STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I'm not gaining weight whatsoever I was trying to bulk from 180 to at least 190-200 but instead I got down to 175 but I'm way more lean now .
My meals are usually
6 boiled eggs take out the yolk
2 cups of Oats with a banana
1 Greek yogurt
Sweet potatoes , Veggies
And extra lean ground turkey
Meal 2
White rice & Veggies
And tilapia .
Snack :
Pb& J and one banana or sometimes I usually just make a banana & Apple smoothie
Meal 3
Whole wheat pasta with chicken breast .
Meal 4 before I go to sleep I usually have 2 cups of oats with a banana or strawberry .
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Yall are really eating more than 1 cup of oatmeal? I used to eat 2/3 cup then went up to 1 and I can barely finish a bowl. it's really like a job for me to eat oatmeal man, it's depressing. it fills you up and it just tastes exactly how it looks
Yall are really eating more than 1 cup of oatmeal? I used to eat 2/3 cup then went up to 1 and I can barely finish a bowl. it's really like a job for me to eat oatmeal man, it's depressing. it fills you up and it just tastes exactly how it looks
Add cinnamon and honey. Then a splash of milk. Thank me later for your gains bro
Yall are really eating more than 1 cup of oatmeal? I used to eat 2/3 cup then went up to 1 and I can barely finish a bowl. it's really like a job for me to eat oatmeal man, it's depressing. it fills you up and it just tastes exactly how it looks
Milk is the key ingredient to me gonna try the honey
Yall are really eating more than 1 cup of oatmeal? I used to eat 2/3 cup then went up to 1 and I can barely finish a bowl. it's really like a job for me to eat oatmeal man, it's depressing. it fills you up and it just tastes exactly how it looks
Get a coffee grinder and grind it up into powder. Then put in a blender along with your protein shake. Blend it for several mins and you won't taste it.

I also combine it with brown rice. I take a spoonful of raw uncooked oats, followed by a spoonful of rice and the rice flavor completely overpowers the oats and I can't taste it.

I run through 2-3 cups a day like that
made ground turkey meatballs and even my son loved eating them. might make 2# worth next time and eat them during the week.

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Deadlifted last night.

Anyone have opinions on sumo vs conventional. I have been working on sumo form. Pulled conventional at 385 for 3 last night then on the way down went sumo at 335 then 315. I don't know if one is better or worse and i know some people see sumo as cheating do to lack of ROM. But its like worlds strongest man types pull conventional but like all the power lifters seem to be pulling sumo.

I need to get the sumo technique down better it tends to strain my back more than conventional but i feel like that is because im just new to it
I tried sumo once and felt knee pain; haven't tried it since. That's probably a case of poor form on my part, though.

On another note, I haven't had an early morning workout in a minute; I'm excited for this one. I've been going late at night since I finished my exams for the term. Brb, rarely having to weight for a squat rack or a bench.
I don't like pulling sumo. It puts my arms in an uncomfortable position. Conventional is a longer stroke but it's much easier on me, personally.
I think I really did some serious damage to my inner thigh/groin.  I was doing walking lunges yesterday, and on the upward motion of the lunge, I heard and felt a fizz then pop in my groin area.  My left leg completely buckled.  SMH
If you want, im sure youll be alright. Id give it a couple days before I go to the doctor, unless you have nothing else to do today. :lol:
Yeah, I don't have the flexibility for front squatting. I tried them with the same wide stance as my low bar back squats and felt a sharp knee pain each rep so I narrowed the stance and realized that my flexibility for the movement is awful.
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Do you mobilize/stretch before working out or do you just gung ho it with a **** warm up and get going?

Usually go the **** warm up route when I'm pressed for time.
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