Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I know diet is key...

but what would be more beneficial (if at all) workin out in the AM, then cardio in the evening, or the other way (cardia am, lift PM) thanks
i've done both. lifting am/ cardio pm & cardio am/ lifting pm. I didn't notice any difference in strength. So I guess its up to you. I notice less people are in the weight room in the AM so thats when I usually lift.
I jog 10 min to the gym at a medium pace, then lift for like 45min-1hr, then do 15-30 mins of cardio at the gym and jog home....

came in here to post some stuff for the Iphone/Itouch people.

i just got a app called Tap & Track from installous... program is amazing, you dont need to be online, it has over 250,000 diff foods and tons of different workouts. You log your food and workout each day and it has a monthly chart and lots of other cool stuff. Check it out. I was writing my daily workouts and diet down, but i didnt have the organization to put calories ad protein and everything in it, this thing does it all for you... has over 450 restraunts in it with their menu items. Its a great tool. I highly suggest it.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

IICE, Man calm down.

all in good fun.

Im forreal. If you wanna keep bringing it up. We gonn need before and after pics.

iice did i get to you again man? i said calm down
dont hurt nobody

 man i got no problem postin pics. 
 is that suppose to like make me shut up? i get questions like.......everyday. i assume most of us do. before pics? i look better than avg now, right now im working on really getting shredded. it wont take me 2 years or anything.

imma start my bodyspace back up soon, so ill be addin the NT fam to anyone who has one on here. 
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
I'm going to try this when my current supplement runs out and I'm in that month period before I can re-up.

My biggest problem is the weekends. I work out 4-5 times M-F but as soon as I leave the office Friday afternoon RIP. I might consume more calories in beer over the weekend than I consumed in like 2 days during the week
. And then the worst part is, I get the drunk munchies and I also say "ehhh it's weekend eff it" and that's where I basically consume all the calories I cut during the week :smh:. Once I can get that under control, I'll be able to meet my goals and I'm pretty close right now.
yea weekends are tough..................

you ever feel like you did great all week, then weekend is over and youre like *($#!!!

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
I'm going to try this when my current supplement runs out and I'm in that month period before I can re-up.

My biggest problem is the weekends. I work out 4-5 times M-F but as soon as I leave the office Friday afternoon RIP. I might consume more calories in beer over the weekend than I consumed in like 2 days during the week
. And then the worst part is, I get the drunk munchies and I also say "ehhh it's weekend eff it" and that's where I basically consume all the calories I cut during the week :smh:. Once I can get that under control, I'll be able to meet my goals and I'm pretty close right now.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.

So the only meal you eat the entire day is one big one in the evening?
I feel like if i did that I would feel my body eating my muscle away during the day.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

yea weekends are tough..................

you ever feel like you did great all week, then weekend is over and youre like *(&#$#!!!


Just about every week lol. I consider Sunday afternoon when I step on the scale the moment of truth to see if I packed on lbs. during the weekend

To all of you in here who are in good shape but do still you drink hard liquor or beer? I noticed if I just take shots or have diet mixed drinks, e.g. whiskey & diet coke, I typically stay the same, if not lose weight by the end of the weekend but when I have beer it's like
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Al Audi

IICE, Man calm down.

all in good fun.

Im forreal. If you wanna keep bringing it up. We gonn need before and after pics.

iice did i get to you again man? i said calm down
dont hurt nobody

 man i got no problem postin pics. 
 is that suppose to like make me shut up? i get questions like.......everyday. i assume most of us do. before pics? i look better than avg now, right now im working on really getting shredded. it wont take me 2 years or anything.

imma start my bodyspace back up soon, so ill be addin the NT fam to anyone who has one on here. 

stick to the subject dude. obviously ur trying to prove a point " competing" with joe since he crossed over. the only point would be to see if you can do better naturally than a person taking aas. But that competition is flawed unless we can compare each individual advancement via before and after pics. until thats established theres no competetion.and wheres djprestiege with his defense on hcg binding to estrogen.......????
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
Congrats on actually trying out IF and liking it. I've been saying this for a while now and only 2 or 3 people have tried it from this forum to my knowledge.
No guys, your biceps won't shrink 3 inches if you fast for one day.
Can someone give me a review on an intraworkout supplement like Size On? Just ordered this with another tub of SP 250.

Thanks guys
3500 shiiiit

you must be at a pretty low bf% already of those dudes who's at like 10% and thinks they're fat

what are your goals.....recomp?

you doin a lot of cardio?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
i kinda wanna try it
Lol IICE really, you won. I'm not even reading that. Joe well I mean....10% isn't shredded, it gives you definition. 10% you can get away with a way more relaxed diet.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Lol IICE really, you won. I'm not even reading that. Joe well I mean....10% isn't shredded, it gives you definition. 10% you can get away with a way more relaxed diet.

Dude...if ur gonna compete, we want before and after pics. Dont run from it now like you did last time.
That intermittent fasting way I could handle that. Joe as far as cardio goes ill just to the Precor eliptical at a high intensity for 10 mins dependin on how I feel at the end of a routine.
So you're mad because I told joe he crossed over? Just f-n around with em? An what do you even have to do with it because you juice? Don't you live in NY? I'm from CT wanna just meet up one of these weekends ill go to ur gym as a guest, how is mrs campbell doing these days? Wasn't she expecting a baby? You need a God Father?
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