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how does one calculate their macros

I feel strong af but i've gotten too damn beefy and need my abs back

Take your bodyweight x 10 and start there for total calories, then split that up in a 40%/40%/20% breakdown of protein/carbs/fats. If you gain then cut calories by 10%, if you lose then you're good. Add cardio if needed.
any powerlifter here give some input for me? just wanna hear opinions/thoughts.

when it comes to training during off season, does the typical training block look like this/opinion on this block?

Day 1: intensity day (squat/bench)
Day 2: intensity day (deadlift)
Day 3: rest
Day 4: volume day (squat/bench)
Day 5: volume day (deadlift or block pull)
Day 6: Technique day (SBD. super light way but working on volume and form specifically)
Day 7: rest


I never trained any of the big 3 on the same day, closest I got was squats followed up with a DL variation but never straight DL from the floor, too taxing on the lower back. Its really all how your body responds. I never trained squats and DL more than once a week once I got serious with it and bench was always one heavy and one volume day. You do not really need a "technique" day, you're already hitting each lift twice in a week, add in a day where you train like a bodybuilder and crush your back, arms, shoulders.

What are your goals? Just get strong or look the part too? That kind of split will not give you much hypertrophy results.
I'm old school and still use my Nano for runs (the little square one) and have this armband strap for it. It does suck having to dl music on it the old way. Was thinking of upgrading either to the Apple Watch or Samsung one with Spotify.
I never trained any of the big 3 on the same day, closest I got was squats followed up with a DL variation but never straight DL from the floor, too taxing on the lower back. Its really all how your body responds. I never trained squats and DL more than once a week once I got serious with it and bench was always one heavy and one volume day. You do not really need a "technique" day, you're already hitting each lift twice in a week, add in a day where you train like a bodybuilder and crush your back, arms, shoulders.

What are your goals? Just get strong or look the part too? That kind of split will not give you much hypertrophy results.

Thanks. This isn’t the split I’m on but it seems like it’s a pretty common split among pl’ets ive been watching on YouTube lol.

My current goal is just a bigger 1rm on the big 3. Currently on a prograM right now. On week 5/12 so I’ll update y’all once I’m done.

On a side note, I increased my weighted plank from 25lb to 35lb 3x40 seconds. :pimp:
Fanny packs at the gym? I mean fanny packs in general? I’ll pass :lol:. To each their own. I used to not carry a bag around but now I do since I put romeleos and belt in their. And a power bank for when my Powerbeats die :rolleyes
I just leave all that **** in my locker except my wallet.

My gym is pretty legit, I forgot my walled on the floor dl and some dude looked at the id and found me. Never heard of anything getting stolen.

Pretty much. A 220 pound dude stomped his damn head. Everyone was like borderline concerned like “uhhhh chill man”

The chase down the block was clowns though.
Not bad for running 45+ miles a month.

Trying to keep some size during this slim down.

Team chest hair...

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