STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I was on-site all day today.  i only ate two meals.  I'm so mad...

BREAKFAST: The usual w/ 1/2 avocado

DINNER: 1 cup brown rice w/ black beans & 7oz of stewed chicken breast
you would reccomend to not down the shake and just wait for lunch?

I reccomend doing your window arond your workout time, so if you start your window after your workout with a post workout shake, thats fine, Me personally I could never do that because I cant get off from work and not be able to eat.
For the guy who recommended Chlorella...

Here are some side affects:

"Chlorella is POSSIBLY SAFE when used short-term (up to 2 months). The most common side effects include diarrhea, nausea, gas (flatulence), green discoloration of the stools, and stomach cramping, especially in the first week of use.

Chlorella has caused serious allergic reactions, including asthma and other dangerous breathing problems."

via WebMD

After reading that, I'll pass lol. Thanks though. Any advice is appreciated, I do my research though.
you would reccomend to not down the shake and just wait for lunch?

I reccomend doing your window arond your workout time, so if you start your window after your workout with a post workout shake, thats fine, Me personally I could never do that because I cant get off from work and not be able to eat.

how long is the window? I was under the assumption that you could only slam 2 massive meals per day 12 and 6 preferably
how long is the window? I was under the assumption that you could only slam 2 massive meals per day 12 and 6 preferably

you create your own window as long as you fast 15 or more ours, keep in mind when you are sleeping you are fasting.

Set a calorie goal.

During the time you allow your self to eat, fit in as many meals as you want as long as you hit your calorie and macro goal. You can eat 1 meal or 10 meals thats on you.
Ya once lucky told me that 15 hour thing I've been basing it off that. Yesterday I only did one meal (2 times per week) so my fast up to today was 20 hours. I'm starving right now though but gotta gym before meal 2.


cop some BCAAs such as extend and sip on it during the day, because your body is gonna be eating your muscles too not just fat if you dont.
Legs tomorrow, always love movin big boy weight around :nthat:

just finished legs. doing my legs is easily one of my favorite pieces to train now. i love that pump too. i no my *** is gonna hurt like a ***** tomorrow tho, looking forward to it. lol pause.
just finished legs. doing my legs is easily one of my favorite pieces to train now. i love that pump too. i no my *** is gonna hurt like a ***** tomorrow tho, looking forward to it. lol pause.

I walk around the next 2 days like an 85 year old man but it's worth it. I'm trying to add as much to my vertical as possible.
just finished legs. doing my legs is easily one of my favorite pieces to train now. i love that pump too. i no my *** is gonna hurt like a ***** tomorrow tho, looking forward to it. lol pause.

What's your routine on leg days?

I usually use that day as my total body workouts and it makes for a killer day. Squats, Power Cleans, Deadlifts, and the last workout is either lunges, bulgarian split, or whatever else I feel like. Such a great day. Intense!
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you would reccomend to not down the shake and just wait for lunch?

Try it out both ways... see what works for you. The biggest beauty about IF is there are NO rules, as long as you do your fast, and give yourself an 8 hour window maximum for eating, you're good. No minimum meals, no bull ****, just adapt as you go, and as you please.

how long is the window? I was under the assumption that you could only slam 2 massive meals per day 12 and 6 preferably

Again, as many or as few as you'd like bro.
I'm baffled at hodge twins only eating 4 cakes post workout. How I'd that nearly enough.


prob just wanted some good carbs and they were gonna eat more later. I think they are cutting at around 1800 calories which is what I`m currently doing.
Juicing is when you extract juice from vegetables. It's the most healthiest drink you can possibly drink, IMO. Natural everything. I don't juice anything but vegetables and add a flew slices lemon for flavoring. Stating this just to clarify that we're on the same page. It cleans out your body of toxins and all the garbage you put inside you body.
yo when I read juicing in the fitness context, the first thing I think of is roids, same thing with bicycles.

Since I wasn't able to hit my cheat properly on Wednesday (rotator) and only did flat bench I'm gonna go in and demolish chest with MACHINES today. Do y'all ever do that?

Dude, if you hurt your rotator cuff, just ******g rest. If you must workout, go bang out some squats, or some cardio. Your

Bruhs. Do y'all mess with whole wheat pancakes? I went for a stack today alongside 6 eggs and a chicken breast for my first IF meal. I shoulda not eaten them until my second meal but didn't pay notice.

Ya when my mom makes pancakes, she usually throws in all kinds of whole wheat flours in em. They taste good. Still, I think it's important to realize that whole wheat/whole grain doesn't mean something is healthy. You're still taking in carbs/calories. It seems like the majority of the posters in this thread understand this concept, but it seems like most Americans don't really get it. The whole dietary/food industry refuses to put forth the straight facts. Thermodynamics govern weight loss and health. Calories in versus calories out. Just because something has 12 grams of whole grains doesn't mean you're gonna lose weight eating it or that's it healthy. Yall seen the new Cheerios commercials for whole grain cheerios? Case in point. And the fact of the matter is the whole dietary industry probably shouldn't even exist. It's reliant on smoke and mirrors and ******** to keep itself afloat. It's gotten so far away from science. Pardon the rant, but it's frustrating to see.
yo iLLest... I am going to start my IF meals next week. one question though... I work out at 6am before work and start teaching classes at 7:30. Basically there is no way to make my post meal 1 of my 2 meals. you think I could just slam down a protein shake post workout and save my first IF meal for lunch? :nerd:

when u do IF, ideally your biggest meal should be within 30 mins of your workout. your first meal at lunch is probably not a good idea. i'd try to open my eating window at 7am and close at 3pm. also get some BCAA for your fasted training. should see results in no time.
pancakes are called panCAKES for a reason.

It is a desert. It is just as bad as muffins, doughnuts, and the rest of that French **** that people eat as breakfast food.

But just throwing what I ate today.

Turkey Bacon + 2 Eggs on whole wheat toast
Quick Oats w/Ground Ginger + CInnamon



Chicken Breast + Mixed Veggibles


PotBelly's Chicken Salad Sandwich on wheat

Unsalted in-shell peanuts
Gonna hike the Elysian Hills tomorrow morning (where Dodger Stadium sits atop of) , i'm pretty pumped since tomorrow would be leg day :smokin

Did the Signal Hill trail in Long Beach this morning, felt tired due to that cold hard breeze hitting us everywhere, but the end result was awesome.

Pretty pumped to say the least. I'm enjoying my workout routine mixing in hikes with the gym for cardio while still making it to LAF for lifting :smile:

Went on a store run on my break, forget to get the bananas. Had no idea which Greek yogurt was the best so I grabbed the one with the most protein. DC and Sneaker fan, how do you guys prepare the oats before putting them in your shakes?
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