STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Since we're posting pics. Trap gains.

New pr on bench today. 195x3 for two sets. Thanks @jkitty your advice is working. Just got done with an hour on bench. Couldn't feel my chest towards the end.
Looking good. How much u weigh and what's your height.
Thanks sir. I'm 5'8" and 163. I don't know what my final goal is for weight. I'm just going to keep on going I guess. Maybe 180 or so.

I like compound lifts and overall size. Not really going for a cut look.
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Long-term goals:

Get to 185 lbs. (Currently 5'11, 177)
12:00 2-mile (12:30)
1200lb total w/ aims 500 dead, 400 squat, and 300 bench (Currently at 415, 300, and 265 respectively) (Really need to work on my Squat ORM.)
200lb OHP (160)
20 strict deadhang pullups (15)

I'm running the Zulu + Black program from the Tactical Barbell & Conditioning books right now. 4 strength, 2-4 HIIT, and 2 Endurance workouts per week.
Clean and Jerk 135kg (Currently 114kg)
Snatch 100kg (Currently 75kg)
Bench 255lbs x 2 (Currently 225lbs)
Back Squat 400lbs x 2 (Currently 300lbs)
Front Squat 350lbs x 2 (Currently 260lbs)
Deadlift 500lbs x 2 (Currently 400lbs)

5'11 (183lbs)
2016 goals
Stay with in the 185-190 and improve on my look
work on my mobility.
Squat below parallel (never been flexible)
Run a mile in 7 mins.
Muscle up
work on balance.

Going to Asia tomm for 2 weeks and can only work out maybe 3 times. but i think it's the rest/break i needed.
I know i havent posted in ere in awhile, I've been really lacking motivation. I still work out but I get in there do like 3 sets and then just lose desire.
I need that fire back.

#bigboss motivate me!

does this mean it's crossfit time Amel???

I gotta see this movie b [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I've heard this from so many people lol

Great movie
Those look like young man goals tdogg :smirks


My goals are really just to lift more and get p
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Going out of town this weekend so I squeezed Candito Week 5 into 3 days instead of the 1 day rest in between.

Under performed on all my lifts which is disappointing but it happens.

Ended up with sq: 335 x 2, b: 270 x 3, dl: 425 x 2.  

Most disappointed in my deadlift.  Week 4 I had 415 flying up like nothing and yesterday was just all bad, my grip failed during my warm up at 365 and that just destroyed me mentally.  O well lol, even if the numbers aren't there I definitely feel stronger than I did 5 weeks ago, going to increase my bench max and run my dl and sq numbers again.  

Disappointed not discouraged, lessss go.
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1.5 weeks might be a little too much. And going back to 155 doesn't seem logical considering that's what you started at. And you said you dirty bulked and judging by your pictures, probably put on more muscle than fat.

Did you mean to say that or mean to say probably put more fat than muscle?
So I'm on my 6th week of my cut, and last night I had a few extra calories and carbs left over so I decided to have a nice IPA. First one in weeks. So I drink it with my dinner (which is 6 oz of chicken breast and a cup of steamed broccoli). It was delicious. I follow it up with a protein shake (2 tbsp of PB, 1 scoop of chocolate whey, and a cup of unsweetened almond milk). About an hour passes, and it's probably 10:30 when I decide to call it a night. I fall asleep (I guess) next thing I know it's 12:30, and I'm in severe pain. My abdomen is swollen and it feels like I'm being run over by a truck. I feel like I have to ****, but also I feel like I have to vomit, and I can't do either. I'm in pain with this for a couple of hours until I finally just make myself puke. That relived it about 80%. I go to sleep wake up and still don't feel great today. I usually wake up starving, and I feel nauseous today. Thoughts? Bad chicken? Stomach bug? Gas pains?
Yea well I'm eating the chicken again today. I prepped enough for 5 days and made it last night so we'll see.
Just rip it open and look. Those thermometer aren't all that accurate. If it's on the edge it takes that temp meanwhile the inside isn't cooked.
You probably just got sick. I'd assume you wouldn't eat pink chicken. :lol:

It could be something like noro but not as severe. I bet you'll be Gucci by tomorrow.
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Man people have been dropping like flies for 24 hours spewing out both ends around here. Happened to me about a month ago and the whole crew got it after. :rofl: and my co workers.
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