STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I've seen this question asked millions of times on the bodybuilding forums but decided to count on my NT goons to shed some light on my current dilemma.

I'm about 15 lbs. away from getting abs or in other words I'm 15 lbs over weight.
My fat is all in my stomach. Obviously due to genetics...

I started hitting the weights real hard these last 4-5 months. Splitting most of my workouts with 2 days out of the week being compound lifts (squat,deadlift,benching)

I have built a good foundation with my upper and lower body. All muscle groups are starting to really show and I don't want to loose any gains.

How could I loose around 15 pounds while maintaining my current muscle size.

My diet is very clean.
-Breakfast= juice (broccoli,carrots,spinach,tomato,avocado,almonds)

-Lunch= salmon & salad or chicken & salad. Turkey on some days

-Dinner= typically a Greek yogurt or fat free cottage cheese

After workout I'll take a protein shake that has some bcaa's and all that other good stuff.

My question is, Should I completely alter my diet? As you can see its high in protein with very little to no saturated fat.


Will hard lifting and sports (I box and hoop) take care of that extra weight?
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I've seen this question asked millions of times on the bodybuilding forums but decided to count on my NT goons to shed some light on my current dilemma.

I'm about 15 lbs. away from getting abs or in other words I'm 15 lbs over weight.
My fat is all in my stomach. Obviously due to genetics...

I started hitting the weights real hard these last 4-5 months. Splitting most of my workouts with 2 days out of the week being compound lifts (squat,deadlift,benching)

I have built a good foundation with my upper and lower body. All muscle groups are starting to really show and I don't want to loose any gains.

How could I loose around 15 pounds while maintaining my current muscle size.

My diet is very clean.
-Breakfast= juice (broccoli,carrots,spinach,tomato,avocado,almonds)

-Lunch= salmon & salad or chicken & salad. Turkey on some days

-Dinner= typically a Greek yogurt or fat free cottage cheese

After workout I'll take a protein shake that has some bcaa's and all that other good stuff.

My question is, Should I completely alter my diet? As you can see its high in protein with very little to no saturated fat.


Will hard lifting and sports (I box and hoop) take care of that extra weight?
Your diet looks so low in calories, especially your dinner of just yogurt.

You can't target the place you want to lose weight as well. How's your cardio looking like?
Your diet looks so low in calories, especially your dinner of just yogurt.

You can't target the place you want to lose weight as well. How's your cardio looking like?

This is why I need my goons. Any recommendations and balancing out the diet?

I'm not even going to front my cardio is disgustingly horrible. I went from running 3 miles a day at a 8 minute per mile average (amateur boxing days) to barley finishing a mile in 15 min. It's depressing. The thing is I never lifted weights when I use to box.

Learning the hard way that looking strong and being athletic are 2 different things..
you just need to burn more calories than you take either by exercising more or eating less.

i hope you're not adding aminos into your protein shake. that's a waste.
Do you guys think doing chest twice a week is detrimental to growth? I usually do it on Mondays and Thursdays -- not particularly seeing results I was hoping for.
Well **** if CT said it's true...

Detrimental to your growth? Or insufficient?

Why don't you try adding a day? Then subtracting a day? Tinker around. Fine tune your own regimen and listen to your body.

I would suggest the popular Push/Pull as a way to start and fine tune from there.
dropped from 103kg to 95.5kg in 40 days since i started swimming 1.5klm in the morning  and weight lifting in high volume and small breaks in the afternoon , cutting goes perfect ! 
Do you guys think doing chest twice a week is detrimental to growth? I usually do it on Mondays and Thursdays -- not particularly seeing results I was hoping for.
No, having a power day and a hypertrophy day is what a lot of people do who are on PPL splits. 

@AyZee  I like you home setup 
Y'all are gonna laugh at me when I say this, but I'm gonna throw this out there.

If you're lifting extremely heavy, to a point of failure, in most of your main exercises, you need to learn to listen to your central nervous systems. I've read some articles about this and i've really found this to be true for me after 6-8 weeks of intense training. It's important to have some weeks harder than others because if you try to go ham for like two months straight you're gonna start to go from overreaching to overtraining. Overreaching is great as long as it's followed with another period of a few weeks or more of light work to let those gains from before start showing up due to letting your body recover, but if you keep trying to work harder and harder when your body is trying to recover from several weeks of hard training, you're gonna have a bad time and can risk injury as well.

Just my .02. I train for sport and not aesthetics so that could be part of it as well, but I've been doin this for a while and it's what works for me personally. Much love.
Not really groundbreaking info in here. Most ppl implement a deload week in their training even if it's accidental by "taking it easy" because they're just not feeling it. It's exetemely difficult for your average joe to overtrain anyway and the types of ppl who do train where overtraining is possible are on some form of progressive overload program to avoid that.
I'll have a deload day or even a deload in one particular exercise. If I'm not feeling it. I'm on a 4 or 5 day bro split so my muscles are recovered by the next workout. I will never deload on a back day. Freaking love back day.
Do you guys think doing chest twice a week is detrimental to growth? I usually do it on Mondays and Thursdays -- not particularly seeing results I was hoping for.

nah i love working chest. I definitely do it twice a week. different exercises each time, but the same heavy intense sessions. my chest flourishes from it.
i know theres some crossfit guys in here, anyone doing the open workouts? 

im about to hit 14.3. i did ok in 14.2, but c2b took most of my time. 14.3 should be a good workout
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