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Never do Ab's more then 3 times a week

For exercises Youtube AB Ripper - These are the exercises I do and work well for me

Dope, repped. Thanks. I figure I'll do them Wed/Friday/Sunday. With bulking, I assume I would want to be working them out for size/strength and not to have them ripped.
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THIS is a great read. here's an excerpt:
The value of the 80/20 rule is that it reminds you to focus on the 20% that matters. You should identify and focus on these things. So in bodybuilding, what are they? I would say that the 20% that matters includes:
Researching & following a good, fundamental, bodybuilding program. (Not a perfect one, it doesn't exist).
Putting in hard work in the gym, consistently, over a long period of time.
Following the rule of progression, and ensure that over time you are lifting more weight, more reps, or more sets.

Having good nutrition. Eating enough good stuff, and not too much bad stuff over the course of a day.
Getting adequate recovery.

Adjusting your plan periodically, based on your results and your experiences.
Which basically means: Train. Eat. Rest. Repeat. Week in and week out. Focusing on the basics will give you 80% of your results.

So if that's the important 20%, what's the 80% that's trivial? Well in my opinion it's details like these:
Should I do 3 sets of 8 reps or 5 sets of 10 reps?
What's better, 1.25g protein per pound or 1.37g/lb, or 1.5 g/lb.?
I'm doing BB curls, should I be doing DB curls or EZ bar curls instead?
What's the best angle for incline barbell presses?
If I don't get 30g of protein within half an hour after training, is my session wasted?
How much should I be lifting for my height / weight?
Are DB flyes better than using the Pec Dec?

Etc. Etc. Etc. Honestly, that stuff doesn't make a difference. Or rather, if it does it makes a relatively small difference (20%); or only makes a difference for a relatively small few who are at the limits of their physical development. For most of us average Joes, it just doesn't matter! Sure, if you have a wrist issue, EZ curls may bump into that 20% of things that matter, but in general it doesn't make that much of a difference.

The muscle mags would like to convince you different, since they want you to continuously tune in to find out if you're doing everything right. If you're "in the know" about the latest "hollywood workout". Whether you're missing a miracle supplement that just got invented in a secret Swiss lab.
Lol I eat half my meal because by then my throat is loose no romo from swallowing food I take my pills then finish my meal. Lol I'm taking beef aminos joints are huge. I believe in trying stuff myself unless if I see it aligns with what I want to do unless it just seems completely bogus.

Per meal I'm doing
2 fish oil
1 green tea extract
1 l cartinine (spellcheck got em dirt cheap so I said why not try it)
3 beef amino

Jesus Christ, bro! Like Bill ROmanowski :lol:

Dude had a tacklebox full of pills.

*Seriously...if you're trying to get lean or drop a few pounds, just up your cardio and watch your calorie intake. You'll shed pounds w/ the quickness. I don't see hte need for all those pills for each meal. Seems OD. Might be doing more harm than good to your insides.
Lol dudes take fish oil but don't know the reccomended dosage. I take a serving of each item I only eat 1-2 meals a day. And 10 pills a meal is nothing compared to what some people take. Heck Animal pak is 11 pills and that doesn't even include if you take a fish oil. Fat burner or anything else.
i would. they're huge body parts. imo, your gains could be so much bigger if you work them on separate days and really just focused on your efforts on the piece that day. There's so many muscles to hit in the legs and back, some are prone to get neglected if too much is squeezed into a single workout. just my humble opinion tho, word to the hodgetwins lol.

Here's my routine as of late...I'm open to any suggestions on how to switch it up to maximize my results.

Day 1: Biceps/Shoulders
Day 2: Legs/Back
Day 3: Chest/Triceps
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Start routine over

Should I do legs and back as their own day?
Here's my routine as of late...I'm open to any suggestions on how to switch it up to maximize my results.

Day 1: Biceps/Shoulders
Day 2: Legs/Back
Day 3: Chest/Triceps
Day 4: Cardio
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Start routine over

Should I do legs and back as their own day?

Crazy. Split the lifting days throughout the week.

Bout to f this chest workout up. Lets goooooooooooooo ahhhhh ahhh ahhhhh




Bulking while cutting back on sodium and cholesterol sucks. So many vegetables and beans bruh.

why? sodium sucks, its crazy how many foods have so much sodium :x :x

thing is i rarely use salt too except a pinch on my beef/chicken but i know how some people use it on everything like crazy :smh:
 At all them pills at every meal, reminds me of the youtube vid of Ronnie Coleman pulling out a tacklebox full of pills 

For me its a fish oil at every meal and one of the mens one a day multi vitamins.
Light dinner...

Stuffed chicken breast (spinach and little bit of feta) and butternut on the side.

Had a lecture about macronutrients in my Biology class today, felt good answering every question :smokin

Definitely a good feeling answering questions in class and knowing your stuff. :smokin
I only had that feeling in classes I enjoyed though...

Other classes like History and such...not so much of a good feeling.
I always hid in the back of the classroom with a hood on, trying not to be called on because I didn't do any of my readings. :smh: :lol:

Surprisingly I learned more about nutrition from NT and Mens Fitness stuff (like the Abs Diet book) than I did in my college Nutrition class.
The format of the class was just way too boring, being taught by this old man who showed us absolutely NO VISUALS. It was all just him talking with a boring tone, preaching his old school ways with a whole bunch of boring text. It was hard to get into :smh:
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Is this a good post workout meal?
Chocolate milk
Jack Link's Peppered Beef Jerky
Campbell's chunk chili with beans

What do you guys eat?
chest day. lots of inclines. about to kill it. I love chest day, it's one of my favorite muscles and I respond well to the stimuli in that area. I'm about to beat it like it owes me money, word to stewie.

Lunch/Pro workout meal.

Spinach (S/O to DC haha) chicken, eggs. Fruit and protein shake
Is this a good post workout meal?
Chocolate milk
Jack Link's Peppered Beef Jerky
Campbell's chunk chili with beans

What do you guys eat?
I would say add more protein (chicken, turkey, whatever meat you like).  Rice or potatoes.  Throw some veggies in there too.

My PWO staples are turkey, potatoes/pasta/quinoa/ezekiel bread/cereal, fruit, and veggies.
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I'm not sure I'm following the reasoning. You're worried about overtraining your arms but you're backing off training everything except for you arms. I understand the reasoning that less overall training will alleviate some of the overtraining, but you're not addressing the root cause. Why not back off training your arms some and see what happens? Also are you basing this on arm measurements or looking at your arms? I've noticed that while my arms do grow, my perception of them growing doesn't always reflect this.
Previously I had been working my back twice a week and my chest and shoulders each had their own day. I wasn't doing very much arm specific work because by the time I finished with back shoulders or chest my arms were tired. While i saw a lot of growth in those three
muscle groups i didnt see the same results in my arms. So I've moved chest and shoulders to one day. Back still has its own day,as do legs, and then I'll put in an arm day. I was thinking about doin that arm day every other week to give them extra time to recover. I do need to start taking measurements though.
I feel as if my diet and eating habits are throwing me off.

I don't have a normal eating pattern. Most days I wake up late and skip eating until late in the day. Take today for example. I woke up at around 11 and haven't had anything to eat. Just a bottle of water at the gym.

But when I do get around to eating, I eat a lot. I've never been a person to count carbs or anything. I just eat until I'm full, go to bed, and repeat the next day. Yesterday all I had was two peanut butter sammiches throughout the day, and a chicken breat with pasta for dinner (roughly 11PM).

I'm trying to tone it up a bit, maybe getting my body to look similar to Ryan Goslin's in crazy stupid love with more definition on my abs.

So far I've been following the routine:

Monday- chest/biceps
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: shoulders
Friday: full body

Last Monday:


What can I do to get better?
I would say add more protein (chicken, turkey, whatever meat you like).  Rice or potatoes.  Throw some veggies in there too.

My PWO staples are turkey, potatoes/pasta/quinoa/ezekiel bread/cereal, fruit, and veggies.

Thanks man. Will do.
Is this a good post workout meal?

Chocolate milk

Jack Link's Peppered Beef Jerky

Campbell's chunk chili with beans

What do you guys eat?
I would say add more protein (chicken, turkey, whatever meat you like).  Rice or potatoes.  Throw some veggies in there too.

My PWO staples are turkey, potatoes/pasta/quinoa/ezekiel bread/cereal, fruit, and veggies.

You're protein intake with the above plan is fine but I would definitely agree that more carbs are needed, preferably complex carbs
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