STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

monstar monstar

I personally do a ton of sets on flat bench, some incline, and end with a bunch of flys. That's it. No decline. No push-ups. I bench until I can't anymore, do some incline work, and finish with flys. Volume and weight for me. It's whatever works best for you. But your flat bench isn't going to go up unless you put emphasis on it.
Been putting some emphasis on mobility work recently and it seems to have paid off. Squats felt amazing today (once I finally got on a rack).


They were all taking videos of each other too, but none of them were moving that much weight...
I did some decline bench too just because I couldn't go anymore on flat and incline and wanted to see what I could do.

I swear if I started with decline I could bench more than flat. I was just hammering out reps on decline for some reason and that was after flat and incline.
I did some decline bench too just because I couldn't go anymore on flat and incline and wanted to see what I could do.

I swear if I started with decline I could bench more than flat. I was just hammering out reps on decline for some reason and that was after flat and incline.
Decline is generally easier than flat for most people.
got 8 reps of 455 with deadlift. I wanted 10 but no way that was happening. 455 x 8 is probably a rep max since I never rep heavy deads.
Y'all ever head of the prewo called Mad Man? Or something like that? Got like 10g of Andro in it lol label says "do not take if you are suggestive to drug testing" [emoji]128514[/emoji]
How do you dudes feel about sugar intake on a cut? There isn't much info this topic on

Just another carb, body sees it the same way as any other carb source. Just gotta have fiber dispersed throughout your day to help maintain blood sugar levels. Not so much cause you'll gain fat back, but because you'll feel ****** with constant blood sugar spikes
Y'all ever head of the prewo called Mad Man? Or something like that? Got like 10g of Andro in it lol label says "do not take if you are suggestive to drug testing" [emoji]128514[/emoji]

They don't market it as a preworkout based on the site I browsed, it's a straight pro hormone. Will probably blow you the f up. My buddy ran a couple good ones before he completely went to the dark side and he got great results, did have some nasty sides though :lol:

They don't market it as a preworkout based on the site I browsed, it's a straight pro hormone. Will probably blow you the f up. My buddy ran a couple good ones before he completely went to the dark side and he got great results, did have some nasty sides though :lol:


Just my 2 cents... If you're going to use ANYTHING that isn't your standard over the counter supplementation, go to the dark side and go to the dark side intelligently with a well planned cycle. Pro Hormones can and will severely damage your natural hormone production just as bad if not worse than a properly planned and executed cycle of the real good stuff. That being said, I don't recommend the good stuff unless you absolutely need them to be competitive in whatever sport it is you have chosen to partake in and understand the risks.

So long story short, don't use pro hormones.
This one is a powder


Still has androgenic compounds in it and will cause partial shutdown of your natural production, especially if you're on the younger side. Anytime you add any sort of exogenous hormone source, replacement, or enhancer, you run the risk of damaging your jimmies.
Oh yea he tried to get me on the PH when he was running them but his sides were so nasty I wanted no parts. I ran the real deal once, years ago, properly planned, and got great results, no sides. Me and him actually did together, and he's been on more often than not since, which was like 5-6 years ago :lol: We both started around 170. I've made it up to a pretty lean 192 naturally. He sits around 210 now.
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Oh yea he tried to get me on the PH when he was running them but his sides were so nasty I wanted no parts. I ran the real deal once, years ago, properly planned, and got great results, no sides. Me and him actually did together, and he's been on more often than not since, which was like 5-6 years ago :lol: We both started around 170. I've made it up to a pretty lean 192 naturally. He sits around 210 now.

You're a strong man. For most, there's no such thing as "just one" cycle.
Just my 2 cents... If you're going to use ANYTHING that isn't your standard over the counter supplementation, go to the dark side and go to the dark side intelligently with a well planned cycle. Pro Hormones can and will severely damage your natural hormone production just as bad if not worse than a properly planned and executed cycle of the real good stuff. That being said, I don't recommend the good stuff unless you absolutely need them to be competitive in whatever sport it is you have chosen to partake in and understand the risks.

So long story short, don't use pro hormones.
So true, go big or go home.

The only thing I've ever done is drink bull semen, its pretty anabolic I've heard.
Tbh I've been thinking about going to the dark side. Especially since I'm 30. Haha but I don't eem know the first thing about doing it properly so I'm not.
Tbh I've been thinking about going to the dark side. Especially since I'm 30. Haha but I don't eem know the first thing about doing it properly so I'm not.

A couple of people i know talk to their doctor about "low-T". And can get started that way. They think since a doctor gave it to them its fine. That seems to be their entry into it
A couple of people i know talk to their doctor about "low-T". And can get started that way. They think since a doctor gave it to them its fine. That seems to be their entry into it

Low-T is a legitimate medical issue that can cause difficulty with fertility, weight management, mood, energy, and much much more. Going through a doctor or a hormone clinic will more often than not result in receiving a low grade topical androgen that can still only be received if the blood work backs up your claim for Low-T. If your blood work is abysmal, they're only legally allowed to bring you back into FDA approved ranges for healthy male function. And TRT through a doctor is no joke. Significantly more expensive than going through an underground lab, constant physician monitoring, blood work on a monthly basis, etc. the dudes who get started that way often don't know what they are getting themselves into and should never have gone about it in the first place.
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