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i believe warming up to "dynamic stretching" is more beneficial during a preworkout routine

here's a blurb i googled

Here we have two stretching techniques believed to be effective and efficient methods to include in your exercise program.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretches as defined by states it is "a type of sport fitness routine in which momentum and active muscular effort are use to stretch and the end point is not held." What this statement says is you are actively stretching your muscles while moving or exercising.

Examples of this type of stretch are skips, butt kicks, or even high knees. These are more modern and functional stretches and exercises. Dynamic stretching helps increase blood flow, body temperature, and heart rate for preparing your body for exercise with gradual and controlled movement.

For dynamic stretches to be most beneficial, it should be specific to your participating sport. Based on the research article 'Effects of dynamic and static stretching with general and activity specific warm-up protocols' it was found that performance was enhanced with sport specific warm-up stretches. General stretches showed less performance enhancement.

Static stretches
Static stretching can be defined as "passive stretching where a stretch is held in a specific location for a certain time". These are the more traditional stretches that we all are accustomed to knowing. This includes exercises like quad stretch, hamstring stretch, modified hurdler stretch, etc.

A static stretch before exercise can be detrimental on performance, but research has also shown that static stretching leads to increased flexibility. It is suggested that these stretching exercises would be more beneficial to complete after exercise.
i dont stretch as much as i should but its important so yea, to say its overrated? nah

but im guilty of not stretching
i dont stretch as much as i should but its important so yea, to say its overrated? nah

but im guilty of not stretching

Ill come back in a bit and further explain what i meant but why do you think you should stretch more?

Keep in mind im not saying stretching shouldnt ever be done. Only like 5% trolling with that statement.
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because i stretch for 2 seconds so my muscles arent even warmed up or stretched and i just right into lifting.

it hasnt hindered me in anyway that i know of but ive seen plenty of decent sizeed dudes take 20 minutes to stretch there arms n shoulders before working chest.
Stretching is overrated.... Serious.

Why post this without explaining the logic behind it? Serious question.
Based on your post it's clear you think the statement is seemingly controversial and expect other posters to question it or ask for more information, so why not post that information in the first place?

I mainly lurk this thread but it's not the first time I see you post something like this and wait for others to comment. You obviously know your stuff, so I think it would benefit everyone if you explained claims like these when you post them instead of just trying to stir controversy and back them up only if/when questioned about them.
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i believe warming up to "dynamic stretching" is more beneficial during a preworkout routine

here's a blurb i googled

Here we have two stretching techniques believed to be effective and efficient methods to include in your exercise program.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretches as defined by states it is "a type of sport fitness routine in which momentum and active muscular effort are use to stretch and the end point is not held." What this statement says is you are actively stretching your muscles while moving or exercising.

Examples of this type of stretch are skips, butt kicks, or even high knees. These are more modern and functional stretches and exercises. Dynamic stretching helps increase blood flow, body temperature, and heart rate for preparing your body for exercise with gradual and controlled movement.

For dynamic stretches to be most beneficial, it should be specific to your participating sport. Based on the research article 'Effects of dynamic and static stretching with general and activity specific warm-up protocols' it was found that performance was enhanced with sport specific warm-up stretches. General stretches showed less performance enhancement.

Static stretches
Static stretching can be defined as "passive stretching where a stretch is held in a specific location for a certain time". These are the more traditional stretches that we all are accustomed to knowing. This includes exercises like quad stretch, hamstring stretch, modified hurdler stretch, etc.

A static stretch before exercise can be detrimental on performance, but research has also shown that static stretching leads to increased flexibility. It is suggested that these stretching exercises would be more beneficial to complete after exercise.

since i got the last post of last page.
In regards to this stretching argument, back during my undergrad studies for exercise science I remember a published article about dynamic vs. static and stretching vs. not stretching. Basically said stretching isn't necessary as a whole in everyone but is rather a personal and individual preference. If you've been stretching routinely then you should continue but if you're the type to just jump into the routine, it might do more harm then good to all of a sudden start stretching before.

Don't quote me on this, it's basically off the top of my head and it might be more geared towards runners. Like the discussion though rather then just bashing on crossfit.

Btw, I hardly ever stretch.
Im sure what Durden means is most people do not know how to stretch properly. 
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Got food poisoning :\ Dying over here

Been excreting waste from both ends since last night :stoneface:

Haven't even got outta bed :smh:
Got food poisoning :\ Dying over here

Been excreting waste from both ends since last night :stoneface:

Haven't even got outta bed :smh:
Just rest until you get better, man. Should be gone within a day or two. I got one a couple of days ago, also vomited like crazy, while traveling at that. Weighed myself this morning as I do every Saturday...lost 2 lbs from it :frown:
because i stretch for 2 seconds so my muscles arent even warmed up or stretched and i just right into lifting.

it hasnt hindered me in anyway that i know of but ive seen plenty of decent sizeed dudes take 20 minutes to stretch there arms n shoulders before working chest.

Ok, thats what I was hoping youd respond with. The bolded part what is what I found really interesting and thats why I said that stretching is overrated.

Stretching is overrated.... Serious.

Why post this without explaining the logic behind it? Serious question.
Based on your post it's clear you think the statement is seemingly controversial and expect other posters to question it or ask for more information, so why not post that information in the first place?

I mainly lurk this thread but it's not the first time I see you post something like this and wait for others to comment. You obviously know your stuff, so I think it would benefit everyone if you explained claims like these when you post them instead of just trying to stir controversy and back them up only if/when questioned about them.

I said I was going to post my logic/reasoning but I was on my phone and didnt want to type everything out there. I also wanted to see what others thought about it before I just gave my reasoning. I think it wouldve come across poorly if I just said "heres a contradictory viewpoint and here are the reasons why im right and everyone else is wrong".

Part of the reasoning for posting it the way I did was I was hoping it would spark an actual discussion about the topic instead of me just preaching my views. In all the posts I make that are formulated that way (just statement without explanation) I always end up giving my viewpoint in another post. The intention wasnt to just stir controversy and sit back. (I also wanted to change the topic before another Crossfit cockfight started again)

In regards to this stretching argument, back during my undergrad studies for exercise science I remember a published article about dynamic vs. static and stretching vs. not stretching. Basically said stretching isn't necessary as a whole in everyone but is rather a personal and individual preference. If you've been stretching routinely then you should continue but if you're the type to just jump into the routine, it might do more harm then good to all of a sudden start stretching before.

Don't quote me on this, it's basically off the top of my head and it might be more geared towards runners. Like the discussion though rather then just bashing on crossfit.

Btw, I hardly ever stretch.

This. In reference to what I said, stretching is overrated in the way that I believe most people think of it. Weve grown up with the notion that "stretching = good". To a certain extent its true, but not everyone needs to or should stretch. Some people have the issue of hypermobility, however, thats really rare and not a huge concern. The more important factor is being warmed up and ready for exercise/sports/whatever. That doesnt mean stretching is a part of warming up. Dynamic movements are sooo much more important than any static stretching. Whats been proven recently is that static stretching can hinder power output if done before working out. Properly preparing the muscles, tendons, joints and nervous system is much more important than how much flexibility you have.

In terms of sports, most athletes will already have the baseline level of flexibility required to play their sport. For every activity, theres a minimum amount of movement/flexibility each joint needs to have, but any excess flexibility doesnt mean better results will happen. So if youre so tight that its limiting you from getting into proper positions then yeah, stretching is a good idea but only if its a limiting factor. Thats why I say its overrated. It has its place, but the old school sitting on the ground touching your toes hamstring stretch isnt needed.

Im sure what Durden means is most people do not know how to stretch properly. 

This too. Thats not what I was thinking about or referring to, but I totally agree.
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I don't stretch at all before I work out. I'll just do a few warm up sets to get blood flowing into the muscles that will be used.

I do plenty of static stretching after my workout, because I've noticed increased flexibility, decreased soreness to an extent, and less tightness.

It's not the first time I've read that too much static stretching before lifting would actually make you weaker during your lifts though...
durden posted it up before and since then, i do dynamic stretching before i lift. it gets me ready to lift quicker and i enjoy it more.
i'll stretch when the lactic acid starts to build. and I'll hit the foam roller on my it bands and lower back when i feel tightness on less day, but besides that, I'm not a big stretcher. I do mobility, but I dont spend tons of time on it.
figured I'd share a little story lol.

leg day killed my libido today gentlemen. went hella soft with this chick tonight. shrugs. she caught those feels. going soft really didnt bother me at all hahaha. i just shrugged it off. didnt even hit her with the, 'this never happens, its not you its me' steeze. she started popping off about how gay dudes want her and how nobody ever went soft and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, i was cracking up. like shorty, those squats drained me yo. i was perfectly fine letting her top me, but when she tried to mount me, idk, homie was like...meh. it in all sincerity didn't affect me at all. i was like Dexter with the detachment and nonchalance lol. i mean she's not my lady anyway, so, there's no love lost really. just thought I'd share some fitness problems. truth be told, at the time i mentally wasnt even there, like i didnt even wanna smash, and shorty is NICE 0_0, but I was elsewhere. i did end up having to rub one out from the blue balls after the dome that she didnt finish smh
That's interesting, my libido is usually up after leg day but just like to get rode cause I be sore :lol:
Yeah, my libido is high after I do big body parts, but legs make me not want to do much at times. Everything just hurts.
figured I'd share a little story lol.

leg day killed my libido today gentlemen. went hella soft with this chick tonight. shrugs. she caught those feels. going soft really didnt bother me at all hahaha. i just shrugged it off. didnt even hit her with the, 'this never happens, its not you its me' steeze. she started popping off about how gay dudes want her and how nobody ever went soft and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, i was cracking up. like shorty, those squats drained me yo. i was perfectly fine letting her top me, but when she tried to mount me, idk, homie was like...meh. it in all sincerity didn't affect me at all. i was like Dexter with the detachment and nonchalance lol. i mean she's not my lady anyway, so, there's no love lost really. just thought I'd share some fitness problems. truth be told, at the time i mentally wasnt even there, like i didnt even wanna smash, and shorty is NICE 0_0, but I was elsewhere. i did end up having to rub one out from the blue balls after the dome that she didnt finish smh

That sounds like you fap too much, not that leg day killed your libido
Got food poisoning :\ Dying over here

Been excreting waste from both ends since last night :stoneface:

Haven't even got outta bed :smh:
Bad timing with the Superbowl too brah.

do you mean for those who are not using? for someone that train purely for the purpose of aesthetics and follows a bodybuilding split and achives the aesthetic physique that they were going for, how is that a waste of time?

i feel theres so much hate for body builders is this thread too lol. now i am not a body builder, but let them boys live lol
Bro everyone knows you can't be successful at bodybuilding unless you are at least quarter-natty, ideally half-natty, or 3/4s-Natty.
figured I'd share a little story lol.

leg day killed my libido today gentlemen. went hella soft with this chick tonight. shrugs. she caught those feels. going soft really didnt bother me at all hahaha. i just shrugged it off. didnt even hit her with the, 'this never happens, its not you its me' steeze. she started popping off about how gay dudes want her and how nobody ever went soft and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda, i was cracking up. like shorty, those squats drained me yo. i was perfectly fine letting her top me, but when she tried to mount me, idk, homie was like...meh. it in all sincerity didn't affect me at all. i was like Dexter with the detachment and nonchalance lol. i mean she's not my lady anyway, so, there's no love lost really. just thought I'd share some fitness problems. truth be told, at the time i mentally wasnt even there, like i didnt even wanna smash, and shorty is NICE 0_0, but I was elsewhere. i did end up having to rub one out from the blue balls after the dome that she didnt finish smh
Your blood should actually be flowing better after a major leg workout day..........

stop fappin bro
Just rest until you get better, man. Should be gone within a day or two. I got one a couple of days ago, also vomited like crazy, while traveling at that. Weighed myself this morning as I do every Saturday...lost 2 lbs from it :frown:

Damn, that sucks, especially if you're trying to put on weight.

^ Yeah timbo that's exactly what I was thinking yesterday :lol:

Thankfully today I feel almost 100% better, I think it was a 24 hour stomach bug and not food poisoning.
I don't jack off that much guys, only emergencies. I actually have sex...a lot. Got some friday night, that's not the issue Idk, I just felt drained. I don't think it was bad blood flow over just being exhausted. just didn't even feel in the mood for it. plus the fact i didn't have a jimmy hat (didn't expect our movie date was going to turn into sex in her truck in the amc parking lot lol. usually i keep some in my car, but these temperatures being so low, i was afraid they'd freeze) and she was telling me to hit it raw, and how clean she was and ready to take plan b lol, I just wasn't in the moment. maybe i wasn't feeling her like that. idk, twas a multitude of things i guess. shrugs.
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