STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

i'm the most inflexible person. problem is compounded with bad arthritis in my knees. spent about 45 mins just in the squat rack today working on going lower without rounding my back. stopped doing leg extensions on leg days too and that seems to have helped. was able to go below parallel. feelsgoodman.
Well..I still ended up beasting. traps n back loosened up once i got in there. Did chests and bis with alternating exercises. Went heavy. Felt great. 55 minute workout. Low break time between sets. Pumps were great tonight. and there werent many people in there either, so I didnt have to wait for benches and weights. Nor people asking me questions and ish
What time do ya'll usually go to the gym @?

I must be the only person who goes before it closes. Thats when it isn't packed. :smokin Or right when they open. Or before 3pm on Weekdays :smokin
I go around 8:30-9am and I also go at night before the gym closes.

I used to go around 5-6:30ish PM but this gay guy goes to the gym around that time. This guy always trying to talk to me and tried to go on a date so I avoid going during those times.
I go around 8:30-9am and I also go at night before the gym closes.
I used to go around 5-6:30ish PM but this gay guy goes to the gym around that time. This guy always trying to talk to me and tried to go on a date so I avoid going during those times.





:x :x :x
Last edited: avoid that time of day to avoid a guy? Sounds soft. You afraid of that rape bro?

around that time is when all the 9-5 ppl get off work and thats when the gym is most packed so even more reason to avoid going that time :D
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around that time is when all the 9-5 ppl get off work and thats when the gym is most packed so even more reason to avoid going that time
Some dudes like goin at peak time because they get to people watch/showoff...some dudes like myself hate goin at peak time because its too damn packed..
If I did Bi's & Tri's yesterday can i do Chest Today?

Anyone here take Bpi Blox??

lol it all depends on how your arms feel bro. honestly, you can do whatever you want, only your body can tell you how effective you'll be. if your tri's are still sore, your strength will be diminished. if you dont feel anything in them when you stretch or flex them, well 1. you probs didnt go hard enough...but 2. you should be fine to load up on the chest today. Advice will only get you so far in this game, alot has to do with personal feel and such since we're all different.
lol it all depends on how your arms feel bro. honestly, you can do whatever you want, only your body can tell you how effective you'll be. if your tri's are still sore, your strength will be diminished. if you dont feel anything in them when you stretch or flex them, well 1. you probs didnt go hard enough...but 2. you should be fine to load up on the chest today. Advice will only get you so far in this game, alot has to do with personal feel and such since we're all different.
Good advice right here. Everyone's body is different no 2 people will get the exact same results when it comes to lifting. 

If you use proper form and make your chest do the majority of the lifting and limit the use of triceps then you are fine to work them out the next day. I personally don't work out the same group directly 2 days in a row, besides legs from doing cardio everyday. 
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I've posted before but I might as well try again.

Im 22 6'3 193-196 depending on month.
I have been lifting the past 3ish years and have really not seen any gains in size, strength, or weight.

I have switched up routines, maintained 3000-3500 calories a day, and hit gym 4-5 times a week. I know what Im doing, research, and lift correctly.

I take a preworkout and a protein, no creatine because I don't really see results, and of course a multi.

I just really see no gains. I do programs and end up hitting the same weight wall in each weather it be bench, squat, deads, or shoulder press.

I feel like every week I do the same weight with just different numbers (ex: 275x5 one week then 235x7 the next)

HAVE I JUST GOTTIN TO THE PEAK my body can go to?

ANy information would be appreciated.
I have been lifting the past 3ish years and have really not seen any gains in size, strength, or weight.
so your lifts are basically the same as when you started out 3 years ago?! or you've reached a plateau that you can't break past? you're the exact same weight and this is the exact same BMI or you've dropped fat and replaced it with muscle?
Do any of yall do a pre carido warmup before lifting? Like treadmill? I usually do a 10 minute run, before lifting but is that ok? I don't want to do too much cardio and hurt muscle growth.
Do any of yall do a pre carido warmup before lifting? Like treadmill? I usually do a 10 minute run, before lifting but is that ok? I don't want to do too much cardio and hurt muscle growth.
I do 5 mins on the treadmill or stair machine.  Depends on how I'm feeling.  But 10 mins cardio isn't a problem, as long as you're not fatigued to do your lifting.
I've posted before but I might as well try again.
Im 22 6'3 193-196 depending on month.
I have been lifting the past 3ish years and have really not seen any gains in size, strength, or weight.
I have switched up routines, maintained 3000-3500 calories a day, and hit gym 4-5 times a week. I know what Im doing, research, and lift correctly.
I take a preworkout and a protein, no creatine because I don't really see results, and of course a multi.
I just really see no gains. I do programs and end up hitting the same weight wall in each weather it be bench, squat, deads, or shoulder press.
I feel like every week I do the same weight with just different numbers (ex: 275x5 one week then 235x7 the next)
HAVE I JUST GOTTIN TO THE PEAK my body can go to?
ANy information would be appreciated.
If you have been lifting for 3 years and haven't seen progress from day 1 till now in those 3 areas then you are for sure doing something wrong. Remember diet is the most important thing when it comes to lifting. You can spend all day in the gym but if your diet is **** then you will never see the results you could if your diet was even close to on point. At your height and weight along with the numbers you posted, your a loooooong way off from reaching your genetic limit. If I was you, this worked for me, start writing down everything you eat and your workout plan. That helped me break through a plateau.

Also the only way to make those numbers go up in each lift is to progressive overload each time you lift. You will need a spotter and should go to failure, that will help you get past those numbers no doubt.
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Do any of yall do a pre carido warmup before lifting? Like treadmill? I usually do a 10 minute run, before lifting but is that ok? I don't want to do too much cardio and hurt muscle growth.

5-10 minutes of warm up is perfectly fine.
Just found out about this intermittent fasting via the hodge twins.

Gonna start tommorow. I'm new to this thread, and yall may not know me. but with me luck!
my warm up really just comes with my first 1-2 sets per exercise.

I think today I'm going to do shoulders and tris. Having all this free time since me and my shorty broke up has really thrown off my schedule, so i'm always in the gym now just doing whatever comes to mind. gains have been great though. I just stand in front of the mirror, critique myself and get to carving this masterpiece.
Benched a new record today! I was stuck at 127.5 kgs (281 lbs.) for a few months and today I finally did 1 rep of 130 kgs (287 lbs). Also got a new record of doing 5 sets and 5 reps with the same weight: 117.5 kgs (259 lbs). 
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