STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Good motivational documentary video

"I Want To Look Like That Guy"

Regular fat guy in his 40's trains under IFBB guy and gets into shape and enters contest
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Before and after pictures. I try to take a picture every week to see progress and once it shows, it motivates you to keep going. It's a nice feeling.

I use to do this when I did P90X. Definitely motivated me but for some reason I can't find that same motivation. Anyone know of a good 3-4 week workout plan? P90X and Insanity are too long for me right now. :lol: And I know diet is very important, I'll post my diet plan before I begin. Appreciate it fellas.
You're boy is moving up NT fambily! Today I got added into BYU's football weights program as part of the walk on process. Super excited to start using their facilities. Thanks for all the motivation and get huge everyone!

Damn , I'm jealous as hell

Goro wins!

J/p keep up the good work.
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Damn club's pic got me slightly jealous.

I also thought he was just anderson my head he was always posting shirtless in short shorts right out side of an octagon.

But I am 6 foot about 180lbs I have put on about 3 pounds over the entire year. Which i am proud of even though it isn't much. But i have seen gains in strength over the year too. I wanted to try and bulk up a little over the winter by cutting out long distance running since its soccer off season (only play indoor in winter). I posted pics before i have trouble really building a chest. It's tough because i have such long arms and a bad shoulder. So when i bench i usually go heavy on dumbells (75s max) and keep them real close to my body on the decline. Any one have any suggestions? Because when i bench press bar i can get 175lbs done but usually my right should starts to give (seperated it multiple times as a kid).

Legs day today. Favorite day in the gym. Got 295 up 3 times last time. Can't wait til i can get 3 plates on there though. 305 has been my max to this point
THEN they break the number one rule, YOU DO NOT stand in front of another man's mirror proxemics,
NOR do you stand at the foot of his bench, that's ultimate guy code violation.

i was doing decline dumbell press today, so my head was kind of low to the ground, and this dude was five feet behind me doing dead lifts and straight DROPPING the bar down. first time scared the **** outta me.. :lol: left with a pretty good headache.
Mirin illest & sneakerking

Just started a stack of SuperHD, CLK and CLA. The SuperHD got me sweatin. Woooo?!

I weighed myself at 219 last night. Will keep NT posted on the results.
I had a pretty good regiment going from September to Novemer. Then I hit a snag in th road once I got some bad news about a family member. Stopped going to the gym. Hit the bottle, started smoking black and milds heavily, and the word diet was dropped from my vocabulary. Started back on Monday. Mad as hell I have to start from square one. Absolutely detest what I've done to my body.

After reading that debate about cholesterol and such, I started watching my cholesterol and sodium . The numbers I eat per day are scary...

So this weekend, I'm going to start eating more vegetables, and stop eating out as often. I'll allow myself today and Saturday to "cheat", even though I'll only be hitting my caloric requirement.

Going to buy some canned beans to start incorporating beans into my diet. Going to buy bags of the frozen veggies to start incorporating those as well. Only two things bother me: 1) Whether I'll have gas from the beans and 2) Hitting my protein requirement.

I think I'll be good on the protein requirement part, but the gas will be scary :x.

Will post updates as the weekend progresses.
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Wisdom tooth has been hurting for a few days now. Can't eat, barely sleep, and now I got a hunger headache. I'm going to cop that blender today. I have back today and I don't wanna miss it.
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