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Is there major advantages to eating reg eggs vs jus egg whites?? I'm jus on egg whites. I'll boil whole eggs tho for a snack or throw in my salads but for breakfast it's jus usually egg whites...
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I was asking what type of row he was doing with that weight. Its alot harder to pendlay row 265 than a "bent" row. And I wouldn't call rows an assistance exercise either.
It depends on what discipline you're in. Crossfitters and weightlifters consider rows assistance exercises. I'm assuming powerlifters fall along that same line of thinking. Rows can be a main lift for a bodybuilder.
It's obvious that you're looking at things from a bodybuilding perspective in which case I already said rows a can be considered a main lift.

In fact, I don't think assistance exercises exist in bodybuilding... Now that I think about it.
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pendlay rows, power cleans and that one rippetoe exercise that's like an extended, throwing skullcrusher (that i don't do because it looks tough on the rotator).
Just read everything on the site I posted earlier, . Dude makes it so simple and is very much detailed. I'm gonna start the program on Sunday. Can't wait to see results. I'm tired of my bench presses being week, lol Only thing I'll say is its gonna be weird doing only 3 exercises per workout session. I'm gonna find a way to incorporate pull ups and push ups.
You still didn't answer the question. What are the main lifts for the back in other disciplines besides pull ups and deads, since rows are not viewed as one? I'm interested in knowing I'm not trying to be s smarta**.
Well, for one thing, the other disciplines are more performance oriented than body oriented. There are no 'main lifts for the back,' they just use movements that happen to utilize the back.
For Weightlifters it's just the clean and jerk and snatch. All other lifts are considered assistance exercises.
For powerlifters, it's just the deadlift, and indirectly the squat. All other movements are considered assistance exercises.
For the Crossfitters, there's a longer list of main movements, there's the Olympic lifts, the deadlift, squat variations, pull ups, muscle ups and the row machine. We'll use pendalay rows and bent over rows on occasion during strength portions but I've never seen it done in a wod. It's the only reason why I would consider the rows an assistance exercise even though technically assistance exercises don't exist in crossfit.
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Just read everything on the site I posted earlier, . Dude makes it so simple and is very much detailed. I'm gonna start the program on Sunday. Can't wait to see results. I'm tired of my bench presses being week, lol Only thing I'll say is its gonna be weird doing only 3 exercises per workout session. I'm gonna find a way to incorporate pull ups and push ups.
Throw in some isolation movements as well to get some hypertrophy in there. Once you run it for long enough, you'll know where your weaknesses are on each lift and you can choose which assistance movements you like best.
Is it gay if these Zyzz Chatroulette vids get me motivated?

1. thats what made zyzz notable

2. get in line, all zyzz fans were turnt off this and his antics @ events

3. its still romo

edit: the adoration @ 5:03 is off the richter, shorty head cocked and is NOT blinking
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Might order from BB more often when they include free shakers. Good look again to whoever posted that sale the other day...
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