STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Only cuz I love you and u inspire me to be stronger

Happy holidays team fitness!
do you workout in them doe 

Saw a dude today lifting in full spandex today. That was a new one.

Started doing cable flys today. Gonna feel that tomorrow.
started a new job on top of school last year and the weight piled on smh...went from 198 to 260 in like a year
^yeah I know its not an excuse but I'm getting back in the gym to get this ish off...went and did arms thrusday after work and the doms murked me this weekend could barely move
when I reach my goal I'll post pics
How much of your best squat should you be able to pause squat, percentage wise?

I'm just curious.

How long of a pause? I've never tried pause squatting with any significant weight.

You guys ever feel like crap and end up just smashing through your lifts? That's what happened today. Everything felt like light work. Conversely, I was hella amped to lift but I felt slow as hell and even failed a few times.
How much of your best squat should you be able to pause squat, percentage wise?

I'm just curious.
Id say 80% would be a good number to aim for. Ive never tried over that before. Also depends how long you pause.
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Any general advice for keeping a neutral spine while deadlifting for beginners? Not for me. I workout with my cousin and basically "train" him and for the life of him, dude cannot properly deadlift without rounding his spine out like crazy. A work around I've been doing - just so he gets some lower back work in - is 3 quarter dead lifts. He's gotta learn so we tried again yesterday. Awful. Made me a little nauseous TBH. Had to send him to do do rows, lat pull downs and pull-ups instead.

Anyway, he's like 6'3 170 with long arms. Seems to have flexibility issues since he can't really get low. I'm thrown off on advice since our body types are totally different and I've been doing this forever
that's not a good video 
I hate responses like this, offering no counter, just a smilie. Completely useless.

He offers cues to aid in keeping the spine neutral ie. extend the T-spine, scapula retraction, hinging at the hips, tucking the chin, etc. This was the poster's friend's issue and are all elements of the deadlift that help to eliminate rounding of the back.
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How much of your best squat should you be able to pause squat, percentage wise?

I'm just curious.

I've seen programs that call for a pause even at 90% (obviously not gonna be like a 10-15 second pause but still). I do most of my pause work at 80% tho like Boss said
A true 90% pause would be tough. Also 10-15 seconds is long as **** lol 3-5 is optimal in my opinion, most people probably don't perform them correctly, you aren't supposed to go any lower once you stop.
most people probably don't perform them correctly, you aren't supposed to go any lower once you stop.
you mean that little bounce to come back up? :lol:
i catch myself doing that when fatigued.

did that 10 deep breaths pause squat and that was interesting. more difficult than just a long pause with shallow breaths. showed me how weak my core really is.
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