STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Cutting season fellas, trying to get the abs is a *****, I'm 6'2 and down to 185 which is pretty lean for me, I think I'm a few lbs of fat loss away from a 6 pack! 
A. Awesome lift. Looks great
B. Is that foot positioning intentional or just what comes natural to you?
Thanks homie.

Yes it is intentional, I try to tuck my feet as far behind my knees as I can. It helps me stay planted and as tight as possible while also allowing me to use as much leg drive as possible. I usually use Romaleos to bench in and can tuck them back a little further. There is a point where tucking like that does cause cramps in my hip flexors though so I have to be careful.
Lightweight babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!


My hip flexors cramp/spasm when I bench too (except I bench about 25% of what you do).

These help:

A couple days ago is when I tried on the competition inserts for the Romaleos for the first time

Whew at the difference for me

I'm flat footed so I feel like the competition inserts just give me so much more support and help the shoe fit my feet so much better

My jerks felt so much easier

Should've been using it from the beginning
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Guys, I'm starting to get into a routine, and was looking for suggestions on shoes (I've been working in my old BB1'S). I was thinking of a pair of metcons, but I'd like to stay under $100 if possible. And I'd prefer the swoosh (yes, I'm a brand wh---, sorry) but other exceptional recommendations will be appreciated.

Routine is mostly free weights, with 2 days cardio (treadmill,bike)

Currently 5'7" 198. Trying to get down to 165.

Thanks in advance!
Nike outlets have Metcons for $99 now. I would just grab some cheap running shoes for cardio and some 3.0's for lifting.
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I can squat in my Ultraboosts until its over 135 then go barefoot, much more stable after that.

Usually try to bring my Metcons with me which are great all around. Flat shoes > running shoes for squats/DL's etc.

Dont get cheap running shoes either, what you run in is as important as what you squat in. It can make the difference from a crappy run to a great run, like a crappy set and a great set.
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I can squat in my Ultraboosts until its over 135 then go barefoot, much more stable after that.

Usually try to bring my Metcons with me which are great all around. Flat shoes > running shoes for squats/DL's etc.

Dont get cheap running shoes either, what you run in is as important as what you squat in. It can make the difference from a crappy run to a great run, like a crappy set and a great set.

Problem here:

All runs are crappy. Running is crappy.
Going heavy all week. 340 block clean and 520 squat from today.

Three things:

1. How much do you weigh?

2. What happened after you dropped the barbell on the blocks?

3. Panda
Lightweight babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Made to look easy. Good job

My hip flexors cramp/spasm when I bench too (except I bench about 25% of what you do).

These help: - top of page 6

Something similar I do to stretch out before ball. Some other useful stretches in there as well.
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Barely got 270 overhead today. Been feeling real weak pressing, gonna swap out my bench accessories with more overhead stuff.
Wow man, I had the plague this weekend was bed ridden .... I finally made it to the gym yesterday still was sick had bronchitis and the hills, was able to still lift heavy. It was weird. Tried out my new slingshot too it was awesome
Your gym looks so clean and new. Lol and i thought you were older like 40s
Yea they redid the weight room last year, all new everything. Na not even 30 yet how'd you figure that lol

Nice work bro
Thanks man

Yeahhhhhhh budddyyyyyyy!!!!
Preciate it Boss, now time to get my bench up lol I want 400 baddddd

Three things:

1. How much do you weigh?
2. What happened after you dropped the barbell on the blocks?
3. Panda
197 right now. Bounced right back up and toward me a little bit I stopped it lol. Panda Panda
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I literally just peeped your video now, SuperJU

How old are you, and what class? Do you plan to compete?

If you're in 85kg class, you're in great shape. You're strong either way , no matter what weight, but I'm saying you should be competing in the same competitions my coach is doing lol


Nvm I just noticed you don't snatch or jerk. Still really strong in the clean though. You can't be more than 94 kg I'm sure.
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197 right now. Bounced right back up and toward me a little bit I stopped it lol. Panda Panda
That's incredible and inspiring. I'm a shade over 206 and I'm probably maxing out at a little under 3 bills of what you hit.
Yea they redid the weight room last year, all new everything. Na not even 30 yet how'd you figure that lol
Thanks mana

I think because you said you did a BB show and you weren't doing anymore so I had automatically assumed you were over 30
hands down the best preworkout I ever took they have a cuts version too
i would not take a preworkout that had DAA in it. there are conflicting studies and it has been shown to lower testosterone in some cases. the only thing it's good for is to improve fertility in males.
Squatted without my knee sleeves and belt last week. Noticed I had less butt wink but definitely still there.

Looking back I realized switching to squat shoes really accentuated the wink, any tips for those that use squat shoes on tips to eliminate this? I notice it in high rep sets cause my lower back just dies.
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More bench gains. My max is still 205 but I can hit way more sets at 185 after. Endurance is getting there. Did 45 minutes of bench last night. 5x5 on flat and unknown amount on decline. 155-185 just mixing it up
How do you guys find a consistent balance between school (studying, lectures), work (30-40 hrs/wk), and working out?
Squatted without my knee sleeves and belt last week. Noticed I had less butt wink but definitely still there.

Looking back I realized switching to squat shoes really accentuated the wink, any tips for those that use squat shoes on tips to eliminate this? I notice it in high rep sets cause my lower back just dies.

Butt wink sucks. For me, I think a loose core and tight hamstrings is what causes me to butt wink

I just try to keep my core tight, focus on stretching my hamstrings and not my lower back when I descend and also, try to keep my chest up.

Also I notice I'm more likely to butt wink on front squats (compared to back squats) and so I try to stay conscious of that.
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