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I'm bulking but I gained a little too much a little too fast. Solid 5 pounds in about a week. I guess a Costco pumpkin pie + giant tub of potato salad + a quart of rocky road ice cream will do that to you.

What's a healthy rate of weight gain without packing on too much fat? A pound a week?
I'm bulking but I gained a little too much a little too fast. Solid 5 pounds in about a week. I guess a Costco pumpkin pie + giant tub of potato salad + a quart of rocky road ice cream will do that to you.

What's a healthy rate of weight gain without packing on too much fat? A pound a week?
Ideally nothing over a pound a week But thats way easier said then done. Most bro professors say 1/2 a pound a week...
I just deload. When it are a week off, I actually come back a lot weaker the following week.

Placebo lol 

If you say so. I know how my body feels.

If one week, I'm squatting in the upper 300s-low 400, I take a week off, and I'm struggling with 285 the following week... Yeah.

thats how i feel, much weaker. no idea why :lol:

probs because you don't lift weights. first thought that came to mind.

He think he do.
Did a quick search, didn't see anything posted about it but anyone know anything about "Garcinia Cambogia?"

Read an article on it this morning about how Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackedman been using it to shed a ton of weight.

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Did a quick search, didn't see anything posted about it but anyone know anything about "Garcinia Cambrogia?"

Read an article on it this morning about how Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackedman been using it to shed a ton of weight.

Isn't it a natural appetite suppressant? 

Just use self control and cardio and the weight will come off.
Did a quick search, didn't see anything posted about it but anyone know anything about "Garcinia Cambrogia?"

Read an article on it this morning about how Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackedman been using it to shed a ton of weight.

Studies in humans, for the most part, fail to replicate this; this may be related to less actual activity of de novo lipogenesis in humans and a much higher level in rats. Some isolated studies do note weight loss, but it appears to be quite variable and unreliable. Many studies also do report subjective appetite decrease, but tend to record dropout rates (how often people leave the study due to being unable to maintain the diet protocol) rather than food intake; even then the benefits are still unreliable and sometimes not present.

Although there is some limited potential for (-)-Hydroxycitric acid as a weight loss aid, the magnitude of effect is quite low (up to 2kg over 3 months) and the benefit is unreliable; making it hard to recommend this compound as a fat burner or anti-obesity agent.
and just LOL @ hollywood actors using otc supplements to build muscle/shed fat.
Thanks bros.

Also, I'm feeling a pop in my right elbow when lifting weights. I'm using an arm sleeve now and lowered my weights significantly but I still feel a "pop." Is this due to my form or just an injury that needs time to heal?
Maybe a combo of both. Rest is the biggest key, you can try working out with lower weights since I would hate just not doing anything. You may have to get ready for that though. If the popping doesnt hurt I woudnt worry too much about it.
My snatch is at 115 pounds. Nothing special at all. Maybe I can do 125?

I don't really work the overhead squat by itself, only when I snatch.
My snatch is at 115 pounds. Nothing special at all. Maybe I can do 125?

I don't really work the overhead squat by itself, only when I snatch.
I can OHS more than i can snatch. I think its more of a confidence thing. My snatch technique is pretty solid, but sometimes my elbows dip in the catch position. So when i try to move up weight, I get nervous that the weight will come down

My ohs is about 170, snatch 140
Big Boss, I bet if you really wanted to you can ohs at 200 pounds fairly quickly. You have a 400 back squat?
Yeah I hit 440x6 on monday. I don't have the shoulder mobility to do it, same thing with front squats, poor mobility in my shoulders/wrists/elbows 
I have some mobility issues as well with that, which is why I really can't catch a snatch below the power position right now. I've never went heavy with the ohs tho, just went up to abt 145 for some reps to try and feel comfortable.
Big Boss, I bet if you really wanted to you can ohs at 200 pounds fairly quickly. You have a 400 back squat?

Yeah I hit 440x6 on monday. I don't have the shoulder mobility to do it, same thing with front squats, poor mobility in my shoulders/wrists/elbows 

Trust me. You're talking to someone who understands. A yr ago, for a month I was only comfortable doing overhead squats with the pvc pipe, and even with the pvc Pope, my mobility was so bad I couldn't squat down without the bar coming forward.

It just takes work lol
Trust me. You're talking to someone who understands. A yr ago, for a month I was only comfortable doing overhead squats with the pvc pipe, and even with the pvc Pope, my mobility was so bad I couldn't squat down without the bar coming forward.

It just takes work lol
Yep that how my boy tried to teach me at first. Then I said **** it and only back squat lol 
I have some mobility issues as well with that, which is why I really can't catch a snatch below the power position right now. I've never went heavy with the ohs tho, just went up to abt 145 for some reps to try and feel comfortable.

My biggest issue when I was learning the full snatch was that feeling I was going to fall backwards, but buying weightlifting shoes fixed all that.
Took this pic a couple weeks back. Lowest I can get with a broomstick lol. Right here it doesn't look like shoulder mobility is the issue, I know there are others but when weight is added my stability is thrown off more than it should be.
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