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Unless ur a power lifter going at extremely heavy full maximal loads then I wouldn't dedicate one day for a specific lift.

I currently don't do deadlifts I do a MWF split back/chest and shoulder/bi and end each workout with leg press and calf raises. I was thinking about using Saturday as a deadlift day before or after I do cardio for 30 min.
lol Luckily, we were at home and I have meals prepped to eat. I hate being put in situations where I'm around "bad" foods and my only two options are to cheat or starve haha

Tailgating before Texans' games is an absolute death trap with the hot dogs, burgers, chips and cheese, and alcohol lol Gotta make sure I have a big breakfast beforehand and bring some healthy snacks to eat during the game and on the way home.

Being about that life is all about planning and being prepared for what your day entails.  
I'm bout that free meat is good meat life nomsayin but I feel you on that.

What are you guys thoughts on dedicating one day just to deadlifts?
Mixed. I had a deadlift day when I was doing 5/3/1. I threw in some oly lifts, box jumps, and trap work, but the main focus was deads. Worked pretty well, but it was very taxing. Nowadays my program calls for a sole triple for the DL each week (aside from warmups) which is done at the end of the intensity day after a 5 of bench and a 5 of squat at nearly 5 rep max weights. Basically, high intensity deadlifts are very taxing, so doing only them on a day makes sense. The problem is, if you dedicate a day solely to deadlifts, the temptation is to bang out sets of them thus potentially resulting in overtraining. So, if you dedicate a sole day to em and keep the work sets low 1-3, then I think it's a good idea. If you get overly ambitious though and bang out hella deadlift sets because you don't wanna leave the weightroom after 20 minutes, probably not the best idea.
I'm bout that free meat is good meat life nomsayin but I feel you on that.
Mixed. I had a deadlift day when I was doing 5/3/1. I threw in some oly lifts, box jumps, and trap work, but the main focus was deads. Worked pretty well, but it was very taxing. Nowadays my program calls for a sole triple for the DL each week (aside from warmups) which is done at the end of the intensity day after a 5 of bench and a 5 of squat at nearly 5 rep max weights. Basically, high intensity deadlifts are very taxing, so doing only them on a day makes sense. The problem is, if you dedicate a day solely to deadlifts, the temptation is to bang out sets of them thus potentially resulting in overtraining. So, if you dedicate a sole day to em and keep the work sets low 1-3, then I think it's a good idea. If you get overly ambitious though and bang out hella deadlift sets because you don't wanna leave the weightroom after 20 minutes, probably not the best idea.

I was just gonna do 3x5 then bounce after doing cardio.
I was just gonna do 3x5 then bounce after doing cardio.
Not a bad idea. Assuming you're getting your rest days in brah.

If anyone wants a sick way of cooking steaks (probably not considering the current proliferation of the summer cutting crew), marinate it in beer, salt, pepper, garlic. Tastes great and it's guaranteed to spike your test levels.
Not a bad idea. Assuming you're getting your rest days in brah.

If anyone wants a sick way of cooking steaks (probably not considering the current proliferation of the summer cutting crew), marinate it in beer, salt, pepper, garlic. Tastes great and it's guaranteed to spike your test levels.

Sunday I don't do anything tue and thur are technically my rest days too but I do 30 min cardio. Saturday was a cardio only/do nothing day
I currently don't do deadlifts I do a MWF split back/chest and shoulder/bi and end each workout with leg press and calf raises. I was thinking about using Saturday as a deadlift day before or after I do cardio for 30 min.
Do you squat? 

Besides arm day, I base each workout around a compound lift and then do accessory/bodybuilding style training afterwards. Seen good strength gains a long with progress in the mirror. Just need to lose some belly and love handles.
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Do you squat? 

Besides arm day, I base each workout around a compound lift and then do accessory/bodybuilding style training afterwards. Seen good strength gains a long with progress in the mirror. Just need to lose some belly and love handles.

Yea I subbed leg press for squats since my gym didn't have anywhere to squat besides a smith machine, but since I joined LA fitness today I may need to revamp my entire workout.
Yea I subbed leg press for squats since my gym didn't have anywhere to squat besides a smith machine, but since I joined LA fitness today I may need to revamp my entire workout.
I would, Ive seen the majority of my strength go up since I started to squat heavier.
So how did you deadlift then? They had bars on benches or something?

If you are talking about my old gym, yes I took the bench bar. I stopped doing deadlifts because I stalled out on like 265.

I'm thinking about changing my whole routine up, but I don't know, was thinking having a dedicated leg day or doing my leg press/squats 3 times per week like I do now.
I think unread inhere that folks are drinking chocolate milk post workout? Think I'm gonna start doing that tomorrow. Tryna get my Skylar Diggins on :lol:
Crappy gym day. No kind of ventilation or A/C to speak of. Got it done but just felt drained as hell. If they're going to be cheap bastards I'd be better off taking my training outdoors.
only had this stuff in the fridge

Used a tablespoon
If you are talking about my old gym, yes I took the bench bar. I stopped doing deadlifts because I stalled out on like 265.

I'm thinking about changing my whole routine up, but I don't know, was thinking having a dedicated leg day or doing my leg press/squats 3 times per week like I do now.
I'd say now that you have access to real equipment, restart a linear progression program and see what progress you can make just working hard with the barbell. A bodybuilding split while you're cutting probably isn't the most productive use of your time.

I used light mayo for my tuna.
Two grocest foods in America, SRS.

If you want a healthier alternative to MAyo, paleo brahs whip up some kind of mayo out of olive oil and/or bacon fat
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Since Dwight is officially coming to Houston, I'm doing some resistance band shoulder presses to celebrate.

Just came back from a quick workout, worked my way up to 3x2 438(gym uses kilo plates) back squat and 3x3 deads at 405. This was my first time my traps are real sore from deads, they are burning.
week and a half without lifting or anything :smh:

so excited for monday but dreading it at the same time. gonna go hard as hell
Pull day tomorrow :smokin

Went low intensity cardio after the gym, gonna do it beforehand manana

Dodgers gonna win, great night
I'm bout that free meat is good meat life nomsayin but I feel you on that.
Mixed. I had a deadlift day when I was doing 5/3/1. I threw in some oly lifts, box jumps, and trap work, but the main focus was deads. Worked pretty well, but it was very taxing. Nowadays my program calls for a sole triple for the DL each week (aside from warmups) which is done at the end of the intensity day after a 5 of bench and a 5 of squat at nearly 5 rep max weights. Basically, high intensity deadlifts are very taxing, so doing only them on a day makes sense. The problem is, if you dedicate a day solely to deadlifts, the temptation is to bang out sets of them thus potentially resulting in overtraining. So, if you dedicate a sole day to em and keep the work sets low 1-3, then I think it's a good idea. If you get overly ambitious though and bang out hella deadlift sets because you don't wanna leave the weightroom after 20 minutes, probably not the best idea.
I really dont believe in "overtraining."

Working arms 6 days a week, yeah thats overtraining. But banging out 5-6 sets of deadlifts? Hell to the no. Its a lot harder to actually "overtrain" your muscles. If you think youre overtraining, youre probably not.
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