STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Down to the last hole in my belt. Starting to fit into a lot of my old clothes again.

Pretty damn good feeling. Been busting my *** 6 days a week for the past . Think I've dropped 28 lbs. so far.

Went for a 5k run yesterday and felt real good. First time I've ran in a while and wasn't having breathing issues or anything.

Best part about a healthy lifestyle (working out) is the confidence you get. My girl's noticed it....other girls are starting to notice me more. Hell of a good feeling.
You doing them right? 

This makes my grip weaker tbh. I only grip it like this when im lifting light... good to not get calluses as easily tho

Progress of my cutting from last week. 3 weeks in, in this video.

PR: 461 with straps.

PR: 441 no straps. (lol i tripped over the bar all good tho)

I do Semi Sumo which I explained.
im only on week 3 of doing deadlifts at all (since about 2/3 years ago)

Felt good.

after I did conventional dead lifts 225lbs 10 reps x 3 times
Pull downs.
pull ups
back extensions. to finish out the day

Repped the both of you. Good work so far fellas.

@Soundview  I knew that avi was familiar. You the ole Timshepard on NT. I see you 

Also are we just gonna ignore the fact that the amel curse was caught on video from @Tdogg2k  ?
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Back in here doing some light squats. Praying the amel curse doesn't find its way back to my knees
I see u tdogg :pimp:
This makes my grip weaker tbh. I only grip it like this when im lifting light... good to not get calluses as easily tho

Ok so its not just me. I've read that article where that pic is from, and it explains how grip strength won't be affected. So i figured i wasnt doing it right.

As far as grip strength goes, I'm so glad this thread put me on to farmers carrys. Crucial
Dude almost fell [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] I'm crying. But mostly because I'm faded. But that's hilaroous.

Progress of my cutting from last week. 3 weeks in, in this video.

PR: 461 with straps.

PR: 441 no straps. (lol i tripped over the bar all good tho)

I do Semi Sumo which I explained.

im only on week 3 of doing deadlifts at all (since about 2/3 years ago)

Felt good.

after I did conventional dead lifts 225lbs 10 reps x 3 times

Pull downs.


pull ups

back extensions. to finish out the day

Repped the both of you. Good work so far fellas.

 I knew that avi was familiar. You the ole Timshepard on NT. I see you :pimp:

Also are we just gonna ignore the fact that the amel curse was caught on video from @Tdogg2k
Yeah man! Surprised you didn't know me. TimShepard. It's weird seeing you here, I always tagged you for Jordan checks.
Yeah man! Surprised you didn't know me. TimShepard. It's weird seeing you here, I always tagged you for Jordan checks.
You saying I'm weak bro lol?

I rarely visit them anymore with the randoms popping in there giving bad info
crushed biceps and triceps today.... that full as **** pwo had me pouring sweat......

got a compliment from a random dude in the gym.... he was telling me how I should compete and what not... was very honored for somebody to tell me that.... I always reply naa Im just in the military...... dude would not stop talking to me. He was like man their is trophies with your name on it.

I dunno I suck at posing, and I feel like my competition is putting more hours then me in at the gym. Yall ever thought about stepping on stage?
Yeah man! Surprised you didn't know me. TimShepard. It's weird seeing you here, I always tagged you for Jordan checks.
You saying I'm weak bro lol?

I rarely visit them anymore with the randoms popping in there giving bad info

Long as you come through when I tag you lol
crushed biceps and triceps today.... that full as **** pwo had me pouring sweat......

got a compliment from a random dude in the gym.... he was telling me how I should compete and what not... was very honored for somebody to tell me that.... I always reply naa Im just in the military...... dude would not stop talking to me. He was like man their is trophies with your name on it.

I dunno I suck at posing, and I feel like my competition is putting more hours then me in at the gym. Yall ever thought about stepping on stage?
When I hit 10% I might do it for fun. But then you gotta learn to pose. Diet hard. Yeah... nvm. Just gonna get lean/bug AF.
Nah u good. Just don't put pics of that weird clothing line logo u made a few months back
people have always posted pics and vids though.

the issue was one dude who shall not be mentioned kept trolling in here 
pics are dark. All I know is your abs show lol

See how I inspired people to post videos and pics? The other dude and I who called this thread weird for talking about exercise and not posting picss or video lmao
lol bro im just blue black....
Did chest and tris today. No barbell bench today, doin it once a week now. Asked the gym to get some 80, 90 and 100lbs dbs. Doubt itll happen soon tho. Had to make do with 70s

Db bench 70x8 x3
Db flys 55x8 x3
Incline db bench 70x8 x3
Skull crushers 85x8 x3
Rope pulldown 75x10 x3
Bar pulldown 100x10 x3
Dips 10x5

Finished with forearm curls 20lbs 60reps each arm (3 sets of 20). Also did this other one i dunno what its called lol, grabbed a 45 plate and lifted it behind my head kinda like im doin skullcrushers but behind my head. Did 2 sets of 25 then hit cardio.

Shoulders and legs tomorrow

Ronnie ate 600g protein a day, but someone said excess protein turns into fat and gives you kidney problems (I second the kidney part tho)

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