STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

lol not trying to eat no healthy/fit ice cream let me get my sugary filled fat absorbed ice cream from Baskin Robbins
lol not trying to eat no healthy/fit ice cream let me get my sugary filled fat absorbed ice cream from Baskin Robbins

Word. If you gonna eat sweets dont **** around with it, eat the most sugary high calorie stuff. Cant half *** a dessert
Much better

I watched that Joe rogan clip that Suave posted up there, i think I'm gonna adopt his no maxing out thing for a while. Just keep progressive overloading so i know im making gains but 1rm is kinda unnecessary and really taxing
I never do 1RM either. I'm not really trying to be a power lifter though. For my goals, time under tension with strict form >
God damnit, I couldn't find my shaker bottle for 3 days and i didn't clean it before I lost it. It rolled under the seat of my car apparently, now it smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion, no matter how much I scrub and wash it. Any recommendations??
God damnit, I couldn't find my shaker bottle for 3 days and i didn't clean it before I lost it. It rolled under the seat of my car apparently, now it smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion, no matter how much I scrub and wash it. Any recommendations??
Boil it in vinegar and water.
I'm just trying to get cut and get my Strength up too. I want to be able to bench 5x5 of 315

I should def focus more on cardio for the cutting aspect. I really just been going until I'm too worn out to bust out another rep
This is that bodybuilding approach of "chasing the pump". All you're doing is pumping more fluid into the muscle, most of which will leave within hours following your workout. You're not actually building any substantial strength that will translate into your compound lifts. Training like this will increase the volume of fluid in your muscle, but won't build strength. Alternatively, training for strength will increase your strength and build real muscle.

If you want to increase your strength on the bench you have to bench more often. Frequency matters so much in weightlifting, but its usually overlooked or not utilized properly. 

Intensity and volume matter, but frequency and form matter too. 

The best way to build muscle is by lifting heavy weights. You can lift the heaviest weights at the beginning of your workouts because you're fresh--that's why you start with a compound like the bench press.

But think about what happens as you finish each exercise---you lose strength because your muscles are fatigued. So after you're done a heavy bench session, you move onto dumbbells presses, but your dumbbell presses are affected by the fatigue you suffered from the bench so you can't press as much weight. This compounds throughout your workout and lowers how much weight you can move as a result. The less weight you're lifting, the less muscle you're building, if at all.

This is where frequency comes in. I'd rather you split your 8 exercise push day into 2 separate workouts. This allows you to move more weight during each exercise because you're only doing 4 exercises instead of 8. Think about how much more weight you'd press on your DB presses if you did them 3 days after your bench press. You're also able to get more out of each rep because you aren't as fatigued.

I'd look into a periodization program for your bench press where you'd get a light/medium/heavy day split. I'd also try reducing your overall volume and progressively overload week to week. So if you're used to doing 30 chest sets per week, cut it back to 15 and progressively overload it---i.e. increase sets by 2 each week and weight by 3-5% each week.

Hopefully this all made sense. These are all things I'm learning are working best for me. Periodization and emphasizing frequency over training each muscle group 1x per week has helped me strengthen my bench and FINALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY see some improvement in my chest development.
How important are rest days? Coworker saying my other coworker hasn't had results because he takes 1-2 days off. Are 2adays or 2 days back to back working the same thing bad?
That's laughable.

I wouldn't do 2 a days or B2B the same muscle group, ever. You need time to recover.
Form, frequency (each muscle group at least 2x a week), and intensity > marathon sessions (unless you're on the sauce)

Also you do not need 300 g of protein a day, and you said you drink a lot of protein? That's not optimal
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God damnit, I couldn't find my shaker bottle for 3 days and i didn't clean it before I lost it. It rolled under the seat of my car apparently, now it smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion, no matter how much I scrub and wash it. Any recommendations??

Soak it in a bowl containing 1/4 cup bleach and 6-8 cups hot water. Soak for about 30 min, rinse and then wash with soap and water
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God damnit, I couldn't find my shaker bottle for 3 days and i didn't clean it before I lost it. It rolled under the seat of my car apparently, now it smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion, no matter how much I scrub and wash it. Any recommendations??
lol bro I have did that so many times...I'm surprised I still have the sense of smell from my nostrils being engulfed by spoiled milk..

I just fill it with water dish washing liquid let it sit for a couple of hours, or my girl takes care of it lol.

Did some snatch grip DL 225x10x2

Started losing grip around 8 reps but think its gonna help build the grip strength.

Also did DL variation where u grab the plates and lift. Arms too short to use the regular bar (i could grab it but couldnt lift it up :lol:) so i used the shorter bar. Problem is its so light i gotta load a buncha plates on to get a decent weight on the bar and i dunno how much weight it can handle.

Did bb rows, seated rows, lat pulldowns, pull ups and boring *** biceps.
Do you dudes have a dynamic stretching routine before you lift?

Mine is very basic but I'm always interested in a better routine.

I do...

1-2 minutes moderate-vigorous stationary bike
Some front and back leg kicks
Arm swings
A few side lunges
A few push ups using the bench
And maybe butt kickers and high knees, but not always.

I'm much more meticulous and deliberate with my post exercise static stretching routine

206to813 206to813 :rofl: :rofl: thanks bro!
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Did some snatch grip DL 225x10x2

Started losing grip around 8 reps but think its gonna help build the grip strength.

Also did DL variation where u grab the plates and lift. Arms too short to use the regular bar (i could grab it but couldnt lift it up
) so i used the shorter bar. Problem is its so light i gotta load a buncha plates on to get a decent weight on the bar and i dunno how much weight it can handle.

Did bb rows, seated rows, lat pulldowns, pull ups and boring *** biceps.

Reeves deadlifts?

I've done em before they kill your traps
Reeves deadlifts?

I've done em before they kill your traps

Wow those look savage, looking forward to trying them out. This thread and suavamente suavamente always coming thru with different **** to do to keep challenging yourself and spicing things up.

I feel like there could be an NT style program with exercises that if u see someone doing em, it'd make u wonder if they're an NTer [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Reeves deadlifts?

I've done em before they kill your traps

Wow those look savage, looking forward to trying them out. This thread and suavamente suavamente always coming thru with different **** to do to keep challenging yourself and spicing things up.

I feel like there could be an NT style program with exercises that if u see someone doing em, it'd make u wonder if they're an NTer [emoji]128514[/emoji]

I'm doing that Deadlift today.. :nthat:
I know it was ******. :lol:

I honestly don't like maxing out. I like to work up and if I can't pull it **** it, I will in a month. I've hit 475 but it just wasn't my day. Working to hit 500 and I'll be happy.

If I'm really trying to hit a max I do

Much better :pimp:

I watched that Joe rogan clip that Suave posted up there, i think I'm gonna adopt his no maxing out thing for a while. Just keep progressive overloading so i know im making gains but 1rm is kinda unnecessary and really taxing

It's just asking for an injury. I don't compete except with soundview to get to 500. :lol:

I mean anytime you go for a lift in the back of your mind you should know you're able to do it or at least be close. Based upon how you're feeling so far and what you've previously hit.

I feel him on not maxing out. You can still hit pr's without maxing out. Just know your max is higher if you leave some in the tank.
Watching the documentaries on gear on Netflix and YT really opens your eyes. 4 years ago I was honestly disgusted and pro players who use them. Then within this last 2 years i realized that almost everyone pro is on them. Nothing new.

Kinda tempting for experience purposes, a meet, and physique honestly
Anyone got names on docs like these? Have been looking for some to watch.
Hit a little back today. First time lifting in a while due to some neuromuscular stuff going on in my neck.

1/2 mile treadmill

5:00 on stationary bike

Scapular retractions 2x12 (warmup)

Chest supported DB rows 3x8

Single arm cable rows 3x8

Modified pulldowns 3x8
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