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Just saw the Reebok Crossfit Games on ESPN. Dudes were doing "kipping" dips
Thought I'd share my food after killing arms.

Crockpot = GODS GIFT

Finished product
Your meals definitely be on point.
Just finished another spin class this afternoon. I'm telling you bros nothing like a great workout plus staring at *** in yoga pants for an hour 
I used to jump my rope right by the room with all of the classes on purpose.  All that damn booty definitely gives your workouts a boost.

This dude iLLest cracks me up.  That video on the Krispy Kremes was hilarious.  Keep doing it big man.
Thanks. Stress is definitely something I deal with on a daily basis, unfortunately until I get a new job that's not going away. Not to come off as too stupid, but a functional medicine doctor is just a regular doctor right? or is there something specific I should be looking for.
I'll have to look into this, as far as wheat goes, I usually have just one piece of bread a day with my eggs for breakfast.

Functional medicine doctors are MDs/DOs, but not all MDs/DOs are functional medicine doctors. Other health care practitioners(dietitians, pharmacists, etc.) practice functional medicine, but you'll be best served by a physician. There's a search function on this website:
Our nervous systems crave complexity. Moving from open to closed kinetic chains would change their perception. Moving from basic to more complex closed kinetic chain movements would as well. For example, take someone that is bored doing towel pull ups and have them perform rope climbs, I guarantee they won't be bored. Why? More complexity. Sure there are other factors, but the main driver is complexity of movement, which increases motor unit activation, psychological stimulation, etc. As some recent scientists are talking about: our brains are designed to learn new movement patterns. That is the reason that we evolved such a large and well developed brain.

All I'm saying is that people need to break out of this bubble that is 'fitness' with 'reps and sets' and focusing on exercise being a medicine with a handful of tools only. I think you'll agree with this durden: movement is the end goal. Period. Here's a quick video I think you would like that discusses this:

I agree with all of this, what he said about gymnast is very true
I used to take some dance classes and they had a gym part, all those people were ripped and strong.
You can lift, squat, bench all you want and never get their type of strength,agility and movement.

When my knee heals and I get some funds I will join a gymnasium.
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Been hitting the weights hard as usual but been eating like **** & barely any cardio. This changes tomorrow. Gettin back on the grizzly. Bout to make all kindzszszsszz of gainzzzzzzzzz. Alllllllll kindzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
everything went awful hopping back on insanity. the toughest part is the intense soreness. i tried to start back up and my body was literally way too sore where the workout would've been a waste.

eating like ****, blah.

going to start picking up some fruits o.d. and grapes.

i need something i can waste a lot of time to eat :lol I'm not even fat but I do think I eat when I'm bored
Just started realizing what this cross-fit thing is...its pretty cool. but are all the gyms expensive?
There's nothing stopping you from just doing the workout of the day on your own for time. Obviously you don't get the same team aspect.

I finally had a good bench day today. Got 4 reps at 270 on my 3+ day. Did Paul Carter's 350 method for assistance. Got 23, 16, 11 reps at 135# on the incline.
Thought I'd share my food after killing arms.

Crockpot = GODS GIFT

Finished product

Yo, i definitely wanna get a crock pot soon...

Mind sharing your recipe with that chicken? What did you do just set it to bake for a while?

What kinds of other things do you make with it? Thanks in advance :D
When you're sick you have to be careful. You're immune system is at its weakest, so you don't wanna make things worse and catch germs and sicknesses that others have in the gym. And trust me...theres LOTS OF germs in gyms :x

If i was you i would stretch, maybe do some push ups and maybe a nice walk around the park or something IF YOU REALLY WANT TO. Keep it simple. Don't punish your body when it's already suffering internally.

But personally, when Im sick i rest my body...try to fully recover, then go back to the gym feeling 110% ready to kill those weights.

I Took it easy for most of the week. Went to work & just rested. Felt about 80% today so I decided to hit the gym for some cardio. I must say I'm glad I took the advice of keeping it simple because recovery was much faster than usual.

8) Now I'm ready to kill it for the entire week while making some crazy gainz/loses.
how do i improve on my pullups? I can do 7-8 medium/close-ish grip pullups, but my gym also has a wide grip pullup bar, and i'd like to be able to do 5-7 of those in a row (it'd be a start).
thing is, i can't do a single one. there's a weight rack for it, but i've been stuck on 80 lbs of assist and can't seem to move forward (doing sets of 6, like 2-3 sets)
what do i do? should i keep on doing pullups on the wide grip with assist? should i do lat pulldown instead with more weight?
how do i improve on my pullups? I can do 7-8 medium/close-ish grip pullups, but my gym also has a wide grip pullup bar, and i'd like to be able to do 5-7 of those in a row (it'd be a start).
thing is, i can't do a single one. there's a weight rack for it, but i've been stuck on 80 lbs of assist and can't seem to move forward (doing sets of 6, like 2-3 sets)
what do i do? should i keep on doing pullups on the wide grip with assist? should i do lat pulldown instead with more weight?

What helped me was just getting stronger overall. Do a lot of heavy rows like bent over rows and pendlay rows and your back will get stronger. Also just try and do as many pull ups as you can every time you do back workouts.
Ive started to incorporate deadlifts in my routine for two months now, has anyone ever experienced lower back stiffness after doing it? my lower back is always so sore after..
Ive started to incorporate deadlifts in my routine for two months now, has anyone ever experienced lower back stiffness after doing it? my lower back is always so sore after..:\

started with the same problem a few months ago, it means your form is a bit off. Position your ankles closer to the bar when you start and push through your heels. If you stand too far from the bar, you're putting more pressure on your front feet and thus, your lower back.
Just started realizing what this cross-fit thing is...its pretty cool. but are all the gyms expensive?
There's nothing stopping you from just doing the workout of the day on your own for time. Obviously you don't get the same team aspect.

I finally had a good bench day today. Got 4 reps at 270 on my 3+ day. Did Paul Carter's 350 method for assistance. Got 23, 16, 11 reps at 135# on the incline.

what is that exactly? and is it better to start low and increase weight with each set or start high and decrease reps and weight like you did on the incline?
started with the same problem a few months ago, it means your form is a bit off. Position your ankles closer to the bar when you start and push through your heels. If you stand too far from the bar, you're putting more pressure on your front feet and thus, your lower back.
Thanks, I'll try that next time I do deadlifts
What kind of sore? Spasm kind of sore? If so, then it's your form, but regardless, your back should be a bit sore and stiff if you're doing deadlifts. Nothing extreme, but it's still there and it's the soreness you feel from any type of muscle group that has been worked.
What kind of sore? Spasm kind of sore? If so, then it's your form, but regardless, your back should be a bit sore and stiff if you're doing deadlifts. Nothing extreme, but it's still there and it's the soreness you feel from any type of muscle group that has been worked.
It just feels tight around the lower back, I figured it was normal so I usually do not do heavy weights as I focus on my form primarily.. It feels pretty stiff too after doing a couple of sets of 8-12 reps.. 
Thought I'd share my food after killing arms.

Crockpot = GODS GIFT

Finished product
Yo, i definitely wanna get a crock pot soon...

Mind sharing your recipe with that chicken? What did you do just set it to bake for a while?

What kinds of other things do you make with it? Thanks in advance
I used this recipe:

Added some red peppers.

I use the crockpot to prepare my proteins..  
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