STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Anyone else get super paranoid after injuries? I tweaked my back doing the dumbest thing and now I'm sitting here feeling like I'm on deaths bed :frown: . Getting so frustrated at this point. 2015 was such a good year, 2016 has been garbage for me.
I hate using the 1 hand over 1 hand under grip. So uncomfortable for me
You doing them right? 

If you deadlift 500+ I see no issue with straps. Less than that though gotta get that grip skremf up papi. Farmers walks are heaven sent wish I could give infinite reps for whoever told me to do them to help my grip
If you deadlift 500+ I see no issue with straps. Less than that though gotta get that grip skremf up papi. Farmers walks are heaven sent wish I could give infinite reps for whoever told me to do them to help my grip
I need my rep now.
Pretty sure Candito and other youtubers have trained with straps and say "my grip has never been an issue"

Then get into meets and lose the bar :lol:

And are still ignorant as to why they've dropped weight :lol:
Cue the weekly straps argument between Boss and Jewbacca in 1, 2, 3..
I think thats a topic me and him agree on for the most part

I have been using them more lately though whenever my hands are beat up, if I'm looking to hit a certain back muscle I don't want to have to worry about my grip limiting me from going heavier, I also use them on any set of deadlifts that I'm doing reps on.
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Nah. That's not it

The only thing you're cheating by using straps regularly is yourself.
You sound corny with that last one dog 

If you don't compete then **** use straps every day, you'll be fine.

Id rather someone use straps then use knee wraps on leg press or to move 2 inches on squats 
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