STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Y’all not tired of talking about fasting yet? It’s been weeks of this.

it’s lightwork tho! a lil banter ain’t hurting anyone and the resulting jokes have been a1 for the most part…honestly i don’t have any issue w/‘fasting’ per se, but as a diet model it is quite unnecessary for most people outside of a short period of time for some specific goal

even short term, it isn’t optimal, probably less so over time as it is probably ‘slowing’ metabolism, making it hard to get in and actually use the necessary macro/micronutrients sufficiently, likely to make one weaker and thus possibly more susceptible to injury, likely also lowers testosterone/messes w/hormone balance if combined w/overtraining & undereating…there just are so many known possible negative knock on effects vs. the supposed benefits

as an adaptable/adaptive organism, sending the ‘right’ signals/stimulus to adapt is the game. the human animal/body did not really evolve to be aesthetic or carry/need all that much muscle and distinct from religious reasons or asceticism, routine fasts are probably an unnecessary restriction

so just on gp alone it’s probably useful to keep offering the counterpoint that fasting is not anything special 😂 and in the context of a having specific fitness goals like building and/or maintaining muscle it actually can be a big detriment
it’s lightwork tho! a lil banter ain’t hurting anyone and the resulting jokes have been a1 for the most part…honestly i don’t have any issue w/‘fasting’ per se, but as a diet model it is quite unnecessary for most people outside of a short period of time for some specific goal

even short term, it isn’t optimal, probably less so over time as it is probably ‘slowing’ metabolism, making it hard to get in and actually use the necessary macro/micronutrients sufficiently, likely to make one weaker and thus possibly more susceptible to injury, likely also lowers testosterone/messes w/hormone balance if combined w/overtraining & undereating…there just are so many known possible negative knock on effects vs. the supposed benefits

as an adaptable/adaptive organism, sending the ‘right’ signals/stimulus to adapt is the game. the human animal/body did not really evolve to be aesthetic or carry/need all that much muscle and distinct from religious reasons or asceticism, routine fasts are probably an unnecessary restriction

so just on gp alone it’s probably useful to keep offering the counterpoint that fasting is not anything special 😂 and in the context of a having specific fitness goals like building and/or maintaining muscle it actually can be a big detriment

Ive gone on record as saying the reasons I fast go beyond fitness and weight loss. There are other cognitive, metabolic, and overall health benefits.

Lift day, mid 20 hour fast should be fun. Doing back and biceps.....and "light" cardio.
Dudes in here doing 50 reps a set, not eating food for fun, tryna build muscle or lean out by going on hunger strikes are just proving that they need Tank Top Master Tank Top Master .
“Hunger strikes” is WILD :lol:

I think my weight is normalizing because it has been healthily ticking up a little. I have been getting hungry AF these past few days (and eating to squash said hunger because there are no strikes over here). Might be finding the right “ideal”
Im hungry and light headed at the gym. Gotta stay strong for the ghost of Mandela. :lol:

And stay away from that damn food thread. :smh:

Maybe because you cook or it might depend on when you browse on NT but the food thread isn’t a distraction to me. Seeing delicious food from across the country or another part of the world that I don’t have immediate access to doesn’t really get my appetite going.
Maybe because you cook or it might depend on when you browse on NT but the food thread isn’t a distraction to me. Seeing delicious food from across the country or another part of the world that I don’t have immediate access to doesn’t really get my appetite going.

The only reason I ever break my fast is because of my wife. She will cook or bring snacks and try to feed me and I give in sometimes. :smh:

I optimally try to time is around when shes at work and while shes asleep.
work out, eat all day and have cookies


It's only Hump Day and I've already had all sorts of ish this week.

Will prolly close out the work week with 5G again (two dbl chee-burgers with the large cajun fries) to restore the chakra spent traveling.
worked late last night & was planning on working from home so skipped my usual early morning session, thought i was going to just skip today because i wasn’t trying to go jym in the peak period…but ended up going anyways…even tho it was PACKED it wasn’t too bad, whole different crowd from the morning crew tho

failed 255 on bench press trying to really control the weight but was able to run it back bouncing the weight up 😮‍💨, once a squat rack was free worked up to 405 squat single going from 315 when i usually hit a weight in between but just sent it, i was trying to get out of there 😂
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