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why the animosity towards crossfit? promotes being active and healthy and it's fun..
Cuz its snap city
only way to get a sure fire win is to get some big people to lose big weight. too bad you didnt know a head of time. the trick that a lot of exercise videos do if they pay extremely fit and athletic people to get fat for before pix, then let them go back to their regular regimen to get all cut up and whatnot. it's wild grimey, but people buy into it all the time. it's genius really.
only way to get a sure fire win is to get some big people to lose big weight. too bad you didnt know a head of time. the trick that a lot of exercise videos do if they pay extremely fit and athletic people to get fat for before pix, then let them go back to their regular regimen to get all cut up and whatnot. it's wild grimey, but people buy into it all the time. it's genius really.
plus a small bike ride :nerd:

right, emphasis on this.
man i hope i never get to that point

it is annoying, but im cool unless they try to spark convo real quick

i got to admit though, if dude is on soft, i dont trip

one time there was a dude on hard, very uncomfortable situation for everyone, fortunately one of the old heads was vocal, thats like one of the few times i was happy someone spoke for me

So much wrong in this post.
:lol: why the animosity towards crossfit? promotes being active and healthy and it's fun..

i dont care for it but if its gets people up and doing something then im all for it.

i dont understand the hate but meh, who cares. If you like it then do it
:lol: why the animosity towards crossfit? promotes being active and healthy and it's fun..

Crossfit is very controversial. I like various aspects of it: the movement based approach(instead of fitness-based), variety of training, performance-orientation, and community. But in my opinion, there are much better ways to approach the goal of "elite fitness". A multi-specialization approach in gymnastics, olympic weightlifting, and track & field will yield superior results to crossfit in terms of fitness AND movement abilities.

There are good crossfit gyms and bad ones as well. The low barrier for entry to start a 'crossfit box' is giving it a bad name. Weekend certifications, promotion of bad form for countless reps in timed workouts, improper periodization, and various other problems plague many crossfit gyms. There are some facilities using a much better approach, that witness few injuries, see better results, and actually understand the training process. In my opinion, crossfit is doing good by introducing most people to a movement-based approach, but it still has a lot of room to improve.
Can't tell if your being sarcastic or not. But I found it interesting. 
I wasn't. It's awesome.

I never know what to make of people's pictures. I know I look like a monster when I'm working out, but can look terrible if I haven't taken my morning dump.
A shoulder injury would have been great after he just spiked the bar down lol
Come on guy - don't wish injury on the man. Froning's a beast though. Crossfitters need to realize that the reason he can snatch 300 (no chief keef) is because he trains olympic lifts. I hate when crossfitters act like the elite crossfitters solely train WODs.

Golds gym is having there biggest loser contest starts April 6th & ends May 18th. 6 weeks of going balls to the wall with diet & training. I have about 3 more weeks of bulking up then hitting it hard body. I'll be good for a solid 25 pound weight loss. Maybe 30. Intermittent fasting life. 20, 24 & 36 hour fasts strictly.

Teams of 5. Minimum of 2 girls. Whatever team loses the most combined weight wins $5,000 cash :pimp:  >D

I already have 1 friend on my squad, need 3 more. 

I got this ishhh down to a f'n science. Gonna try & find 3 more who are serious & about this life. Easier said that done though. Money talks though. 

1st. Place - $5,000
2nd. Place - 3 months of free membership
3rd. Place - $25 gift card 
Dude - get bloated as **** for the weigh-in. Creatine and sodium all over the place and gluten brah. You gotta bulk hard between now and April 6th if you really wanna win. Split the winnings with me and I'd be happy to offer non-scientific "expert" guidance.

CrossFit definitely seems like a fad to me.

More power to the people who do it and get results etc, but I just dont see it's popularity lasting.
Not sure I agree. Not sure it's going to grow per se, but I do think metabolic conditioning style workouts whether they're called "Crossfit" or something else are here to stay.

:lol: why the animosity towards crossfit? promotes being active and healthy and it's fun..
I agree with this. I think the main issue people have is a lot of the crossfitters you encounter get this cocky, my workout is better than yours chip on their shoulder. The fact of the matter is most people get that regardless of their preferred workout. There are plenty of guys who get all righteous about powerlifting or about bodybuilding.
I have trouble really hating on crossfit though because fact of the matter is it turns a lot of 6s into 8s.
I wasn't. It's awesome.

I never know what to make of people's pictures. I know I look like a monster when I'm working out, but can look terrible if I haven't taken my morning dump.
Yeah pictures can play tricks on the eye very easy. It's crazy how a tan, some oil and good lighting can do wonders 

I did a recomp this past week and upped my carbs, stepped back on the scale and had gained 10lbs 
 Mostly water but I got to break this plateau. 
My dude. I walked in today,

1 dude was on the scale naked.
1 dude was washing his hands naked.
1 dude was using the hand dryer naked.
1 dude was flexing in the mirror naked.

I was putting **** in the locker and look to my right and dude is straight up naked! I let it be known I was pissed though.

People have no shame.


Were you mirin brah?
dude, weigh in with lead weights in your pants. on the last day, do a super dehydrate (hot bathtub with epsom salts, sauna, bike with plastic bag, only "taste" ice chips.
how many of you guys keep log books?? i feel like its something i should be doing, but never felt like carrying a pen and paper around the gym.

some people swear by it 
I log my lift routine in an Excel spreadsheet (exercise, weight used, reps, sets). I log my jogging times as well.
how many of you guys keep log books?? i feel like its something i should be doing, but never felt like carrying a pen and paper around the gym.

some people swear by it 

I mean - some people prefer writing stuff down but with all the awesome stuff on smartphones - why not just use that? It takes a minute to track. You can get back home and punch it in an excel sheet or something. I would use it just so I would remember what weight to start at for each exercise :lol:
3 months 4-5 days a week, no injury yet...

::kanye shrug::

Been doing it for years with no problems. Usually it's people who jump into it thinking its cake, or people who want to throw up too much weight that get hurt. Yeah there are cases of injury, but you can say that about everything
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Those 1.5x, 2x, and 2.5x numbers are incredibly arbitrary. :lol: No one should judge themselves based upon those figures.

There are "strength standards" that are commonly reported, but even those are based upon equations and dont take into account individual differences.

The fact that it goes up in .5 increments should be a glaringly obvious indication that some random guy made those numbers up. :lol:

co-sign. those numbers are simply generalities and should be used just as a guide. tends to favor shorter guys as well.
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