STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Hey Guys I got a heart rate monitor strap for Christmas and starting into looking watches to use with it. I heard the Polar Ft7 and Ft60 were pretty good. Is there any others I should be looking at?



Damn Lucky, very well balanced meal.

Good job yo :smokin

Was OUT and couldn't go home to make chicken. Was already late on breaking my fast so I went to...Panda. Broc Beef. Mushroom Chicken. Teriyaki chicken no sauce.


Next time try the Shanghai Angus, Fire Cracker Chicken, and Stringbean Chicken, they are highest in protein and lowest in cal on the menu from a ratio aspect.

And when it comes to protein IMO The 3 factors in order of importance is


protein is protein, but I atleast something I can stomach 50 servings of.

And I havent seen anyone in this thread say they've thrown away protein.
Thanks lucky. I don't think I'll ever be eating their again though. It was a one time thing and although I didn't make bad choices, I feel guilty and angry.

Copped hella new workout clothes. Shorts and sweatersssss. I love working out in saeatersssss. And wasted my money on hella shoes because once I got my high top chucks for leg days, IT'S ALL I WEAR. smh. I still haven't found the soccer pants I want that tighten around the ankles.

Leg day today. Hope I can muster through. Ya boy is tired.


lol like I said only eyebrow raiser with panda express is the sodium content. Def not an every day thing, but a 2 time a month type I`m dont feel like cooking spot, like Chipotle is.
Been checkin this thread out for a minute and its koo how everyone here helpin others out. Well just really started getting into the gym for like a month and love it! Don't even know why I never started going before. Well so far my routine is








plus ive went from 151 to 139 since changing my eatin habits and doing IF
Been checkin this thread out for a minute and its koo how everyone here helpin others out. Well just really started getting into the gym for like a month and love it! Don't even know why I never started going before. Well so far my routine is
plus ive went from 151 to 139 since changing my eatin habits and doing IF

Props for making the decision to live a healthy lifestyle and workout.
Feel free to ask any questions if you need any help, theres plenty of smart folks around here who can chime in.
Keep up the good work :smokin
I feel ya! How much sodium do you think I took in, in that meal? *chugs water.*

Btw! I used to mire Ryan gosling soooooo bad in that movie. (Same I did with wearwolf in twilight) but now I think I'll yolk on fools. hahaha. :/


prob 2g. The Veggies of all thing is whats the killer, If its a day you need carbs get the white rice, little to no sodium if I remember correctly. Like I said drink your water and workout so you can piss out/ sweat out and water your body tries to hold extra from the meal.

In General I try to get under 2g of sodium a day, but its not that big of a deal every so often since you are fairly active.
Cardio and abs today.  So damn hard not touching weights.
  Told myself I'd listen to my body though and dial it back this week.  Be good to the body and it will be good to you.
great chest day. loved it. really felt the work being put in. i hope its sore tomorrow lol.

Good work :smokin

I put in work today with the BICEPS and SHOULDERS. 8)

Thank you guys for those videos you posted of that body builder a few pages back.
That whole STRETCH and CONTRACT thing has totally changed the way I lift at the gym. Its changed my whole philosophy.
I realized ive spent years trying to be cool in the gym, trying to 'lift' heavy to impress.

No wonder I haven't seen much progress :smh:

Ive been doing low weight, SLOW REPS, and absolutely DESTROYING my muscles this last week.
Ive felt sore like no other every day after my workouts.
I can already feel a little stronger and see some veins popping out.

There really is no burn like that Stretch and Contract burn.
Hopefully in 6-8 weeks i see some major progress, because Ive been sweating like crazy with these it my all. (Trying to bulk up)

Hopefully I feel that super soreness tomorrow as well Freeze, then I'll really be happy about todays workout. :lol: :nthat:

Loving #TeamFit right now. No romo.

This 100%. i can't cosign this enough. Kai Greene gave me a new way to do everything! The pain from going lighter, but with better more effective reps...unmatched. I think it's funny seeing the puzzled looks on people's faces in the mirror as they see me struggle to squeeze out the last few reps on some 25-30s. Form & tempo changes EVERYTHING.

:nerd::nerd: video?
Light dinner...

Stuffed chicken breast (spinach and little bit of feta) and butternut on the side.


I eat that in 2 bites.

went to gym today. back day

started off deadlifting and as i got to my last set i said **** it and slapped on 2 45 plates

went 3 reps with them on :smokin

but should i invest in straps? i could have banged out 5 but i felt the bar slipping
leave the straps alone. Deadlifting should b some bare hands or with chalk IMO.
So the wife and I are slowly experimenting with Paleo dieting...I say slowly because you really need to prepare yourself mentally for this, so she's starting slowly with recipes and I had "Cauliflower rice" for the very first time, this is God send for any Spanish person that grew up on rice, lets be honest even brown rice has starch which is not recommended...the cauliflower rice is probably tastier and you can eat it till you are blue in the face and at the end all you are eating is damb cauliflower!

I would try and find the link to the recipe for ya.
Yeah I've been reading up on a lot of paleo/primal eating stuff - mainly I try and avoid gluten when I can - aside from beers. While I'm not celiac or anything I have noticed that over consumption of gluten can leave me bloated and feeling pretty bad. Hoping to cut that out as well as get rid of processed foods. If you're really trying to get into that type of eating, check out Mark Sissoon's blog and books and stuff: Some of it is kind of cultish and stupid, but there's a fair amount of good stuff in there, and he backs up his stuff with a fair amount of treal science not bro-science.

Trying to do something like IF, started today. 3 shakes and a decent meal around 3-5pm. One shake in the morning, one post workout which is usally done by 2-3, then I eat my meal an hour or two after the gym. My last shake im taking about now (10pm).

Rinse and repeat this process for a week? Do I NEED a day where I dont eat anything at all (does this include protein shakes with just protein/water)?


Should I split my chest/shoulder days? I'll do chest triceps tomorrow, and shoulders Wednesday? Or should I just do all my push muscles tomorrow. I feel fine doing it but dont wanna be overtraining. I do feel good and dont feel like im overtraining, but im guessing its one of those things you cant really feel? Dont know if im explaining it alright. I did back/bi today.
If you're gonna separate shoulders and bench - don't do them back to back. I definitely get some DOMS in my shoulders and tris after bench day which can be detrimental on my shoulders day.

I'm trying to strengthen my grip, so I'm ditching the gloves but I can't use chalk. Is Liquid Grip any good?
I've used it before - keep a thing in my pack in case I forget chalk or I'm traveling and don't wanna bring it along. It's decent, but not as good as chalk. I assume you're gym is anti-chalk - just bring it and play dumb until they threaten to terminate your membership. Don't let weak-preferencing society win out.

what do you guys think about marinades?



would i be able to lose weight using these, using proper portions.
Do you guys use these? If not, what do you use to flavor chicken breasts?

Calories 45 Sodium 360 mg
Total Fat 2 g Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 8 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 0 g
Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 6 g
Trans 0 g Protein 1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Don't know the macros of it but if you want good tasting chicken breasts, the key is get a nice large cast iron skillet, brown the breasts in butter on the stove top, then add in the following: onions, white wine, garlic, some lemon juice, and if you're living on the edge some apples. Throw it in the oven for 20-30 minutes covered and you'll have some dope chicken breasts. Not the best solution if you're cutting and worried about every calorie, but damn good. Also carrots and other veggies can be thrown in.

Never do Ab's more then 3 times a week

For exercises Youtube AB Ripper - These are the exercises I do and work well for me
Do you work out other muscles 3 times a week? You don't need to work abs that much. I do planks once in a while - mainly for core strength in rugby scrums, but the majority of my ab work comes from squatting and deadlifts.

I dont think there is much better then overhead press/should press (whatever you want to call it) of your liking (bar-dumbell-machine) and shrugs. You can do combo lifts for them like cleans or clean and jerks but they are technical lifts.

But I found doing overhead dumbell press/ arnold press super-set with either light weight front raises or lateral resistance bands really gives me that burn the next day which i was missing just doing regular shoulder press. Shoulders are the hardest thing for me to work since i have seperated my right shoulder multiple times. I can't really go heavy on them. So i just try to get a ton of reps in.
Yup I separated my right shoulder once in rugby and that hurt my shoulder lifts. I have noticed tho since I got back into overhead pressing, it has helped protect my shoulder from further injury.

Anyone in need of a shoulder routine - focus it on standing OHP with a barbell. A big goal of mine is to be able to OHP my bodyweight.

Some of these "energy" or "performance" multi's have made me nauseous if I don't eat with food. Any word on how ON reacts?
OH multis go down easy - they smell a little groce but they're pretty easy to take down even without food.

Freeze hit the nail on the head with,
Understanding your body is extremely under rated when it comes to lifting.

YO! So 4 days a week of my IF I am on a High Carb day. My carbs are consumed primarily post workout. Here's my question!

Usually my first meal is, "6 eggs, 8 oz chicken, yogurt." I want something more tasty today but still fitting towards my goal and diet. What restaurant or food do you reccomend me going to get? I see the hodge twins breaking their fast with a fruit smoothie with no sugars and a good *** chicken sandwich and SALIVATE. I haven't even eaten bread in weeeeeeks. I'm scared to differ from my diet which is.
But reversed because I work out at night.

What goooooodness can ya'll recommend me to eat today for meal #1. :tongue:

Chipoltle - definitely. Obviously avoid some of the cal-dense stuff like the tortilla, chips, sour cream, cheese, salad dressing...

Is this a good post workout meal?
Chocolate milk
Jack Link's Peppered Beef Jerky
Campbell's chunk chili with beans

What do you guys eat?
I'd suggest learning to cook brah

I feel as if my diet and eating habits are throwing me off.

I don't have a normal eating pattern. Most days I wake up late and skip eating until late in the day. Take today for example. I woke up at around 11 and haven't had anything to eat. Just a bottle of water at the gym.

But when I do get around to eating, I eat a lot. I've never been a person to count carbs or anything. I just eat until I'm full, go to bed, and repeat the next day. Yesterday all I had was two peanut butter sammiches throughout the day, and a chicken breat with pasta for dinner (roughly 11PM).

I'm trying to tone it up a bit, maybe getting my body to look similar to Ryan Goslin's in crazy stupid love with more definition on my abs.

So far I've been following the routine:

Monday- chest/biceps
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: shoulders
Friday: full body

Last Monday:


What can I do to get better?
Figure your diet out. Planning it sucks, but once you get in the rhythm you'll be fine. What are your lifts at? You may want to consider something like starting strength or another beginners linear program and a bulk.

I had a very good chest workout today - finally got back in my rhythm post-holidays. Easily hit my 3x275 set on flat bench. Then I took on Paul Carter's 350 method: for assistance work. Got in 22, 15, 13 x 135 for a total of 50 reps in 3 sets. Felt pretty good. Nice to do some AMRAP stuff with lighter weights.
Son went in.
Repped just for the effort.

I did shoulders today, I think im gonna do chest/tri tomorrow anyway. My tri's are never sore after shoulder day anyway. No DOMS for that muscle.
hmm... so i gotta load.. 20-30g per day in the first 5-7 days for the loading phase?

smh... i dont wanna do that.. that means hella water.

bruh loading phase = supp company taking your money as you run through half a tub quick.

Do a normal 5g a day, your body will get saturated after 2-3 weeks.

idk if you already bought the creatine yet but dont spend big bucks on creatine, Make sure it has Creapure( best creatine mono, made in Germany). Universal Nutritions Creatine Mono uses creapure and 100 servings is like 23 bucks, or if you broke I think I paid 15 or 20 bucks for BB.coms creatine thats 200 servings, its not creapure but still got the job done.
Getting back to this...

The loading phase isnt some sort of supplement company conspiracy theory to get customers to purchase more product. The loading phase has a legitimate function and often times is the preferred method of creatine saturation.. Your guess at the time it would take for saturation to occur taking 5g a day is about half of what the time frame really is. So reaching saturation in a week seems to be a much quicker method and taking a month (+).

So now because Creapure is made in germany, its the best product on the market?? The simplest, most effective is and always will be monohydrate. These companies can come up with as many new creatine products as they like, but in the end its all just monohydrate and a bunch of fillers. In the end it still breaks down into Phosphocreatine which is used to quickly restore and replenish energy. All the different products still end up at the same destination. It also buffers hydrogen ions in the cell, likely delaying the effects of fatigue.

Creatine by nature is osmotically active, so water retention is going to happen, period. Every person has a different baseline level of creatine thats naturally in their body, so the reactions to the supplement vary from person to person. Someone with naturally low levels of creatine will respond much better to the substance than someone whose levels are normally high.
Getting back to this...

The loading phase isnt some sort of supplement company conspiracy theory to get customers to purchase more product. The loading phase has a legitimate function and often times is the preferred method of creatine saturation.. Your guess at the time it would take for saturation to occur taking 5g a day is about half of what the time frame really is. So reaching saturation in a week seems to be a much quicker method and taking a month (+).

So now because Creapure is made in germany, its the best product on the market?? The simplest, most effective is and always will be monohydrate. These companies can come up with as many new creatine products as they like, but in the end its all just monohydrate and a bunch of fillers. In the end it still breaks down into Phosphocreatine which is used to quickly restore and replenish energy. All the different products still end up at the same destination. It also buffers hydrogen ions in the cell, likely delaying the effects of fatigue.

Creatine by nature is osmotically active, so water retention is going to happen, period. Every person has a different baseline level of creatine thats naturally in their body, so the reactions to the supplement vary from person to person. Someone with naturally low levels of creatine will respond much better to the substance than someone whose levels are normally high.

lol o
i just discovered the trick of separating egg whites from a raw egg with a water bottle. LOL how easy and cost effective!!
i just discovered the trick of separating egg whites from a raw egg with a water bottle. LOL how easy and cost effective!!

I just use the shell to separate em.

And from my personal research and experience with Loading is not needed, and majority of says the same. But its what ever works for you bro.

And bulking than cutting, majority of the weight you gain on a bulk will be fat, cutting down back to your weight your gonna have more muscle than you started out with. you cut down till you feel you look how you want, but its not deal cutting under your starting weight if you are already skinny.
i just discovered the trick of separating egg whites from a raw egg with a water bottle. LOL how easy and cost effective!!

That's pretty clever.. I do mine with the she'll itself.. It only takes me about 5 seconds each egg. I perfected my technique :pimp:
Me and a friend were talking and he was telling me that it doesnt matter what i eat as long as it fits my macros.

is this true? :nerd:
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