear imo. but hey different strokes i guess.
Fair enough

And to be fair to Rian. Disney should have just hired one director for the entire trilogy
Stop saying burn the past and stop living from the OT when the 6!! Most recent movies were made to build off the OT even the got dang cartoons.
This is what's ridiculous to me that the people backing up TLJ are doing.
Again not quite my wheel house. Don't get me to try and watch SpongeBob by telling me it's the predecessor to Ren and Stimpy
Stop saying burn the past and stop living from the OT when the 6!! Most recent movies were made to build off the OT even the got dang cartoons.
This is what's ridiculous to me that the people backing up TLJ are doing.
Again not quite my wheel house. Don't get me to try and watch SpongeBob by telling me it's the predecessor to Ren and Stimpy

“Let the past die”....but not Chewie and the Millenium Falcon though. We need them back.
I think I get what I don't like about The Last Jedi.

This guy Rian Johnson, although I have never seen any of his previous movies, comes across as the "snooty artist" type.

The movie feels like there was a person, who was objectively very talented and creative, and for years he had this idea for the way he would handle a Star Wars movie, if ever given the opportunity.

And, incidentally, Disney gave him the opportunity, and almost no editorial oversight.

It's a very "Max Landisy" kind of thing to me. Landis is the guy who made the Death and Return of Superman video and who told you, the viewer, that you actually don't give a **** about Superman, even if you think you do. He's a talented writer but carries a very powerful "I'm smarter than you and pontificate on things often and therefore I am right and you are wrong" vibe.

I get the same vibe here. Rian Johnson is trying to communicate his long-standing philosophical perspective on what Star Wars is upon the viewing audience, but does so at the cost of what makes a solid and consistent movie a solid and consistent movie - this is even more troubling when the movie is a sequel and 2nd in a trilogy.

This isn't an example of artistic liberty. It's almost like he wrote an essay or released a YouTube video (comments and ratings disabled) on why everyone else is wrong about Star Wars - but the essay in this case happens to be a Disney-funded Hollywood Blockbuster containing a unique mythos and is the second installment in a trilogy.

You can tell Disney didn't really step in much on this one. I think Johnson got away with a lot. I may be 100% wrong but I feel like the only Disney parts of the movie were the dumb casino scenes and the stampede sequence.

The rest is what an admittedly brilliant artist thinks Star Wars should be in his head, and there was no counterargument from anyone involved.

I have never seen this man speak, but I am certain that he hypes up his own scriptwriting skills like he's Shakespeare incarnate. And this is literally a baseless assumption I'm making.

I don't think this sequel trilogy has a "Feige", or at least a map of where things will go with calculated allowances for creative liberty for directors.

I think Disney has been doing Star Wars the Disney way. Just making distinct movies and allowing the directors to be as "director-y" as they want.

So JJ gets to make his New Hope remake, and Johnson gets to make his alternative postmodern Star Wars essay.

JJ gets to establish that Rey is somehow connected to previous characters, Johnson gets to say very firmly that Rey is "nobody" in his script, but now has to insinuate in public that maybe that reveal was a lie.

They didn't map this **** out beforehand man lol
The potential shouldn’t be that overbearing without training. All you need is one line saying Leia trained with Luke and the scene becomes less questionable. But like with everything in this film there’s no explanation. **** just happens with no type of proper reasoning.

You need ONE line to explain to you Leia has been training with her brother the last THIRTY years?

You can't figure that out for yourself, really? :lol:
You need ONE line to explain to you Leia has been training with her brother the last THIRTY years?

You can't figure that out for yourself, really? :lol:

So are we suppose to assume this? When did this training take place? Why couldn’t Leia train Kylo as opposed to sending her off to Luke?

Points that Rian Johnson didn’t want to tackle so he blatantly ignored by not giving an explanation as to why Leia did that nonsense. I can take it at face value with her being Darth Vader’s daughter and Luke’s sister but I saw Luke having to handstand just to grasp the concept of using the force properly. Don’t cheat me the viewer out of what Leia had to go through to achieve what is EASILY the most overpowered use of the force ever displayed in Star Wars.

And no, Luke being a living force ghost is not a display of power. We’ve seen Jedi that weren’t really there since Empire. Movie done pulled the wool over so many of y’all eyes.
You guys sound ridiculous. :lol:

Disney loves Rian and everything he did. They have an eleven person panel that all stories/storylines go thru for canon purposes. We have lames in this thread actin like he wrote the script on a napkin and shot the film without approval. :rofl:

They gave him a trilogy BEFORE they even released the film to the public, but they had already seen the film themselves. Production issues with Rogue and the Solo films, but not one single issue with TLJ. They are 100% behind Rian.

But you people need one liners to explain growth over 30+ years. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We have clowns proclaiming Star Wars is done, Rian is a hack, Disney has no overall larger "plan" and they're on pace for 650+ million domestic and half a dozen more films in the forecast. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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