Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by cguy610

Do you guys take time off from lifting heavy? I mean like, do you lift heavy for like 3 months straight and then take a couple weeks off. Or do you just lift heavy all the time?
I lift heavy until I'm pretty close to being over trained. Sometimes it takes 3 months and other times it's more towards 4. I'm actually in a  midst of one of those times now.
About a week ago after doing front squat for triples I got a mysterious cold and and in the preceding days I felt a lot slower mentally and just had less energy overall. My appatetie went off the charts as well.  Also, during training my eyelids start to twitch. As funny as it sounds, this is one of the signs of an overloaded CNS.

During these times I usually do not train 2 days in a row and after squat and deadlift days I may take 2 days off.
The interesting thing is that until you hit 100% completely over trained you will still keep increasing in your lifts. I did deads yesterday and on my last set I felt crazy fast. Until you hit "overt trained", you're technically still peaking.

There are def set/rep schemes that will push you over the edge though. In my experience it's heavy doubles and triples. I won't do any exercised for doubles or triples until I feel that my CNS has recovered sufficiently.
^I can totally relate. It must've been over 10 weeks since I last took 1 full week off, I caught the cold around 2 days ago...literally out of nowhere. Woke up with my throat feeling sore and today the congestion I woke up with was unbelievable.

College really isn't the ideal place to work towards workout goals though. I honestly think the 3 weeks at home were more productive than any 3 weeks of lifting I've done at school. The food, the amount of rest i'm getting and all these other factors just don't make for a good atmosphere for accomplishing my goals in the optimum time.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

ChewToy112 wrote:
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

I have been drinking ON Whey Gold Standard Shakes for 2-3 weeks now, and haven't seen much gains.

Is there a certain "time-frame" after workouts I should be drinking my shake? Because, as of now I do my workout, then do a 35 minute cardio section, then go home and drink my shake.. is this okay? I heard, for best results that 20-30 mins right after you lift weights is the ideal time to drink the shake.. is that a "rumor".. can someone shed some light on this topic?

Supplements themselves won't give you "gains".  What sort of "gains" are you looking for?  If you're expecting to get bigger, then you need to eat more, or cut out your cardio.
Originally Posted by I3

^ Drink it after.. its fine. Protein alone or 'shakes' wont do $$**, its all bout the BIG picture, consistent diet + consistent workout = success. Oh yeah.. don't forget the biggest supplement or element which can speed up any of your gains/losses is PATIENCE.

If you eat well, workout well.. your going to accomplish your goals.

Ive been slacking of my gym/diet lately.. $$**, its geting worse. Its like I eat junk 2-3x a week now, its the only thing stoping me getting those abs!!

Thanks for the responses.

I was told that the Whey Protein is good for building muscle mass? am I wrong? Which was what I was leaning towards when I mentioned "gains".


I have a nice diet, I only eat home cooked food, and have completed eliminated junk food from my diet. I eat 2-3 meals a day, and do cardio daily.

Whey is a good supplement, not necessary and widely manipulated to being this and that - just have it 1x a day after a workout or as a snack.  Wholefoods are better, but its the convenience that gets my thumbs up. 

Whats in the home cooked meals?  Most of the time their better than fast food, but still theres such thing as too much of a good thing.  I love cooking at home, at least you know whats in it and how its cooked.

I think you should try 5-6 meals a day, smaller meals if your trying to lose weight.  It makes your metabolism work and you might feel better, rather than scoffing down a large meal after exercise or when your hungry etc..

I remember the days of counting calories and macros.. 40/40/20 or 50/30/20 lol - man I was so attentative back then, but now its like I see it as portion sizes rather than calories.  I still limit my carbs or just eat them sensibly.  Oh yeah and use a mirror to distinguish BF rather than a scale.

Another question for the gurus: When can you judge progress? after a workout or first thing in the morning w/pissing or drinking water etc..?
Guys recommend me a pull-up bar. My dip game is great but i'm lacking in the pull up department. Somebody vouch for one?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Guys recommend me a pull-up bar. My dip game is great but i'm lacking in the pull up department. Somebody vouch for one?

here you go my dude
 the ultimate iron gym. I tried it at my homies house its

DaBuddha: Yeah man last time I tried greek yogurt that *%#% was

There's another pull up bar that cost a bit more but extends out farther. I don't like that one because I hit my elbows on the wide-grip pullups.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Greek Yogurt is yummmmmm. Thanks to whoever first mentioned it.
Joint is super sour.

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.
Originally Posted by wj4

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.
i can only do about the same. i seriously need to up my max.

since we're on topic, any tips from anyone on how to increase push ups without having to do it for weeks?
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Greek Yogurt?
You can get it at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's.  It's a bit more expensive, but the texture is thicker and it's more sour.
Originally Posted by WHYSOSERI0US

Originally Posted by wj4

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.
i can only do about the same. i seriously need to up my max.

since we're on topic, any tips from anyone on how to increase push ups without having to do it for weeks?
I think you just need to be stronger overall.  I only do it every month or so to see if I can better myself.  When I was fat, I had a hard time reaching 10.  Several months ago, Men's Health had tests to see if you're fit....the mag said if you can do 40 push ups w/o stopping, run 1.5 miles in under 10 mins and lift 1.5x your weight you're considered to be in a pretty good shape.  This was why I posed the question tonight.
pushups i remember doing 70something when i was like 170 lbs. i am a lot stronger now but i also weigh a lot more and i think my endurance is probably worse. i bet i could do 100 though, don't dudes in the army all have to be able to bust out 100 in a row? i am in better shape than most of those dudes i think.
wj4 wrote:

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.

I can do about 30 straight. But I noticed that a lot of the people who do 50+ at once usually have horrendous form and don't go down much. I lower myself all the way to the ground for each rep. I've tried it with only doing it to parallel, but it never felt good to me.
You know what I hate? Saturday morning-afternoons when the gym is hella full with people. Waiting 15-20 minutes for a machine to open up sucks. Especially when the people on em you have not seen all week. I understand it's their only free time but come on.
You know what I hate? Saturday morning-afternoons when the gym is hella full with people. Waiting 15-20 minutes for a machine to open up sucks. Especially when the people on em you have not seen all week. I understand it's their only free time but come on.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Greek Yogurt is yummmmmm. Thanks to whoever first mentioned it.
Joint is super sour.

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.
About 60, with good form too
. I need to step up my pullup game though
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

pushups i remember doing 70something when i was like 170 lbs. i am a lot stronger now but i also weigh a lot more and i think my endurance is probably worse. i bet i could do 100 though, don't dudes in the army all have to be able to bust out 100 in a row? i am in better shape than most of those dudes i think.
my friend in ROTC could basically bust out with 100 or so push ups, sit ups and run the mile in a decent time. When it came time to hit the gym though, he wasn't touching me. There's no direct correlation between the # of pushups you can do and your strength. Like you said, Joe, even though you've gotten stronger through lifting, push ups is also an endurance sort of thing...I can probably still only do around 40-50 before I can't continue, but I'm benching damn near twice I was at when I could do more push ups.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by WHYSOSERI0US

Originally Posted by wj4

How many push ups can you guys do in one sitting?  I topped out at 43.  The last 5 were brutal.
i can only do about the same. i seriously need to up my max.

since we're on topic, any tips from anyone on how to increase push ups without having to do it for weeks?
I think you just need to be stronger overall.  I only do it every month or so to see if I can better myself.  When I was fat, I had a hard time reaching 10.  Several months ago, Men's Health had tests to see if you're fit....the mag said if you can do 40 push ups w/o stopping, run 1.5 miles in under 10 mins and lift 1.5x your weight you're considered to be in a pretty good shape.  This was why I posed the question tonight.

I kind of want to see where I am with that.
It would be close for me to hit 40 PU..
no idea what my 1.5 mile is and
lift (deadlift??) about 185lbs regularly (I'm 165lbs)
Today's WOD
5x hangclean+press (105lbs)
5x clap pushups
5x pull ups
5x each side wood choppers (50lbs)
repeating for ten mins
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

pushups i remember doing 70something when i was like 170 lbs. i am a lot stronger now but i also weigh a lot more and i think my endurance is probably worse. i bet i could do 100 though, don't dudes in the army all have to be able to bust out 100 in a row? i am in better shape than most of those dudes i think.
my friend in ROTC could basically bust out with 100 or so push ups, sit ups and run the mile in a decent time. When it came time to hit the gym though, he wasn't touching me. There's no direct correlation between the # of pushups you can do and your strength. Like you said, Joe, even though you've gotten stronger through lifting, push ups is also an endurance sort of thing...I can probably still only do around 40-50 before I can't continue, but I'm benching damn near twice I was at when I could do more push ups.
yeah you might be right, 100 is a lofty estimate considering i dont even remember the last time i did one.
Any activity beyond 45 seconds ( varies from individual to individual though; so the time can really be from 30-60 seconds) turns into a test of muscular endurance.

There are many varieties of strength
speed strength
static strength
dynamic strength
strength endurance
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