I'm bout that free meat is good meat life nomsayin but I feel you on that.
Mixed. I had a deadlift day when I was doing 5/3/1. I threw in some oly lifts, box jumps, and trap work, but the main focus was deads. Worked pretty well, but it was very taxing. Nowadays my program calls for a sole triple for the DL each week (aside from warmups) which is done at the end of the intensity day after a 5 of bench and a 5 of squat at nearly 5 rep max weights. Basically, high intensity deadlifts are very taxing, so doing only them on a day makes sense. The problem is, if you dedicate a day solely to deadlifts, the temptation is to bang out sets of them thus potentially resulting in overtraining. So, if you dedicate a sole day to em and keep the work sets low 1-3, then I think it's a good idea. If you get overly ambitious though and bang out hella deadlift sets because you don't wanna leave the weightroom after 20 minutes, probably not the best idea.