STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Day 6: 11:45ish workout

nSuns 5/3/1 - Day 6 (Squat/Sumo Deadlift - Light Day):
1. Back Squat: w/u
1x1@ 250, 275, 315, 340, 365, 380, 405; 8x3 @ 230
2. Sumo Deadlift: 6x3 @ 230
3. Pendlay Row 5x3
4. Single-Leg Press 3x10
5. Wide-Grip Pulldowns 3x10
6. Leg Extensions 3x15 ss/
7. Lying Leg Curls 3x12
8. Rope Cable Crunches 3x12
9. Face Pulls 5x10 ss/
10. Seated Calf Raise 1x10, 3x20

Summary: 50 working sets
Time: 2hrs, 17 mins.
Notes: Lower back is smokin like some brisket.:sick:

You went heavy on squat? Or that just your light day?
:lol: man idk why everyone is always trying to re live their imaginary glory days when they find out you lift or whatever.

It’s like they feel like you are challenging them or something when it’s not even the case. I couldn’t give a damn about the nexts mans physical shape. But for some reason everyone sees it as a challenge.

It’s the same deal with my buddy at work. He’s 50 and straight shredded, he’s got like 35 years in the gym...

He was eating Popeyes and someone goes:

“I remember when I could eat like you”

Me and him just had the -_- look on.

Like yeah ok, it has nothing to do with the 10 hours a week he spends in the gym for his whole life. He just got swole on accident and it’s magic he can eat fried chicken and not get fat...
I say it like this, if you can’t do it NOW then you CANT DO IT. Rest don’t matter.
“When I was your age I could dl 500 pounds”

:lol: no you couldn’t I’m 31 and you’re only 20 years older than me and can’t carry a 5 gallon bucket 20 feet...

Someone actually said that to me. Like bro I didn’t just graduate high school. I’d be washed just like you if I didn’t make an effort to stay in shape.

Your 51?
I never understood the hate for working out legs. The push isn't much different for me than anything else. I do hate squats tho. I just don't trust my knees so I don't go TOO crazy on those.

No I’m 31, I’m just talking my co workers in their 50s that act like Their sooooo much older than me and talk to me like I’m still in high school.

Like nah bro it’s your life choices, I don’t get off work go to the bar and fight with my wife.
It is crazy. I train at famous gym in Brooklyn from time to time, and a few of my buddies there are competitive bodybuilders. Great guys, one is a good friend. I hate how their chosen sport treats them. They cajol me, try and get me to train for the stage and such, but their sport is all about the look and not function. I train with them in the winter months when I am strong enough, trying the 315 inclines, 455 squats, ( failed!)but I can’t hang year round on that, especially when it comes time to hoop again. But that sport makes you so insecure, always worried about how you look, instead of what you can actually do. They hate when I hit the bike for 45 mins, or try and run two miles in 13 minutes lol But they are good dudes, I just can’t be worried about water retention, when I can still dunk a basketball l:lol:

My trainer used to be into the body building game heavy.

He got out of it, quit running gear and just training for fun and is learning oly now.

It’s a night a day difference, sure he lost 30 pounds but he wasn’t meant to be that big to begin with. He says he’s so much happier now. I told him I didn’t even like being around him during his prep and he got all taken back and I didn’t mean to make him feel bad but he said it was a reality check.

Nothing wrong with body building but it isn’t healthy.
My trainer used to be into the body building game heavy.

He got out of it, quit running gear and just training for fun and is learning oly now.

It’s a night a day difference, sure he lost 30 pounds but he wasn’t meant to be that big to begin with. He says he’s so much happier now. I told him I didn’t even like being around him during his prep and he got all taken back and I didn’t mean to make him feel bad but he said it was a reality check.

Nothing wrong with body building but it isn’t healthy.
When I look at the top athletes in every sport, none of them look like bodybuilders of today. They do look similar to the bodybuilders from the fifties and sixties though, before the drugs took over the scene. I think that coming from an athletic perspective, it is all pretty attainable through consistency, proper training form, all of the things that can help you to do things better in your day to day life.
Yeah, ain’t nothing healthy about being 320 pounds. Doesn’t matter if it’s lean or not and it’s damn sure not helping you in your day to day life.
Type of cats can't even wipe their ***

When you that big there's people to do that for you.

I heard they also do laundry...:nerd:
Bro I have a co-worker that says how he used to do this that and a third. Black belt karate, played ball etc. Dude even told me although he hasn't worked out in years his legs still look just as good as bodybuilders

Mans 32 with a bad back. I'm looking at him like ya ok man :lol:
:lol: I think I was this delusional when I fell off too.
Started training ohp again. A long ways from where is used to be but whatever

125 5x5
135 2x2

Bunch of Arnold and lat raise super sets, rear delt pec dec super set with band pull aparts 2 sec hold to fail and Cuban rotations and other therapeutic stuff.
What programs are the NT fam running nowadays?

Currently on week 6 of Korte 3x3 after running 5/3/1 like 5 times. Kinda wanna switch it up but still focused on 1 rep max pulls.
man good stuff guys!

i weighed in at 197.7 today

i started my cut on Jan 3rd at 210 exactly.

my goal is 180 by 6/21

the best part is getting compliments from the gym regulars vs regular folks bc the gym people know the work that goes into it.

i hope everyone continues to kill their identified goals
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