Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by DT43

edit: and a general question, what type of vitamins/supps are you guys taking? right now i do

Multivitamin -- one in the morning
4-6 Fish oil gels--spread them out in every meal, keeps my joints lubed up
4000-6000IU Vitamin D3 -- Vit D is proven to improve mood. this stuff is great.. i honesty felt like a god the first day i took it, haha. its also chemically classified as a steroid/pre-hormone (no, seriously) and has been shown to raise test levels.

these are the most frequent supps i see, what else is good out there?
Thats a typo, right?

Youre consuming a lot of calcium too, correct?

Few dudes whose physiques give me motivation


Joe...I had to admin some hcg this morn with the 25ga. And im looking at it like damn. Ur deff not gonna get away with a 27ga for an oil. Thats hair thin right there.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DT43

edit: and a general question, what type of vitamins/supps are you guys taking? right now i do

Multivitamin -- one in the morning
4-6 Fish oil gels--spread them out in every meal, keeps my joints lubed up
4000-6000IU Vitamin D3 -- Vit D is proven to improve mood. this stuff is great.. i honesty felt like a god the first day i took it, haha. its also chemically classified as a steroid/pre-hormone (no, seriously) and has been shown to raise test levels.

these are the most frequent supps i see, what else is good out there?
Thats a typo, right?

Youre consuming a lot of calcium too, correct?


Yea dude, thats alot to be taking daily. I have a vit D difciency and my rx is for 10000iu 2x/ week.Just cause it makes you feel good doesnt mean its doing you good. Id get a blood test done asap
Originally Posted by Al Audi

alright..........i got my macros figured out
what are they? ive been tracking mine but just sticking to a calorie goal not a macro goal. i end up eating like 1/3 of my cals in fat which seems to be more than most people suggest on a diet w/o limited carb intake.
i basically just eat a high protein, high fat, low car ( 150 to 300 grams) a day. Been doing it for a while and it works for me.

I just love healthy fats (almond butter n *!%@)
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

alright..........i got my macros figured out
what are they? ive been tracking mine but just sticking to a calorie goal not a macro goal. i end up eating like 1/3 of my cals in fat which seems to be more than most people suggest on a diet w/o limited carb intake.
right now im winnin Joe. 

you brought out a lil competitiveness in me by crossin over

we all know diet is key bro.......
I still can't figure out what an optimal ratio is for muscle growth and low body fat.
I have REALLY increased (good) fat intake..

I'd really just like to know how many g of each macro to eat every day. Forget time of day / frequency of intake.. I just want to know how to feed my muscles and reduce bodyfat.

Would I want to eat the same amount of everything on training day and active rest day?
keepin it a secret alright alright

brett- lotta people recommend 40/40/20 p/c/f for a basic macro breakdown. but everyone's body and goals are different and that isnt necessarily the best

for me the last week ive been doing like a 35/35/30 @2000 cals/day which is not looking right at all.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

alright..........i got my macros figured out
what are they? ive been tracking mine but just sticking to a calorie goal not a macro goal. i end up eating like 1/3 of my cals in fat which seems to be more than most people suggest on a diet w/o limited carb intake.
right now im winnin Joe. 

you brought out a lil competitiveness in me by crossin over

we all know diet is key bro.......
lol...why you always tryin to compete with the juice people. What point are you trying to prove? That you can be more ripped that a person who juice?
We all know AAS is not a miracle drug, and many factors genetic factors are involved juice or no juice. Your a pretty ripped dude as it is and have good genetics. Shiii...right now you look better than alot of people that do and have tried AAS.
But if a competition is in order, the most logical and fair way to see who "wins" would have to be based on the results each individual made compared to ones self. Who made better gains. The natural guy or the "chemically enhanced" guy.
IICE, Man calm down.

all in good fun.

serious note...........damn joe 2k is low as hell though man....
edit: this is the brand almond butter i got, i was in super wal mart with my sis an to my surprise.............they had it..........i was like 

WAY cheaper than what I paid before, i picked up 2 jars.

im replacin olive oil with macadamia nut oil too.

[table][tr][td]You can travel the world over, and not find a more perfect cooking oil than Macadamia Nut Oil. It's naturally high smoke point (400-450� F) allows for excellent cooking versatility, and even helps reduce the production of trans fatty acids. To ensure quality and purity, Now Macadamia Nut Oil uses only unrefined, unhybridized macadamias, as grown in Australia. These organically grown nuts are superior in quality and account for its unique nutritional profile. At 81% monounsaturated fat, 2% polyunsaturated fat and an incredibly low 2.2 grams of saturated fat, Now Macadamia Nut Oil has one of the healthiest unsaturated to saturated fat ratios, even greater than that of olive oil.[/td][/tr][/table]
i may try that oil to fry some food. coconut oil is good for eggs and baking but frying it smokes quick
yeah 2000 is definitely low. we'll see how it goes.....been feeling nice & lean w/good energy. but today was leg day and i could only get halfway thru before i got lightheaded, headache, and almost puked. felt like $$@% for like 30 min afterwards.

worst was before spring break for me though.....i was cutting and a week before i left i did 1500 cals/day and was doing a brutal full body split that had me doing almost all compound lifts and a form of squats and bench every workout. that was not fun. i posted that workout a while back in this thread.

how many cals are you doing?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

IICE, Man calm down.

all in good fun.

serious note...........damn joe 2k is low as hell though man....
edit: this is the brand almond butter i got, i was in super wal mart with my sis an to my surprise.............they had it..........i was like 

WAY cheaper than what I paid before, i picked up 2 jars.

im replacin olive oil with macadamia nut oil too.

[table][tr][td]You can travel the world over, and not find a more perfect cooking oil than Macadamia Nut Oil. It's naturally high smoke point (400-450� F) allows for excellent cooking versatility, and even helps reduce the production of trans fatty acids. To ensure quality and purity, Now Macadamia Nut Oil uses only unrefined, unhybridized macadamias, as grown in Australia. These organically grown nuts are superior in quality and account for its unique nutritional profile. At 81% monounsaturated fat, 2% polyunsaturated fat and an incredibly low 2.2 grams of saturated fat, Now Macadamia Nut Oil has one of the healthiest unsaturated to saturated fat ratios, even greater than that of olive oil.[/td][/tr][/table]
There is this one health food store close to my house that I go to that sells items you cant find anywhere else and I've been tempted for months now to pick up Macadamia Nut Oil because I read about the benefits that you listed above. The problem is, a tiny bottle costs about $20 (I pay like $5 for a nice sized bottle of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil). I really want to try the macadamia nut oil but I cant justify spending that much money on it. Maybe I'll do so later on. I ended up just buying coconut oil (tastes like crap), macadamia butter (tastes amazing), and a 3 jars of organic cashew butter (the best nut butter ever). I tried almond butter and didnt like it but almost everyone I know that's tried it loved it. I also highly recommend hazelnut butter but I prefer PB, macadamia and cashew butter over anything else I tried.

Besides those butters and olive oil, I've recently been using coconut and peanut oil on rare occasions. I'm not really a fan of either to be honest.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah 2000 is definitely low. we'll see how it goes.....been feeling nice & lean w/good energy. but today was leg day and i could only get halfway thru before i got lightheaded, headache, and almost puked. felt like $$@% for like 30 min afterwards.

worst was before spring break for me though.....i was cutting and a week before i left i did 1500 cals/day and was doing a brutal full body split that had me doing almost all compound lifts and a form of squats and bench every workout. that was not fun. i posted that workout a while back in this thread.

how many cals are you doing?
You obviously know more about fitness than me but why would you put your body through such a brutal exercise schedule on such low calories? You could've just done 2-3 full body splits a week while eating higher calories and just dropped your calories to a higher deficit on your 4-5 days off and still have gotten the same results.
I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I know its been mentioned here already but I gotta re-emphasize how much easier it is to cut when doing intermittent fasting rather than eating the usual 4-6 meals spread out over the day. It's hard as hell to stay full on say 2000 calories if you eat breakfast first thing in the morning and then try to stretch out like 1500 calories over the rest of the day. I think it's much easier to just skip breakfast and/or lunch and have your first meal in the afternoon. Eating the 2000 calories from around 3-4pm to bedtime is much easier than eating 2000 calories from 8am to bedtime. At first waking up in the morning and not eating might be tough but drinking coffee, tea, water helps to curb your appetite and you get used to not eating breakfast really quick. In the past while trying to lose fat, I'd try and stretch 2000 calories over 5-6 meals and I failed time and time again because I'd be starving 1 hour after every meal. After that I tried something similar to intermittent fasting and it worked to a charm. Some studies also suggest that you burn a greater percentage of fat during intermittent fasting compared to conventional fat loss programs.
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