I've posted before but I might as well try again.
Im 22 6'3 193-196 depending on month.
I have been lifting the past 3ish years and have really not seen any gains in size, strength, or weight.
I have switched up routines, maintained 3000-3500 calories a day, and hit gym 4-5 times a week. I know what Im doing, research, and lift correctly.
I take a preworkout and a protein, no creatine because I don't really see results, and of course a multi.
I just really see no gains. I do programs and end up hitting the same weight wall in each weather it be bench, squat, deads, or shoulder press.
I feel like every week I do the same weight with just different numbers (ex: 275x5 one week then 235x7 the next)
HAVE I JUST GOTTIN TO THE PEAK my body can go to?
ANy information would be appreciated.