STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I stopped squatting for a while due to knee problems..when I started squatting the past two weeks I've gotten terrible groin cramps after the first set that stops me from going further, any help? Stretch more before squatting? It's frustrating man.

yep. stretch deeper. do body wait squat holds. stretch out your hips. and your groin area.
Appreciate the feedback. Just going to have to go lighter for my first set and stretch more prior.

Yeah it's more of a soreness pain. Lower body just has too be eased into doing squats again.
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how do people keep up with this thread? i swear every time i look at it there are 300+ new replies
The thread doesn't seem to move that fast to me.

This thread is nothing compared to the NBA and NFL threads which are basically unfollowable at times 
It's too much work to keep up with the nba thread so I don't.

Honestly, if it's not the nba thread, everything else is very easy to follow.
He got buck fiftied back in the day as a bouncer or something.
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Are you guys foam rolling right before/after lifting or upon waking up/going to sleep?

depending on what i am lifting, i will do before and after.

if i am super sore, say the next day or two days after, il roll out before bed and in the morning. i usually roll myself out with a tiger tail instead of using a foam roller.

hurts like hell but well worth it afterwards
Faaaack the tiger tail. I have to use too much pressure to make a change so id rather just roll on a firm roller.

I have a grid at home ( really like that one) and theres a vibraroll at work which is painful too
thought kai was from BK.. the story about why he doesn't live outside the projects, his cooking methods and his painting skills are interesting.
Kai Greene has a amazing story and a amazing personailty such a great guy along a great mind set. Sad he's never going town 1 MR.O
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