STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I know what I'm talking about because it's MY body. What are you talking about? Im talking about what I did for MY physique.

This is pretty much all that needed to be said. Everyone has different genetics. If it's working for you and you're happy with your results you should stick with it.
This is pretty much all that needed to be said. Everyone has different genetics. If it's working for you and you're happy with your results you should stick with it.
I said that from the jump. I never said it was universal science. I spoke about what I did. Then evey one wanted to tell me about my body and what does/doesn't work for my body lmaoooo

Yall do what work for yall. I do what works for me. Simple.
A good way to maintain a balance is to pull : push at a ratio of at least 2:1. Meaning you should be pulling (rowing, chinning, etc) at least 2x as much a pushing (pressing, benching).

We're already internal beings by nature. Most of us anyways. We do everything in front of us. Sit at the computer, drive, stare at our phones/laptops. We're internally rotated all day. Then we go to the gym and hammer bench presses, overhead presses, pushups. That exacerbates the hell out of the internal rotation we're already stuck in all day. It creates a massive imbalance if your not counteracting it with more posterior work (squatting, deadlifting, rowing) to maintain a balance. And if you don't balance that, it leads to all sorts of compensation patterns that will f**k up your shoulders and back royally.

And even beyond that, you should be training opposing movements to keep balance. Overhead press/pull down, pullup; flat bench/horizontal row.

I wish I knew this like 5-10 years ago.

I heard this from a teacher in highschool when i first started lifting.

I do back twice a week and chest at least once, sometimes twice. Gonna ditch that second chest day and use it as an extra rest. It helps that i like pull days better than push days too :lol:

Todays a pull day :pimp:
Gonna add t bar rows to the mix since they got that stupid "holder" thing. Midas whale make use of it
I heard this from a teacher in highschool when i first started lifting.

I do back twice a week and chest at least once, sometimes twice. Gonna ditch that second chest day and use it as an extra rest. It helps that i like pull days better than push days too :lol:

Todays a pull day :pimp:
Gonna add t bar rows to the mix since they got that stupid "holder" thing. Midas whale make use of it

Word. Variety is the spice of life too. I used to just BB bench, incline BB bench, DB that order. Every chest day. No wonder I'm all f'd up. Crazy pattern overload :lol::smh:

I'm really hoping I can get myself squared away so I can get back to normal.
Yall love push/pull? I always did splits. I like doing the same parts in one workout and getting it over with.

I know a lot of people love push/pull tho.

I might try it eventually, I mean it's the same, just cut up in separate days.
Word. Variety is the spice of life too. I used to just BB bench, incline BB bench, DB that order. Every chest day. No wonder I'm all f'd up. Crazy pattern overload :lol::smh:

I'm really hoping I can get myself squared away so I can get back to normal.

:lol: i fall into that at times too. My gym being so small and limites equipment sometimes helps tho. If someones using something it kinda disrupts my order so ill say f it and do something else and outta order. Good change up, although i always prefer to do the big compounds first
Yall love push/pull? I always did splits. I like doing the same parts in one workout and getting it over with.

I know a lot of people love push/pull tho.

I might try it eventually, I mean it's the same, just cut up in separate days.

I do pull day. Todays a pull day so it's back/biceps

Yesterday was push chest and tris.

I was doing chest/back in one day and bi/tri another but arms day was so boring to me and then heavy DL and bench in one day was too taxing.
I do pull day. Todays a pull day so it's back/biceps

Yesterday was push chest and tris.

I was doing chest/back in one day and bi/tri another but arms day was so boring to me and then heavy DL and bench in one day was too taxing.
You like it better than doing 4-5 day splits?

I do 5 days, chest, arms, delts, back, legs. 2 rest days I do 1 hour LISS cardio.
I've been doing Upper/Lower splits for the last few months. M, W, F are upper body days and T, Th are lower body. Really like it cause I'm able to get a good amount of volume in but not feel beat to the point where I don't feel recovered in a day or two. Also trying to get this poverty bench up so it allows me to bench 3x a week.
You like it better than doing 4-5 day splits?

I do 5 days, chest, arms, delts, back, legs. 2 rest days I do 1 hour LISS cardio.

Ive always liked hitting two muscle groups in one session. Arms day is just so boring for me, i find it hard to focus, so combining it with chest and back has been great for me. Already use those muscles when doing chest/back stuff so after can crush em even more. I even superset biceps with back cuz i hate biceps lol.
Yall love push/pull? I always did splits. I like doing the same parts in one workout and getting it over with.

I know a lot of people love push/pull tho.

I might try it eventually, I mean it's the same, just cut up in separate days.

I try to train movements but am definitely closer to push/pull.

Sample pull: Deadlift, DB row, lat pulldown, seated row

I'm about to start doing what Bret Contreras does though. Dude just flows with it. Does whatever compounds he feels like.

IF it works, it works. I ain't mad at ya.

I used to do a 3-4 day split but it was too much. Especially doing 2 compounds in one workout.

I like my regimen now. By the time I get those 2 back to back rest days, im good. Its hard stopping myself from lifting somethING all 7 days since I have so much free time lmao.
I cant dedicate a day, one for pull and one for push, gotta mix it up. Ive been doing chest and biceps one day and then shoulder/back/tris on another day and seems to work for me
I definitely can't do that wall exercise for mobility :lol: I feel like I don't over arch on seated DBs though.

My push pull is probably 1:1 for frequency but a little higher in total volume. I try to do face pulls and rear delt work at least 3 times a week.

PPL split is the GOAT for programs if you want to get strong and big. I did it for a year or 2 before I got into PL. I feel like it offers the most frequency which is key for naturals.
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How many exercises per body part yall do?

I'm around 5-6, usually.

I read some studies about rep ranges and started switching it up. Heavy compound (80%+). For everything else, either 4x15 or 4x8 (Usually 2 each). I started a new PL program where I start at 5x8 for 60-65%. It's been whopping my asterisk. I havent felt soreness lIke this in a long while.

I had to DL 305x5x8 this morning. As the percentage increases, the volume decreases back into PL range(s).

Feels damn good, though. The endurance sets are hard.
It got spicy in here for a minute. We were long overdue everybody was getting along too well. We just need my man Kief to come byke and liven the thread up again
Oh yea, and on back days I usually just go until I can’t go no more :lol:. Be in there hitting like 10 different excercises when it’s all said and done
IF it works, it works. I ain't mad at ya.

I used to do a 3-4 day split but it was too much. Especially doing 2 compounds in one workout.

I like my regimen now. By the time I get those 2 back to back rest days, im good. Its hard stopping myself from lifting somethING all 7 days since I have so much free time lmao.

How do you have so much free time?
I'd be willing to bet most people can't, including me.

Ive always been a believer of certain things need to be tight and certain areas need to be mobile. Obviously your shoulders should be mobile but if only a small percentage of people can do those tests then I don't let it bother me as much.
I want to attempt a 1RM on bench so bad because I know it's going to be a PR, but I'm trying to wait until I can crush a 5x5 at 225. Only missed 2 reps on my last set last time I benched at 215. I started doing OHP again too, now that my back is cool. That'll help shoot my numbers up as well.

Also, new wireless beats coming in today. I haven't lifted with a good pair of earbuds in months. Tonight gonna be lit as hell.

Also, getback getback what do you study?
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