STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I remember working out with my friend at the park, he had his shirt off and he wasn't exactly big but he was stupid lean and ripped, like 6-7% BF. Every time he did a pullup you could see every muscle in his upper body straining :x :pimp:

Anyways, time to start cutting.

Anyone seen the transformation challenge? Sounds like fun.
If you wanna win a transformation contest like that - make sure you take your before pictures stupid bloated then dry out for the final photos. That's how the online transformation contests are won.

yo does anybody else's shoulder click when they do lateral raises? i noticed my left shoulder has been doing this a couple months ago. there's no pain, but it makes a clicking at the top of the movement.
Yeah I get clicky shoulders from time to time when doing overhead work. I'm taking glucosamine which may or may not help. Also, warm your shoulders up more - arm circles, light presses, cuban presses etc, to get the blood flowing and everything working before you get to your work sets.

what are you goals? or what do you hope to get help with?
to you guys that take creatine...what are your thoughts on the capsules..i.e. concret?

Creatine is flavorless - you can literally eat it and wash it down with water. Capsules just add extra expense for a little bit of convenience.

DEAR LORD ROCOO! is that your girls cooking? you guys EAT NICEEEEEEEE! wish i could do that everyday. "/
need some advice. 2nd day IF diet.
yesterday i had my first meal at 2PM today at 4PM (i was busy) since i am essentially fasting, does it matter if the time changes everyday? is it bad if my body expects it at 2PM and i miss it?
as for my first meal.
6 egg white omelett with a bowl of fruit

this is about 10 ounces i think. i'm only tryna eat 16 ounces of chicken a day so i ate 1 and a half and ordered another 1 to go so i can eat about 8 ounces with my pasta, shake and oats post workout.

how am i doin so far?
It doesn't really matter when you have your meals as long as you're getting in the necessary amount of cals and macros in a given day period. If you get in a rhythm at it, you're body will probably start to expect to eat at a certain hour, so if you wait an hour or two, you're probably gonna start feeling bad for that hour or two - no long term harm in that though.

Today was my first lift in the new year. I'm hoping to ramp up my training over the next year. While I've been training for 4 years or so, last year was my first year where I began to really take it seriously both in terms of diet and programming. I'm excited to see what progress I can make over the year.
I think I'm finally fully committed to training and fitness. Since graduating college and entering the real world, I've found that training has done a nice job of replacing some of the social and intellectual stimulation offered by college life. Anyways, right now, 1RMs for my lifts are as follows: 150#, 295#, 295#, 400# (Press, Bench, Squat, Dead). Obviously my squat is low compared to my other lifts and needs a lot of work. My press can also use some improvement. I'm gonna really put the effort into getting these lifts up. All of the 1RMs were completed in normal programming i.e. I wasn't out there trying to max out but rather the lift was what my program called for. I'm 10 pounds away from reaching the 1000# club for the big three, so I'm pumped for that and that'll be a nice way to start off 2013. In terms of goals for the year, I'm hoping to get my press up 185#, bench to 335#, squat to 350#, and deadlift to 450#. Don't know how it's going to go, especially since I'm starting off the year with a January cut and I got a long rugby season ahead of me.

Other goals include really mastering the mental and nutritional side of training. I've been (dirty) bulking this fall and had pretty good success with that, but I'm hoping to get to the point where I can make some strength gains even while maintaining the same weight or even shedding a percentage point or two of body fat.
Mentally, I think I limit myself by worrying too much about overtraining and letting other life responsibilities cut my training sessions short. Also, I need to figure out the whole spotter on bench conundrum. Today, I had a guy spot my 5+ x 260 set and I struggled hard on the 5th rep (he also early spotted me, classic new years resolutioner move). However, last week I killed a 5x260 set easy and I've knocked out 5x265 easy also.

What are yalls thoughts on spotters? Some people swear by them because they don't have to worry about missing a rep so they can go for a higher weight. I've found that having a spotter is definitely beneficial when working for a 1RM or a heavy single, but it hurts for triples and above.

Forgive the above essay - it was useful to get it all written out, and I'm not about that blog, twitter, or long-*** self-centered FB status life, so this was the best venue for it. I do highly recommend writing out your thoughts on training, because it adds focus and accountability to your training.

i posted earlier about this dude that goes to my gym and spends like 30min practicing his karate kicks on the cable machine. well i got it on video and once i upload it ill post it here lol.
i posted earlier about this dude that goes to my gym and spends like 30min practicing his karate kicks on the cable machine. well i got it on video and once i upload it ill post it here lol.

patiently waiting :nerd:
heres the video. sorry its short lol. unfortunately he wasnt doing some of his spinning back kicks or flying liu kang kicks but ill make sure to catch those on video when hes doing them. :smh:

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My homeboy, this was him competing in August. Unfortunately he came in 2nd (robbed). I worked with him for 2 months and felt like I was wasting time in the gym before.
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My homeboy, this was him competing in August. Unfortunately he came in 2nd (robbed). I worked with him for 2 months and felt like I was wasting time in the gym before.

good stuff, I`ll never compete but hats off to dudes that do, getting OD low in Body fat is killer.
Doing a split routine with isolation exercises for the 1st time in years felt great. I actually missed the soreness and pump of going hard on a new routine. Walking round like DJ Paul after arm day.
heres the video. sorry its short lol. unfortunately he wasnt doing some of his spinning back kicks or flying liu kang kicks but ill make sure to catch those on video when hes doing them. :smh:

Damn, I was waiting for a Jaiden Smith Karate Kid backflip kick to end that vid :lol:
Just under 6'1, sitting at 203lbs last I checked last friday.
What does the routine entail? Lots of grapples and kicking and boxing training in different disciplines? I have a friend that is deadset on getting into mma now. he used to model. pretty big jump, mentally. lol.

shogun was a model before he destroyed everyone in tell your boy to go for it lol.
and yeah mma is no joke. i went into it in fairly good shape and it still kicked my ***.
I've always worked out around noon-ish and I like how the gym isn't that packed around that time. I just got a job, though. After 5pm, what's generally the earliest time I can go where it won't be so packed from people getting off work?
I've always worked out around noon-ish and I like how the gym isn't that packed around that time. I just got a job, though. After 5pm, what's generally the earliest time I can go where it won't be so packed from people getting off work?

Early in the morning. The days when I wanna go to the gym before my calisthenics routine I go around 7am-8am usually.
Am I missing anything (goal is to lose weight n tone up) as far as supplements go.

Pre Workout (forgot the name but it's a lower stem one)
Optimum Nutrition Whey
Bcaa caps
Fish oil caps
Glutamine caps
Optimum Nutrition Multi Vitamin
Even got Twin Labs ripped fuel extreme.



My eating is on point when I'm focused. I like to cook. Just saying if I'm going to supp I would like to know if I'm on the right path. Also forgot Casein. I just can't do cottage cheese. Tried it and almost puked but I love Greek Yogurt.
Im seriously looking to get back in the gym. I haven't lifted in a few months because of school and work. Well now im ready to stop the excuses and get back in the gym. Big question is WHERE TO START?
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