STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

apple watch with cellular is clutch. can leave my phone at home and still have music/get my calls

Yeah, that’s what I have.

However during my race this past sat after mile one my watch died!

I assume the charger wasn’t plugged all the way in the night before.

Which not only screwed me from the music and Nike pacing notices, but also any communication to my wife who was running the race an hour after me.

I immediately purchased that pouch thing at the expo to avoid this happening again.

Luckily my buddy was at the finish line and I was able to use his phone.
Running with a phone in your hand? Type of primitive **** is that man, get yourself an Apple Watch...pretty much the most convenient run companion....any of you guys mess with ASRV gear? Got their shorts with built in under tights, they are pricey but fit great and are pretty functional, even has a loophole to hold your towel or tee shirt

Got the camp joints with black tights, 90$


They also have carrying packs, since we on that topic
Fake plates? :lol:

His form hurts my soul, a couple tweaks and he could rep that.

Cas pretty cool though, Ive watched a few of his interviews with Vlad.

Think he had "spotters" at each end which is why the video angle is like that :lol:
What y'all diets looking like?

I've been eating a lot of oatmeal, chicken, sweet potato, rice, etc. for the past few months.

I'd like to switch it up...

No reason to switch up whats proven to work, just change quantities depending on goals.
any powerlifter here give some input for me? just wanna hear opinions/thoughts.

when it comes to training during off season, does the typical training block look like this/opinion on this block?

Day 1: intensity day (squat/bench)
Day 2: intensity day (deadlift)
Day 3: rest
Day 4: volume day (squat/bench)
Day 5: volume day (deadlift or block pull)
Day 6: Technique day (SBD. super light way but working on volume and form specifically)
Day 7: rest

any powerlifter here give some input for me? just wanna hear opinions/thoughts.

when it comes to training during off season, does the typical training block look like this/opinion on this block?

Day 1: intensity day (squat/bench)
Day 2: intensity day (deadlift)
Day 3: rest
Day 4: volume day (squat/bench)
Day 5: volume day (deadlift or block pull)
Day 6: Technique day (SBD. super light way but working on volume and form specifically)
Day 7: rest


Personally, id change "rest days" to in-between days. So after chest/squat intensity, day after id rest.
Personally, id change "rest days" to in-between days. So after chest/squat intensity, day after id rest.


Not a "powerlifter" but I focus on increasing my numbers in the big three. Not sure I'd schedule intensity sq/dl on consecutive days.

Also :sick: @ vol sq --->vol dl ---> technique sbd. I've squatted 3+ days in a row but they were all high intensity/low volume days and my lower back was usually shot (I'm a predominantly low bar squatter).
Leg day today. Gonna go low weight high volume.

Looking forward to cardio :lol: feel like my lungs are starting to get clean.

Was doing pad work last night, right hand something vicious. Left coming along pretty good too. Feeling great these days
What y'all diets looking like?

I've been eating a lot of oatmeal, chicken, sweet potato, rice, etc. for the past few months.

I'd like to switch it up...
Lately I’ve been shredding rotisserie chicken from costco and cooking egg whites. Usually leaves me room for a cheat meal.
~2300 cal
204 P
234 C
65 F

a lot of rotisserie chicken as well. uncle ben's microwave rice too. unfrosted pop tart before a workout, if i don't want to eat too much. oikos protein yogurt. bagels and soft boiled eggs. i don't mind it as much tbh. i don't eat it every day, but those are staples in my diet.
how does one calculate their macros

I feel strong af but i've gotten too damn beefy and need my abs back

there's a lot of info out there, but i'll give you the breakdown. basically, you need to figure out what your maintenance calories are for your gender, age, weight, daily activity level. you'll typically want to deduct 300-500 calories from that to "cut". keep in mind that 3500 calories is 1lb, so if you consistently ate at -500 your maintenance every day for a week, you can lose 1lb without even working out.

anyway, once you've maintained your new calorie number, you break it down by those three macro nutrients. for example my maintenance caloric intake is about 2600. my daily goal is 2300 bc i want to get a little leaner, while still having enough in the tank to lift and get stronger. i like the 1g of protein per body weight ratio, even though im a little under 200 lbs on average. 1g of protein and carbs is 4 cal each and 1g of fat is 9 cal. i like my fats to be around 25-30% of my diet, so i'm at around 65g of fat. the remaining calories go to carbs.

you can play around with carbs and fat depending on how your body reacts. some people prefer higher fat and lower carbs. i feel ****** if i have higher fats regularly, and i feel good with more carbs. protein should be around .8-1.2 ratio of your body weight.

i can go on and on, but thats the basics.
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