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Just had 4 boiled eggs and 3 strips of bacon, followed by 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 apple, 1 banana and two handfuls of spinach blended together into a juice...I'm I doing it right?

I would recommend not to combine the fruit juice with protein because it will throw off your digestive system and reduce the nutritional value of the juice and protein. Drink the juice 30 min before you eat protein.

Any truth in this?

I plan on switching my diet up big time next month and its all based on a vege/fruit smoothie followed by a protein/nut butter/oat shake

to my understanding, the glucose in the fruit would spur an insulin spike which would allow your body to absorb more nutrients as opposed to less.
A good day of eating.  I feel good bruhs.  In it for the long haul

I was mad hungry, and ate my dinner before I could take a pic....
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When has it been proven to be safe over a long term study though?

DC are you big? Or are you like a skinny in shape dude? Whats your height and weight and how much you putting up?

Yo freeze! I did chest last Friday but wanna do it again today because its a new week and I want to rearrange the order I did everything last week. That cool? (Reason I ask freeze is because we both have similar routines.)


Friday to Monday and want to hit chest again? .. Do your workouts for the week and take friday and saturday off and start it next monday.

You'll be surprised how much rest does.
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Yeah.. just finish it up for the week. and take the 10 day off from chest. Thats what i would do. I couldnt imagine hitting chest 3 days later. unless you just take it light and if you feel you have recovered already.
Just had 4 boiled eggs and 3 strips of bacon, followed by 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 apple, 1 banana and two handfuls of spinach blended together into a juice...I'm I doing it right?

I would recommend not to combine the fruit juice with protein because it will throw off your digestive system and reduce the nutritional value of the juice and protein. Drink the juice 30 min before you eat protein.

Any truth in this?

I plan on switching my diet up big time next month and its all based on a vege/fruit smoothie followed by a protein/nut butter/oat shake

to my understanding, the glucose in the fruit would spur an insulin spike which would allow your body to absorb more nutrients as opposed to less.

that is correct.
Thanks Durden and Matt for a quick and accurate response...

I was beginning to think all the research I had done was all for nothing... The bro science almost got the better of me.

Once I get the new diet going I'll post details in here
this is usually how my split is, but now im trying to put some more mass on my arms and i read that the number one reason for lack of growth in arms is overtraining of those particular muscles. so im lowering the volume on my other body parts for 12 weeks to see if i can get my arms to grow. I dont think ill be able to go 12 weeks only hitting my back once a week though. I freakin looooove back day!
I'm not sure I'm following the reasoning. You're worried about overtraining your arms but you're backing off training everything except for you arms. I understand the reasoning that less overall training will alleviate some of the overtraining, but you're not addressing the root cause. Why not back off training your arms some and see what happens? Also are you basing this on arm measurements or looking at your arms? I've noticed that while my arms do grow, my perception of them growing doesn't always reflect this.

When has it been proven to be safe over a long term study though? - see the mention of chronic use studies.

Yo freeze! I did chest last Friday but wanna do it again today because its a new week and I want to rearrange the order I did everything last week. That cool? (Reason I ask freeze is because we both have similar routines.)

Whenever I reorder my routine or make modifications to it or switch plans completely I ALWAYS take a deload week. Judging by your descriptions of how often you train, it looks like you can definitely use a day off here and there, why not take it now. If you do chest so soon, you're lift will probably be lackluster and full of excuses. why not start your next cycle nice and fresh ready to crush the weights?
a week behind on insanity. sigh, i'll 100% start it next week, this week just isn't the week.

still will be running / working out lightly though
Gotta start eating in set times/order instead of random.

Also, drinking shakes in the mornings with my oats.
So the wife and I are slowly experimenting with Paleo dieting...I say slowly because you really need to prepare yourself mentally for this, so she's starting slowly with recipes and I had "Cauliflower rice" for the very first time, this is God send for any Spanish person that grew up on rice, lets be honest even brown rice has starch which is not recommended...the cauliflower rice is probably tastier and you can eat it till you are blue in the face and at the end all you are eating is damb cauliflower!

I would try and find the link to the recipe for ya.
Yo freeze! I did chest last Friday but wanna do it again today because its a new week and I want to rearrange the order I did everything last week. That cool? (Reason I ask freeze is because we both have similar routines.)


honestly, you could work it today if, and only if, there's no soreness there. That means you would've fully healed and you can pound away again. I think I did my chest on saturday and I'm hitting it again tomorrow. I'm pretty much fully healed tho since I just rested yesterday and did arms today. Chest tomorrow, back Wednesday. Rest Thursday, Legs Friday.
anybody deal with elbow or tricep tendinitis ive been dealing w/ elbow off and on for abt 5-6 mnths abt ounce a mnth it would act up but i could always push threw my workouts but today on chest day my tricep felt destroyed and i could barely move my fingers i stopped and had planed to just do 10 mins of cardio and i couldnt even get threw that i hate rest days but i think im going to have to take at least 2 days off
I pray my Muffin top leaves and doesnt end up being a sack of loose skin like I see happen to so many ex fat people.
anybody deal with elbow or tricep tendinitis ive been dealing w/ elbow off and on for abt 5-6 mnths abt ounce a mnth it would act up but i could always push threw my workouts but today on chest day my tricep felt destroyed and i could barely move my fingers i stopped and had planed to just do 10 mins of cardio and i couldnt even get threw that i hate rest days but i think im going to have to take at least 2 days off

definitely take some time to rest it. I've had it before, sucks so bad. i threw a sleeve on and a thick compression pad, helped a ton. Then I just adjusted and changed the way i did certain stuff. Angles can make all the difference.
hmm... so i gotta load.. 20-30g per day in the first 5-7 days for the loading phase?

smh... i dont wanna do that.. that means hella water.
lol thats all it is bro, hella water. its the water that gives the size increase. creatine is wild overrated imo. you get some in your red meat, but i dont think outside of that, you're really gaining too much more by supplementing with it
hmm... so i gotta load.. 20-30g per day in the first 5-7 days for the loading phase?

smh... i dont wanna do that.. that means hella water.

bruh loading phase = supp company taking your money as you run through half a tub quick.

Do a normal 5g a day, your body will get saturated after 2-3 weeks.

idk if you already bought the creatine yet but dont spend big bucks on creatine, Make sure it has Creapure( best creatine mono, made in Germany). Universal Nutritions Creatine Mono uses creapure and 100 servings is like 23 bucks, or if you broke I think I paid 15 or 20 bucks for BB.coms creatine thats 200 servings, its not creapure but still got the job done.
lol thats all it is bro, hella water. its the water that gives the size increase. creatine is wild overrated imo. you get some in your red meat, but i dont think outside of that, you're really gaining too much more by supplementing with it

lol you know how much red meat you gotta eat to get 5g of creatine a day.

People have all these misconceptions about creatine from back in their HS sports days.

I recommend creatine to everyone who lifts. You only get bloated if you dont lift. Dudes is talking like creatine makes you look roided full of water, lol not the case. Our bodies are like 90 percent water, this just adds more to your muscles giving more strength. I believe Creatine should be a staple in everyones stack. Only people who cycle are people in competition who need their bodies to be completely dry when they hit single digit BF.
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