STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

traveled 45 mins to the other planet fitness yesterday because mine was closed in the morning. A ****in world of difference. everyone was putting in work. ladies looked better. dudes were bigger and stronger. vertical smith machines. there other equipment was a bit outdated. but man what a ******* breath of fresh air to workout in an environment where people working hard and have correct form again.

keto going strong. my trainer offered to let me have a cheat day or go another week without one.
i chose to keep going. other than morning time. im good with no carbs honestly. i may regret it come Wednesday but my pure Will is strong.

someone mentioned its mental of working out fasted to not. I think thats true. if you have carbs in your regular diet. your body still pulls from that atg and glycogen reserves. doing no carb that isnt true.
me personally ill def still do fasted cardio.
but while im on this keto im not doing fasted weights again. (maybe ever) my body personally works better with food in the system
Peloton question: can someone link me to an all-in-one toe cage that supports both a spin shoe & regular sneaker; one that is compatible without having to detach the cage each ride.
traveled 45 mins to the other planet fitness yesterday because mine was closed in the morning. A ****in world of difference. everyone was putting in work. ladies looked better. dudes were bigger and stronger. vertical smith machines. there other equipment was a bit outdated. but man what a ****ing breath of fresh air to workout in an environment where people working hard and have correct form again.
Reading your post had to Google "vertical smith machines". I just called them smith machines all these years, are there horizontal smith machines?
for those who do or have done keto. how often do you refeed with carbs. im on day 9 straight. im good hunger wise. I did notice yesterday i had a pretty bad energy fall off after like 11 am. I was very lethargic. kinda cranky.
Since I just started Keto I opted to go the full 2 weeks with no refeed just to get my body in ketosis for sure. lol regretting that now.
for those who do or have done keto. how often do you refeed with carbs. im on day 9 straight. im good hunger wise. I did notice yesterday i had a pretty bad energy fall off after like 11 am. I was very lethargic. kinda cranky.
Since I just started Keto I opted to go the full 2 weeks with no refeed just to get my body in ketosis for sure. lol regretting that now.
3 weeks on to start and carb load on that third Sunday. Every two weeks after that. I still ate at maintenance even on the carb refeed days though.
3 weeks on to start and carb load on that third Sunday. Every two weeks after that. I still ate at maintenance even on the carb refeed days though.
3 weeks!!!!!! shiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd.
I could do it, im not hungry from this, but I'm also not trying to drop 10lbs.
I can already tell though my body is changing from this.
how many carb refeed days, just 1 day or 2?
3 weeks!!!!!! shiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd.
I could do it, im not hungry from this, but I'm also not trying to drop 10lbs.
I can already tell though my body is changing from this.
how many carb refeed days, just 1 day or 2?
Just one day.
I didn't think the "keto flu" was as bad as some people say. That might be what you're experiencing now when you said you felt lethargic. If it is, you will be good in a day or two (I assume).

Couple tips. I've done keto twice and by "done" I mean maintained a "keto lifestyle" for a stretch of 2-3 months.
My first go at it was good during the diet but I goofed up getting off it. Started it to drop weight and lean up before a vacation to Mexico.
After my vacation I gained everything back and some. No way I'm avoid carbs in Mexico? plus not working out, and booze = erase any hard work done over a month or so. :lol:
Second go around I was way more disciplined and got off keto right once I reached my goal. Keto got me lean and getting off correctly kept me lean. Just put back on some water weight. Downside was my strength decrease was real. Went from 5x5 225 bench to 1RM 225 on the bench.... they say keto shouldn't make your gains decrease much after the initial couple weeks but I haven't cracked that code.

That all being said what is your goal? Cause honestly if it just to drop a couple lbs. then I don't know if keto is the move. If you want to drop some body fat and don't care about the potential strength decrease and could keep it up for a few months then give it a shot. You'll get over the craving for sweets if that's the issue and this is coming from a guy with a sweet tooth.
Just one day.
I didn't think the "keto flu" was as bad as some people say. That might be what you're experiencing now when you said you felt lethargic. If it is, you will be good in a day or two (I assume).

Couple tips. I've done keto twice and by "done" I mean maintained a "keto lifestyle" for a stretch of 2-3 months.
My first go at it was good during the diet but I goofed up getting off it. Started it to drop weight and lean up before a vacation to Mexico.
After my vacation I gained everything back and some. No way I'm avoid carbs in Mexico? plus not working out, and booze = erase any hard work done over a month or so. :lol:
Second go around I was way more disciplined and got off keto right once I reached my goal. Keto got me lean and getting off correctly kept me lean. Just put back on some water weight. Downside was my strength decrease was real. Went from 5x5 225 bench to 1RM 225 on the bench.... they say keto shouldn't make your gains decrease much after the initial couple weeks but I haven't cracked that code.

That all being said what is your goal? Cause honestly if it just to drop a couple lbs. then I don't know if keto is the move. If you want to drop some body fat and don't care about the potential strength decrease and could keep it up for a few months then give it a shot. You'll get over the craving for sweets if that's the issue and this is coming from a guy with a sweet tooth.
I'm not a sweets guy at all. I only like bananas for fruit,
I'm more of a burger/ noodles guy for cheat meals.
A good burger with an egg or some ramen/pho

My goal is to lean up. i've been low carb (under 140-150) for about a year and my body wasn't responding well to it at all. I'm not a dirty eater, Lean meat and rice.
just getting older and metabolism isn't what it use to be. I also don't have the time for cardio I use to have. It use to be easy for me to hit 2 cardio sessions a day for 30-45 mins each.

But even in the 10 days i've been doing keto like i said, im def tightening up and I can see it.

the plan is to do this for about 2 months (5 more weeks.) then ease back in to carbs. see how my body responds.
Homework/Discovery very good. Alive 2007 was very good. Their live show in 2007 was great. Made sure One More Time was played at my wedding...their old stuff will never get old.

HAA and RAM were hot doo doo, with HAA being a literal troll album. Tron was OK.

But regardless, I have no idea why they are so damned deified. Like they have some mystical aura about them. They were good French house producers. They had two tours, and corny movies.
Lol this **** so true and funny. Lot of hurt feelings at the club.

Ppl hate seeing a dude that's fit. I forgot who said it here but society loves to see a dude with muscle fail a physical activity or sport which is so true.

There's been countless of times when I had to do some physical activity like move heavy **** and ppl just assume bc I go to the gym I'm like supserman or something :stoneface: and when I struggle they always hit you with the "you go to the gym and you can't even do that!?"... And by "that" they want me to carry 3 sheets of 4x6 plywood alone. I don't think most ppl.understand how gravity and leverages work.
Still have no idea what those NCAAs people buy are but they seem like a waste of money like pre workout

BCAAs are unnecessary for the vast majority of "normal" gym goers but are definitely not a waste of money IMO. Peer-reviewed studies show they can be beneficial for certain things.

Of all the supplements for sale, preworkout is prolly the only one where you can feel an immediate effect and tell that it's working. Caffeine has been clinically shown to acutely increase strength levels as well. And no, coffee does not do the same thing (although it does provide caffeine).
Whenever I detail my workout times on here I usually get the
reaction, but it's easy to do when you have food in your stomach, an intraworkout with BCAAs keeping me sated, and a boost of energy from the preworkout.

Fasted, no supplements, no carbs, one meal a day folks wouldn't understand. By the same token I would prolly waste away and die only eating once a day.

As with all things posted in this thread, your results may vary.
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