STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I hit a plateau and my lifts stalled. Decided it was time to reset and switch things up, so today i started the bodybuilding version of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. It's an interesting concept aimed to keep you fresh in the major compound lifts so you can continue to make progress. I've got the e-book, so if y'all have any questions about the program, let me know.
Anyone know any good gyms in Brooklyn? I plan on moving there this summer and I would to move as close to a good gym as possible like I do here on L.I.
Did chest, shoulders & tri's today. Felt good fambs 

Broke a 20 hour fast with a veggie shake (broccoli, green beans, kale & spinach) then 6 whole eggs with 12 strips of bacon then a 3 scoop protein shake with natty peanut butter & almond milk. Feels good to get some good quality food in me & get back in the swing of things. 

I'll eat again in about an hour - hour and a half. Another veggie shake (throw some fruit in there this time, good lord) Chicken, peppers & a half cup of brown rice. Lots of tabasco sauce. A piece of fruit.

Clean/dense calories, complex carbs, healthy fats, quality proteins & simple sugars 
I need a new workout split..

Right now, im doing this.. but I want to put legs on its own day... What do yall recommend?

Monday: Chest/Triceps
Tuesday: Back/Biceps
Wednesday: Shoulders/Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Chest/Triceps
Saturday: Back/Biceps
Sunday: Rest
I need a new workout split..

Right now, im doing this.. but I want to put legs on its own day... What do yall recommend?

Monday: Chest/Triceps
Tuesday: Back/Biceps
Wednesday: Shoulders/Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Chest/Triceps
Saturday: Back/Biceps
Sunday: Rest
I just started this routine today

Monday - Chest, shoulders, tri's

Tuesday - Back, bi's & legs

Wednesday - Cardio

Thursday - Chest, shoulders, tri's

Friday - Back, bi's & legs

Saturday - Cardio

Sunday - Off

Idk if anyone has told you but you can't spot reduce. Doesn't matter if you have a double chin or fatty thighs or a beer belly. Cardio in general will reduce fat across your body. Just hit the treadmill and weight lift and you should be set. Nutrition will help A LOT!
Excuse the dirty mirror. Slowly trying to get to 160 in the next few months. 170 would be cool but I wanna maintain some leanness.

5'8" 150lbs
I'm probably hella late but anybody watch PhysiqueofGreatness aka Chris Jones on youtube channel. Damb that dude is pretty big for his height 5'7 at around 175-200lbs. He doesn't look like too big and stocky for his height at that weight either. That's a good thing for me because I'm just an inch shorter than him. Being somewhere close to his physique would be my ideal goal. Would be probably take years though
hell of a chest workout today. besides folks randomly coming to talk to me, it was a very productive day. lol i have a welcoming disposition and presence i guess, people love to just come up to me and shoot the breeze. i welcome it before and after my workouts, but when I'm lifting...I'm in a dark place. It's best to gimme space.
very good gym session with my bud today.. we were the only ones there and it feels good 

hit the chest and tris...anyone do chest exercises using a medicine ball?
what do you guys eat to satisfy your sweet craving?

greek yogurt, sure it aint sweet but if your cutting or trying to stay away from sweets it does the job

no sweets or junk food for me for a long time. if i want something "sweet" or some kinda of snack its either peanuts or greek yogurt :lol
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