I got to admit the one negative about getting in shape is that you are left with a closet full of unwearable clothes. Feels good and bad at the same time.
man aint this the truth.
nt bro's, after not going to the gym for a little over 6 years i finally got back into a routine. I had been talking about it for a while and i was getting pretty disgusted with myself. i was skinny fat. man boobs, gut, the whole thing. clothing hid it pretty well but i was a fraud at the beach or at pool party's and honestly was tired of leaving my wife beater on while i was having sex
a few months back i caught a groupon for 90 days at golds gym for like 50 bucks or something like that, thought it was a good deal and went for it. I got a little boy i take to school in the morning so i got into the routine of going after dropping him off in the morning. First month was really just getting back into it, i was really out of shape after not training for so long. The next month started getting some strength and stamina back, but i was still eating like i had been eating and my jimmies were getting rustled due to the lack of the results even tho i was going pretty much m-f like clockwork.
about 45 days ago i started to take the nutrition part serious and ive been eating pretty clean and lean. I could be better im sure but its leaps and bounds better then it was.
I was about 178 lbs at 5 '11 when i started my membership, but my weight was distributed terribly and i looked really bad. Today I'm 163 lbs, none of my pants fit anymore
but most importantly i feel an absolute ton better. Im pretty skinny and eventually ill bulk up but right now im just hype i can walk around at the beach with my shirt off again.
unfortunately my 90 'ship ended yesterday. they offered me a a year at like 500 and said i could spilt it in half. i like the gym and know a few people that go there and in a short time feel like its kinda of a home away from home but today i went and took the ultimate plunge in an attempt to save a buck. I signed up today at a Planet Fitness for 10 bucks.
They been running these commercials on the radio and i bit, its pretty corny in there, i aint gonna lie. Its nothing like the gym ive been attending thats for sure but for a 10 dollar sign up, only 10 a month (pymnt not due till june 17) with no contract it sounded a lot better then 500 haha.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but im gonna try and start posting in here and see if i can pick up some tips from yall.