STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

what dude said. no need for all those supps. a caloric deficit and hard work in the gym will help you reach those goals.
My eating is on point when I'm focused. I like to cook. Just saying if I'm going to supp I would like to know if I'm on the right path. Also forgot Casein. I just can't do cottage cheese. Tried it and almost puked but I love Greek Yogurt.
Honestly, people dont maximize their workouts enough for casein to be even effective or make that much of a difference.

Stick to whey, vitamins and maybe fish oil. Whey usually has glutamine and BCAA's anyway.


ON whey has BCAA and glutamine so youre good.
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ON Gold Standard is all you need.
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.

I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
Am I missing anything (goal is to lose weight n tone up) as far as supplements go.

Pre Workout (forgot the name but it's a lower stem one)
Optimum Nutrition Whey
Bcaa caps
Fish oil caps
Glutamine caps
Optimum Nutrition Multi Vitamin
Even got Twin Labs ripped fuel extreme.

food and dedication>>>>>>supps

plus no need to spend money

you can achieve anything you want without supps
Im seriously looking to get back in the gym. I haven't lifted in a few months because of school and work. Well now im ready to stop the excuses and get back in the gym. Big question is WHERE TO START?
Start with your goals..

What are they?
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.

I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
Figure out your goals, and start with the basics. has a good amount of exercise lists for beginners.
If you dont like working out in crowds, get a 24 pass and go at night. Usually only a handful of people at mine after 10. Also makes it easier to work out since there's usually multiple areas that are free that I can work out in. I strongly suggest you get a gym pass instead of home sets; the cheap home benches are trash and weights cost a lot, and gym passes are cheap these days. You can get one for probably 30-40 a month if you look around. Also, going to the gym and seeing other dudes put in work can be good motivation.
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.

I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
Figure out your goals, and start with the basics. has a good amount of exercise lists for beginners.
If you dont like working out in crowds, get a 24 pass and go at night. Usually only a handful of people at mine after 10. Also makes it easier to work out since there's usually multiple areas that are free that I can work out in. I strongly suggest you get a gym pass instead of home sets; the cheap home benches are trash and weights cost a lot, and gym passes are cheap these days. You can get one for probably 30-40 a month if you look around. Also, going to the gym and seeing other dudes put in work can be good motivation.


I'm also extremely unfamiliar with various exercises. Is there a site that lists exercises with illustrations or something? I don't want to hurt myself with improper form, and I need to understand what some of these exercises even mean (e.g. flies, military press, etc).
I'm starting Oxyellite Pro tomorrow. Im usually all against diet pills Nd all of that. I feel that taking them will give me that energy boost I need while giving me that motivation as well. I'm the type of person that can really want something but if I have school and work and other things on my plate, then I'll just keep putting it off to the side.
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.

I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
Figure out your goals, and start with the basics. has a good amount of exercise lists for beginners.
If you dont like working out in crowds, get a 24 pass and go at night. Usually only a handful of people at mine after 10. Also makes it easier to work out since there's usually multiple areas that are free that I can work out in. I strongly suggest you get a gym pass instead of home sets; the cheap home benches are trash and weights cost a lot, and gym passes are cheap these days. You can get one for probably 30-40 a month if you look around. Also, going to the gym and seeing other dudes put in work can be good motivation.


I'm also extremely unfamiliar with various exercises. Is there a site that lists exercises with illustrations or something? I don't want to hurt myself with improper form, and I need to understand what some of these exercises even mean (e.g. flies, military press, etc). is the best resource out there. There's videos for each exercise that show proper form, but if I were you, I'd start with simply exercises like bench press, pull downs, military presses, etc. that are easy to do. Squats are essential, too, but those need a proper form when lifting. Start off light with those and just work on form first and increase the weight when you feel comfortable.
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Supposed to be a rest day for me..

But I felt like putting in a little work just to help me metabolize..

So improvised a little something at home.. 

Burpees for 1min and 15secs..

Followed by 30-40 crunches.. 

6 sets total.. 30 sec rest between sets.

Heart rate was up for atleast 15min..

And I was sucking wind after round 2.

I think I'm gonna be doing burpees more often.
I know I want to gain atleast 20lbs of muscle
Lose some body fat
Gain endurance
Im trying to reach peak performance, i feel sluggish lately.
Putting on muscle and losing body fat at the same time is hard to do..

Even when you have your science down..

Focus on your first goal of putting on 20lbs of muscle..

Its gonna require that you lift heavy.. And eat often..

I would do 5 days of working out and 2 days rest.

You can split it however you want..

The main exercises that will put on muscle are..

Deadlift, squat, bench, pull ups, and barbell shoulder press.

Target a muscle group or two each day and go hard.

After you have bulked up you can work on burning that body fat and endurance.

It takes everyone awhile to reach their peak performance..

So consistency will be key to reaching your goals.
Ended up being up a lot later than expected, had to eat again. I made about 50-60 grilled chicken fingers yesterday. I love to just have quick things made that I can fix in times of desperation. I was just starving and devoured like 10-11 of them and some pineapple i cut up to help aid in the digestion since it's late and I'm about to catch some ZzzzzZZZzzz's.

i suggest you guys trying to put on size/weight, just have a lot of food at your disposal. It's so much easier to eat and get your meals in when the food is already prepared and waiting for you. And when you prepare in advance for the inevitable hunger, you're then able put real thought into the meals and have things like grilled chicken, salmon, veal, beans, lean beef, etc, and you can eat a ton of good muscle building foods and feel the munchies subside without relying on dirty bulk tactics like fast food and heavy sugars.
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.
I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
well, if you're gonna invest in a bench and dumbells, you should invest in a power rack + free weights + olympic bar. idk man, I'd say just go to the gym and start doing whatever it is that your'e doing.
I say do Starting Strength or Stronglifts to get your lifts up and then move on to a split. Everyone starts out somewhere...
Yo Illest i get that feeling alot man haha. Walking around the gym feeling like that ****** man. You cant help it when you notice broads grillin you while they do cardio haha
What would you guys recommend for a newbie? I don't like working out in crowded areas, especially since I can get insecure about the low weights I'm going to be starting off with, and I'm pretty lazy when it comes to driving to places to work out.
I thought about getting a dumbbell set and a bench and just working on some exercises in the garage.
well, if you're gonna invest in a bench and dumbells, you should invest in a power rack + free weights + olympic bar. idk man, I'd say just go to the gym and start doing whatever it is that your'e doing.
I say do Starting Strength or Stronglifts to get your lifts up and then move on to a split. Everyone starts out somewhere...

Thanks for the advice.

What do you mean by moving on to a split? And I assume Stronglifts is a workout schedule of some sort?
I was expecting that dude to at least have some sort of attachment and be using the cable to strengthen his legs ...not just be flimsily kicking the handle -what a prick 
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Gym was way better yesterday. Did shoulders and some upper back.

Today is bi's/tri's. Which next to legs is my favorite work out since its so easy to target those muscles.
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