Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by proper english

Brett got the UP superstars.. respect. 

 love those shoes 
So what's everyone's lifting goals for the beginning/end of summer?

Mines is:

Bench - 185 LBs
Squat - 225 LBs
Deadlift - 185 LBs
Shrugs - 225 LBs


Bench - 165 LBs
Squat - 190 LBs
Deadlift - 165 LBs
Shrugs - 190 LBs

All this at 146-148 LBs right now
Beginning Summer

Bench - 250 LBs
Squat - 300 LBs
Deadlift - 405 LBs


Bench - 225 LBs
Squat - 280 LBs
Deadlift - 375 LBs

5'7 145 lbs.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Beginning Summer

Bench - 250 LBs
Squat - 300 LBs
Deadlift - 405 LBs


Bench - 225 LBs
Squat - 280 LBs
Deadlift - 375 LBs

5'7 145 lbs.

And I thought I was doing it for a guy my size 
Beginning Summer

Bench - 130 LBs
Squat - 220 LBs
Deadlift - 220 LBs


Bench - 165 LBs
Squat - 240 LBs
Deadlift - 280 LBs

5'9 143

All 5x5 though.. not my 1RM.
only goal in mind is to reach 220lbs.

im at 228lb now.

once i reach 220lb, ill have little fat left on me.

so then i can bulk lean muscle on.
I just started the layne norton power and hypertrophy routine last week and this workout is no joke! I love it!!!! It sucks today though because I was doing db overhead press with 70's and it felt like my left shoulder popped forward. I'm forced to lay off the chest/shoulders for a while, which sucks because I'm loving this workout.
My goal is simply to be lean and looking good, but most importantly to be and feel healthy.

I'm not much into the personal best weight lifting goals anymore. In fact, I'm almost thinking about phasing out the bench press. My right shoulder just does not like me after benching. I've had tendonitis in that shoulder since HS.

I'm squatting 315, but I've never found a desire to go higher than that. At this point, I feel like anything over 3 plates is over doing it...Personally. Just gonna be reppin' out the 315 until it's too easy and switch my routine.
Goal for summer: Tone.

will be back to farm working, so backyard workouts will be where il be at.
i dont have lifting goals, just mirror

dont get me wrong i am strong, i accomplished that long ago.
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

So what's everyone's lifting goals for the beginning/end of summer?

Mines is:

Bench - 185 LBs
Squat - 225 LBs
Deadlift - 185 LBs
Shrugs - 225 LBs


Bench - 165 LBs
Squat - 190 LBs
Deadlift - 165 LBs
Shrugs - 190 LBs

All this at 146-148 LBs right now
You could hit those numbers in a few weeks with a dedicated linear progression program a la Starting Strength. You may want to consider dedicated strength training for a bit(a month or two)
I'm surprised that your deadlift is that much lower than your squat. At 190, I'd expect at least a 225 deadlift
Bench - 175
Squat - 255
Deadlift - 265

Bench - 200
Squat - 300
Deadlift - 310

5'9" 155 lbs
Only lifting goal I have is to bench 400 lbs, I'm at 350 right now

Only other goals I have are performance wise like increase my vert and speed and I'm at 34' in right now

5'9 190
What's going on fellas, I've been lurking in this thread for a while trying to soak up as much info as I can. I have a question about thermogenics. I just picked up some Oxy Elite from GNC a few days ago after talking to one of the trainers at my gym. What I'm unclear on is if I should still stick to what I've always done in taking my post work out recovery/protein shake. Will the two conflict with each other at all? Any insight you have would be greatly appreciated. 
Originally Posted by ATLfootballer

Only lifting goal I have is to bench 400 lbs, I'm at 350 right now

Only other goals I have are performance wise like increase my vert and speed and I'm at 34' in right now

5'9 190
thats great numbers for your weight.
btw achieving your bench goal.

try some 5 sets of 3 (try 315), negatives at 400 (get your body used to the weight)

start lifting heavy on incline barbell bench as well, and strong back = great flat bench numbers.

i assume you already know about feet position while benching.

most i got was 450lb on flat bench. my goal was 500lb. 

messed my shoulder up doing chain training.

content with 450 
One of my lifting goals is benching three plates. I think I might be able to get it now actually, but I'm not gonna max till a couple weeks.

My last max was 295 like 2 1/2 months ago so we'll see
Bench 185x1

Squat 240x1

Deadlift 360x1

Standing Military 135x1


Bench 225x1

Squat 315x1

Deadlift 405x1

Standing Military 175x1
Summer Goal is get bf% down while getting stronger...

...EC stack going well, but today I kept getting the most random cramps
Looked it up and it's because I haven't been getting enough potassium like the EC guide says to...
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