Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I've started working out again but when I do crunches/situps..say 20-30 my stomach hurts by the next evening and I can't do anymore for a couple days.
-Are there any other stomach exercises I can do?
-If I were to eat better and gradually loose the weight on my stomach would that help?
-Would doing an even lower number and gradually building up be a better option?
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by Seattle206

Does anybody else basically eat what they want and work out and still have good results? I stay at 165lbs when I eat a lot and even those weeks when I only eat twice a day, my weight doesnt go up or down. I hit the gym 4 days a week for the past 8 months with results I am satisfied with.

I thank my metabolism for that.
Same. I don't pay attention to my diet at all. Eat whatever, whenever. I'm happy with my results.
Man today's workout was horrible.. l was super weak compared to my past workouts like I was forced to use half the usual weight I lift. Anybody elseexperience this? Also I think it might have something to do with my previous workout 2 days ago when I was doing deadlifts I was feeling something in themiddle right side of my back. Then when I tried doing deadlifts today I couldn't lift my usual weight up because I could feel pain in that area. It'saffected other parts of my workout like my cable flys. I usually use 30 lbs per each side but today I had to use 15!
After that I just said ___ it because this was ridiculous./
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man today's workout was horrible.. l was super weak compared to my past workouts like I was forced to use half the usual weight I lift. Anybody else experience this? Also I think it might have something to do with my previous workout 2 days ago when I was doing deadlifts I was feeling something in the middle right side of my back. Then when I tried doing deadlifts today I couldn't lift my usual weight up because I could feel pain in that area. It's affected other parts of my workout like my cable flys. I usually use 30 lbs per each side but today I had to use 15!
After that I just said ___ it because this was ridiculous./
I've experienced off days, but losing 50% of strength seems odd. If I really wuss out on an off day, the most I drop from my lifts are 10-20lbs, depending on the exercise. Chances are you're doing deadlifts incorrectly if you have that sort of pain. Stop the deadlifting until the injury goesaway, then try again with lighter weight and proper form. Trust me, I've been there before and my back isn't the same.
Yeah homie, off days happen.. tell me about it. I usually just skip the gym altogether and just come back the next day/time refreshed and focused.
I decided to take next week off, been going to the gym 4 months hard and consistent. Think its time to give my body a full rest to recover and hopefully growmuscles.. Its sad though, I don't want to rest but my body is telling me otherwise.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man today's workout was horrible.. l was super weak compared to my past workouts like I was forced to use half the usual weight I lift. Anybody else experience this? Also I think it might have something to do with my previous workout 2 days ago when I was doing deadlifts I was feeling something in the middle right side of my back. Then when I tried doing deadlifts today I couldn't lift my usual weight up because I could feel pain in that area. It's affected other parts of my workout like my cable flys. I usually use 30 lbs per each side but today I had to use 15!
After that I just said ___ it because this was ridiculous./
Do you feel pain when you bend at the waist? If you do it's most likely a back strain. It can be the result of a few things; not warming upproperly for the deadlift, you have a muscle imbalance in that area, not deadlifting on a straight floor, or poor technique (most likely).

back strains take a while to heal and they're easily re-aggravated.

I get minor strains from time to time. Just don't deadlift or perform exercises that involve the erector spinae.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I decided to take next week off, been going to the gym 4 months hard and consistent. Think its time to give my body a full rest to recover and hopefully grow muscles.. Its sad though, I don't want to rest buy my body is telling me otherwise.
I've never subscribed to the full week off thing. I think 3-4 days of rest, while pigging out (lots and lots of carbs) and getting plenty ofsleep is more than enough rest.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man today's workout was horrible.. l was super weak compared to my past workouts like I was forced to use half the usual weight I lift. Anybody else experience this? Also I think it might have something to do with my previous workout 2 days ago when I was doing deadlifts I was feeling something in the middle right side of my back. Then when I tried doing deadlifts today I couldn't lift my usual weight up because I could feel pain in that area. It's affected other parts of my workout like my cable flys. I usually use 30 lbs per each side but today I had to use 15!
After that I just said ___ it because this was ridiculous./
Do you feel pain when you bend at the waist? If you do it's most likely a back strain. It can be the result of a few things; not warming up properly for the deadlift, you have a muscle imbalance in that area, not deadlifting on a straight floor, or poor technique (most likely).

back strains take a while to heal and they're easily re-aggravated.

I get minor strains from time to time. Just don't deadlift or perform exercises that involve the erector spinae.
does this mean no squats as well?
I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man today's workout was horrible.. l was super weak compared to my past workouts like I was forced to use half the usual weight I lift. Anybody else experience this? Also I think it might have something to do with my previous workout 2 days ago when I was doing deadlifts I was feeling something in the middle right side of my back. Then when I tried doing deadlifts today I couldn't lift my usual weight up because I could feel pain in that area. It's affected other parts of my workout like my cable flys. I usually use 30 lbs per each side but today I had to use 15!
After that I just said ___ it because this was ridiculous./
Do you feel pain when you bend at the waist? If you do it's most likely a back strain. It can be the result of a few things; not warming up properly for the deadlift, you have a muscle imbalance in that area, not deadlifting on a straight floor, or poor technique (most likely).

back strains take a while to heal and they're easily re-aggravated.

I get minor strains from time to time. Just don't deadlift or perform exercises that involve the erector spinae.
does this mean no squats as well?

Definitely no heavy squats or back squats. Light front squats are OK in that they won't exacerbate the injury. However, you'll tighten up considerablyin the area where the strain is so you'll have to be extra careful for a few hours after that.
Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
Lower weight, higher rep is better for hypertrophy (size gains) so I hear. Somebody correct me if I am wrong. The lower rep higher weight is moreof a strength building thing...Anything from 7-12 reps should build more size though. Also, keep in my do a weight where you can rep out that amount, but makesure it's not too difficult that your form is sacrificed. Ultimately your technique is one of the major deciding factors for muscle growth.
Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
If low weight high reps isn't working then try going heavier with low reps. Personally I believe that heavy w/ low reps is the way to go butyou also have to remember that the shoulder is composed of 3 heads. You need to stress all 3 heads.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
Lower weight, higher rep is better for hypertrophy (size gains) so I hear. Somebody correct me if I am wrong. The lower rep higher weight is more of a strength building thing...Anything from 7-12 reps should build more size though. Also, keep in my do a weight where you can rep out that amount, but make sure it's not too difficult that your form is sacrificed. Ultimately your technique is one of the major deciding factors for muscle growth.
There are general rules for lifting/bodybuilding/etc. but every individual build is different so not all rules apply to every individual.
Some people respond better to higher reps and some to lower reps. Lifting is a lot of trial and error.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
If low weight high reps isn't working then try going heavier with low reps. Personally I believe that heavy w/ low reps is the way to go but you also have to remember that the shoulder is composed of 3 heads. You need to stress all 3 heads.
Yeah I mostly do shoulder presses
what head does that work (nh)
Originally Posted by drock2010

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
If low weight high reps isn't working then try going heavier with low reps. Personally I believe that heavy w/ low reps is the way to go but you also have to remember that the shoulder is composed of 3 heads. You need to stress all 3 heads.
Yeah I mostly do shoulder presses
what head does that work (nh)
Mostly the anterior (front) deltoid with assistance from the lateral (middle) deltoid.
Most the mass will actually come from the lateral and posterior (rear) heads.

Here's an anatomical pic;


Frankly, seated shoulder presses are pretty useless and hold back development. Seated presses can't harness the maximum shoulder strentgh of an individual.

Push Presses/Jerks are far superior. Seated presses are good as an assistance exercises but shouldn't be the main lift.
For example if I'm push pressing say 100lb for reps and all i can strict press is 60lbs, think of how much total poundage I'm leaving behind eachtraining session.
Shoulder Press works the anterior (front) head.
Edit- I guess I should have refreshed the page

Oh yeah Al Audi/Joe Camel I believe you two have mentioned True Protein before, not sure if that is the name or not? But I need to buy something new sinceI'm out of Myofusion and I want to give something new a try. But how do you like it, any noticeable results, taste, etc? I like to hear peoples take onproducts that I'm considering.
Im pretty sure its higher weights lower reps for size gains for sure. Low reps in terms of 6-12 reps per set. 12 then 10 or 8 each time advancing the weight tohelp stimulate growth.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Shoulder Press works the anterior (front) head.
Edit- I guess I should have refreshed the page

Oh yeah Al Audi/Joe Camel I believe you two have mentioned True Protein before, not sure if that is the name or not? But I need to buy something new since I'm out of Myofusion and I want to give something new a try. But how do you like it, any noticeable results, taste, etc? I like to hear peoples take on products that I'm considering.

What are you planning to get from there? That's where I got my rice and pea protein from.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by drock2010

I want my shoulders to get bigger and I work on them just like every other body part but I dont see them getting much bigger
should I up the weight and lower the reps
right now I'm doing low weight high reps
Lower weight, higher rep is better for hypertrophy (size gains) so I hear. Somebody correct me if I am wrong. The lower rep higher weight is more of a strength building thing...Anything from 7-12 reps should build more size though. Also, keep in my do a weight where you can rep out that amount, but make sure it's not too difficult that your form is sacrificed. Ultimately your technique is one of the major deciding factors for muscle growth.
There are general rules for lifting/bodybuilding/etc. but every individual build is different so not all rules apply to every individual.
Some people respond better to higher reps and some to lower reps. Lifting is a lot of trial and error.

I found this to be really interesting

Since the only way to directly determine the fiber-type composition in an athlete is to perform an invasive muscle biopsy test (in which a needle is stuck into the muscle and a few fibers are plucked out to be examined under a microscope), some studies have tried to indirectly estimate the fiber-type composition within muscle groups of an individual by testing for a relationship between the different properties of fiber type and muscle fiber composition. This type of research has yielded promising results, with significant relationships being found between the proportion of FT fibers and muscular strength or power (Coyle, et al., 1979; Froese & Houston, 1985; Gerdle, et al., 1988; Gregor, et al., 1979; Suter, et al., 1993).
An indirect method that can be used in the weight room to determine the fiber composition of a muscle

group is to initially establish the 1RM (the greatest weight that they can lift just once) of your athletes. Then have them perform as many repetitions at 80% of 1RM as they can. If they do fewer than seven repetitions, then the muscle group is likely composed of more than 50% FT fibers. If they can perform 12 or more repetitions, then the muscle group has more than 50% ST fibers. If the athlete can do between 7 and 12 repetitions, then the muscle group probably has an equal proportion of fibers (Pipes, 1994).

Because lifting weights requires the use of many muscles at once, this method does not work for individual muscles, just muscle groups. In order to determine the fiber-type composition of an individual muscle, a needle biopsy of the muscle of interest must be performed.

Another indirect method that the coach can use, especially when the athletes are young or new to the sport, is to have the athletes try a number of different events. Their dominant fiber type will soon become evident based on their success in certain events, and this discovery can lead to more directed future training for each athlete.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Shoulder Press works the anterior (front) head.
Edit- I guess I should have refreshed the page

Oh yeah Al Audi/Joe Camel I believe you two have mentioned True Protein before, not sure if that is the name or not? But I need to buy something new since I'm out of Myofusion and I want to give something new a try. But how do you like it, any noticeable results, taste, etc? I like to hear peoples take on products that I'm considering.

What are you planning to get from there? That's where I got my rice and pea protein from.
As of now, one of the Whey Isolates.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Shoulder Press works the anterior (front) head.
Edit- I guess I should have refreshed the page

Oh yeah Al Audi/Joe Camel I believe you two have mentioned True Protein before, not sure if that is the name or not? But I need to buy something new since I'm out of Myofusion and I want to give something new a try. But how do you like it, any noticeable results, taste, etc? I like to hear peoples take on products that I'm considering.

What are you planning to get from there? That's where I got my rice and pea protein from.
As of now, one of the Whey Isolates.

Their forums are very helpful and if you have any questions that cant be answered here I'd def sign up over there. Dont get a regular flavor.
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