STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Even though I ASKED everyone to do it, I was hesitant. Here's where I'm at.
Height 5'10/11?
Weight: Doctors this morning with nothing in my stomach was 194. At night at gym 198 give or take.
Currently: BULKING
Diet: Started just yesterday. Picture below 3 times a day. Eggs in morning. Protein Shake post workout.
Picture taken at night BEFORE gym after drank 1 gallon of water and ate 3 meals. Would like to have done a full pose but taking the pic is hard.
Anyways.. LONNNNNNG way to go.


dude you look no where near 198.... you look like you weight 170 :\
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to help with sleep? it worked ok for me. had some vivid, epic dreams when i took it. it doesn't boost testosterone though which is what many people think it does.

dude you look no where near 198.... you look like you weight 170
Real **** though. I weight in at 195 tonight though and I was looking pretty lean. I'm much fuller and wider than seen in the pics and I got some hefty thighs. Question, is it good or bad that I weigh more than I look?

Honestly, no hate, its a bad thing.

Aesthetics wise you wanna look bigger than your weight. Like go check out physique competitions, all those dudes look way bigger than you or me or pretty much anyone else in this thread, and they all weight under 170. Its ridiculous.

But who cares, you're not a pro or nothing, you got a nice build and if you're happy with it then its all good 

Pay attention folks. You don't ever, EVER, EVER, EVER , EVER...EVER deadlift like that last dude did. Good lord, my back started to ache after watching that horrible form :x
Damn... Naw. I'm not happy withit now. lol.
I'm starting to take everything real seriously. New diet, new mind state, new motivation. I'm looking to make this more than just a life style change. I really asked myself what I wanted to do in my life to make me happy and no it's not "be a gym rat" but I want to have a natural body that defies odds and stands out. Not for anyone else but myself. Type of like Zyzz before he R.I.P although he was all for the aesthetic appeal. Anyways, long way to go. Thanks for the insight.

Hope you have the aesthetics

Damn... Naw. I'm not happy withit now. lol.
I'm starting to take everything real seriously. New diet, new mind state, new motivation. I'm looking to make this more than just a life style change. I really asked myself what I wanted to do in my life to make me happy and no it's not "be a gym rat" but I want to have a natural body that defies odds and stands out. Not for anyone else but myself. Type of like Zyzz before he R.I.P although he was all for the aesthetic appeal. Anyways, long way to go. Thanks for the insight.
Hope you have the aesthetics
Just to make it more clear.

Just to make it more clear.


I think he knows Zyzz was on the bike pretty hard and had some contribution to his untimely passing.

But everyone in here has said that the number on the scale doesn't mean as much as what you see in the mirror, and you aren't carry much excess fat, you just have a greater bone density. With those lifting numbers you should be more than happy with where your at, I know I would.
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Beat me to it. Nonsense.

Im a female, yes it does, and yes it has.

Its not drastic but it does effect your waist area because its training your obliques

And if you train your back and lower area it will proportion out.

Every bodies body is different so w/e
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its not like doing a few deadlifts are going to get your waist real's just going to strengthen those muscles. just like doing curls isn't going to automatically give you guns...

reminds me of a friend i have who won't work out his legs because "they get big too fast"
illest i only said something because im 5'10.5 and weight 175 and look a lil bit bigger then you.
so i found it hard to believe that you're almost 200 and look smaller than me.
but you cant do nothing about that man, just keep working hard and you will get where you want to be.
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Warm Up: (15min)

-6x lengths of gym
-Skip Rope (10min)- very poorly today. Normally much better.
-10 push ups
-20 air squats

Strength (veeeeeery light today cause I have a crazy work out tomorrow): (10min)

-Bench press
-Bicep curls


4 Rounds (15m)

-10 Push-press
-15 Plyo Push Ups
-15 Russian Twists
-4 lengths of gym

I've lost a bit of weight on the gut, and managed to drop a size in pants (waist). But still not where I want to be. I guess I just have to be patient. Burning visceral fat seems impossible somedays. :smh:
nawwww. i said when i come home from the gym and take my shirt off i feel gross. i was eating suppppper ugly and still getting there.
side note, i'm on 2 scoops of jack3d and nO right now about to hit the gym and i'm bouta do workkkkkkkkkk!

2 Scoops!!?? Is it that new formula or the OG? One scoop of the OG and I'm wired...granted I usually take it after work (5-6 p.m.)

And your lunch/dinner looks identical to what I'm having now. Chicken, rice, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, etc...)
its not like doing a few deadlifts are going to get your waist real's just going to strengthen those muscles. just like doing curls isn't going to automatically give you guns...

reminds me of a friend i have who won't work out his legs because "they get big too fast"
....I see we have the same friends.  I have a boy like that.  I just laugh at him
Been slacking the **** up with dieting. Just been eating whatever I could. Bout to hit chest today

Incline dumbbell press

Weighted dips

Cable flies

Dumbbell pullovers

short and simple
nawwww. i said when i come home from the gym and take my shirt off i feel gross. i was eating suppppper ugly and still getting there.
side note, i'm on 2 scoops of jack3d and nO right now about to hit the gym and i'm bouta do workkkkkkkkkk!

2 Scoops!!?? Is it that new formula or the OG? One scoop of the OG and I'm wired...granted I usually take it after work (5-6 p.m.)

And your lunch/dinner looks identical to what I'm having now. Chicken, rice, veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, etc...)

HOw is Jack3d? I'm considering it, especially cause some days I feel sluggish. and I think some of the fellas I work out with are on something I'm not. Dudes just have that extra energy :smh:
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