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I wouldn't say those rep ranges are necessarily terrible, but when I first started lifting, I was doing sets of 10 for everything.

When it comes to compounds, it is a lot more difficult to gain strength.
one older guy at my gym takes up 3 benches when he does upper body .......**** is so annoying....if I come in while he's doing that I'm pulling weight off one of the benches

luckily I've already moved on....I remember one time he tried rushing me off the bench 
This is why I workout at home. The fact that people at the gym like this dude feel it's okay
there was this young asian guy about 5' that used to do that at my old gym. take up like 4 things at once. one day he's in the middle of doing his thing and this old big dude with short american flag shorts starts unloading plates from the little guy's bench. the little guy goes up to him and tells him he's using the bench. the old man laughs loudly and pats the little guy on the head in a real patronizing way and just keeps taking the plates off. little guy stormed off and i guess he went home :lol:
If a guy is taking up more than 1 bench then IMO that bench ain't his. I've never had a problem when taking a bench/rack from a guy that was doing too much even if dude was on a cycle/bigger than me.

It's all about how you carry yourself, ****** could look at me and tell I ain't going

Besides that, I love my gym
i knew i read something like this before but here it is again:
Based on the sound research, many review papers have concluded 0.82g/lb is the upper limit at which protein intake benefits body composition (Phillips & Van Loon, 2011). This recommendation often includes a double 95% confidence level, meaning they took the highest mean intake at which benefits were still observed and then added two standard deviations to that level to make absolutely sure all possible benefits from additional protein intake are utilized. As such, this is already overdoing it and consuming 1g/lb ‘to be safe’ doesn’t make any sense. 0.82g/lb is already very safe.

that being said, it's been difficult this week so far to adjust to this caloric deficit. my goal is to shave off 14# by whenever the cut off date is in lucky's thread. hopefully with minimal strength loss. i have gotten into the bad habit of snacking on junks and now my craving for sweets with every meal is pissing me off. hopefully by next week things will get better. i'm eating fruits and nuts if the compulsion to snack overwhelms me.
This is false.
Oh really? Have any concrete evidence to back up this claim? 
why wouldn't he get stronger?
Because adding weight to the bar each week is the goal when trying to get stronger, doing sets of 10 will make it very difficult to add weight each week. Sets of 5 will make it easier to add weight each week, heavier weights/lower reps = strength gains its common knowledge. It also taxes your CNS by training this heavy which wont be achieved with weights you can do for 10 reps.
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I've been doing 10+ reps for a few months now and my strength has gone up alot actually. I rarely go under 8 reps of anything unless i'm maxing out on the bench and squats
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Don't hit em with the flop bro...would've made you look terrible. from then'd be that guy that got flexed by the squat rack, and the story of your legend would spread through the hills of the valleys and the peaks of the mountains to the most distant and forgotten villages. Children and the elderly will speak of your L, in a way only reserved for the history books. Your children and your children's children will forever be branded with that scarlet L, and they'll be unable to quality for health insurance nor the best jobs. Your place in this world and the next will be carved in stone for all eternity. moral of the story...get directv. shrugs.

This is great.
I've been doing 10+ reps for a few months now and my strength has gone up alot actually. I rarely go under 8 reps of anything unless i'm maxing out on the bench and squats
Just by that statement I can tell you have no idea what your talking about when it comes to getting stronger.
I only do 10+ reps on my once a week hypertrophy day

If you tryna build strength, you gotta lift heavy.

90% of your 1RM heavy
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Wait so you don't think one can get stronger doing 10+ reps per set?
I mean Im sure its possible but not very likely. The whole idea of strength is linear progression and doing 10+ reps a set is not conducive to doing so.

Look at it like this, if your doing 5 reps per set and adding weight vs 10 reps per set and adding weight which person will hit a plateau first? 

Not the guy only doing 5 reps...
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Do you guys watch Christian Guzmans channel on YT? He just opened a little gym and its exactly what i would want. I would have some different equipment and environment but it would be awesome to have your own place and do whatever you want. If you open it to membership Im sure theres a lot of liability insurance you have to get though.

dude put together a bad *** little gym. i have my own dungeon gym but its nothing like what he put together. dude must be flippin birds because that gym he put together aint cheap. i spent 2300 on just a power rack, bar and bumper plates and hes got that plus a lot more. that leg press machine alone is $2000+ easy.

coincidentally me and my brother have been talking about opening a gym out here in the bay area too. :nerd:

What kind of rack setup do you have? I was thinking about putting a home gym together w/ some bumper plates for squats/deads but was unsure of brands that offer good bang for your buck quality. I'm here in SF so space could be a little tight.
Doing more than 7-8 reps is not the most efficient way to make strength gains. Will you get stronger? Of course, because at the end of the day you are still moving the weight.

However, the same person will progress faster by doing 5x5 or 5x3x1 and adding weight gradually. Lowering the rep range as you progress allows for more room for error and may help some break through some mental plateaus.

For example, if someone is trying to progress in bench, it will be easier to do this:

185 x 5
205 x 3
225 x 1


185 x 5
195 x 5
205 x 5
215 x 5
225 x 5

As opposed to trying to do (example only) sets of 10, one reason being that the beginning set will probably be lower to begin with.

So if he is doing 4x10, they will start with... let's say 135, because starting with 1 plate on each side would be ideal for someone doing sets of 8+

135 x 10
145 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 10

Personally, not hitting my squat numbers if I'm doing 8+ rep range, I would adjust the weigh accordingly. Currently doing 5x5x3x3x1x1

Warm up:
135 x10
185 x10

225 x5
275 x5
315 x3
335 x3
365 x1
385 x1

If I'm doing 3-4 sets of 10, no way I'm doing that type of weight, I'll adjust accordingly:

185 x10
225 x10
245 x10
275 x10

Just an example. Most strength programs don't go over 5 reps.
Doing more than 7-8 reps is not the most efficient way to make strength gains. Will you get stronger? Of course, because at the end of the day you are still moving the weight.

However, the same person will progress faster by doing 5x5 or 5x3x1 and adding weight gradually. Lowering the rep range as you progress allows for more room for error and may help some break through some mental plateaus.

For example, if someone is trying to progress in bench, it will be easier to do this:
I dont always agree you with but when I do 
  Moving the weight is important but adding weight is key.

I do my 5x5s same weight across then add each week, But either way anything over 6 reps isnt the best approach for getting stronger. 
What kind of rack setup do you have? I was thinking about putting a home gym together w/ some bumper plates for squats/deads but was unsure of brands that offer good bang for your buck quality. I'm here in SF so space could be a little tight.
aint cheap but stuff is top notch quality

power rack


bumper plates

but i would get if i could redo it. the hi temp plates are super thick so youll need some steel plates if your working above 405lbs
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